From: "David Guyatt" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

Tony, Did you ever read Brian Crozier's book "Free Agent?"  I have never met
or spoken with him but just by reading his book he also seems to be a
simpering and pompous s.o.b.

His connections with Antoine Pinay and Jean Violet stem, I think, from his
membership to "Le Cercle" (also known as the "Pinay Cercle") which was
funded by the CIA.  Interestingly, this group, according to Robert
Hutchison's "Thy Kingdom Come," was part of the Opus Dei network.  This is
fascinating because the late M.P. (and former government minister) Alan
Clark in his "Diaries" reveals that he attended a Le Cercle conference held
at Muscat, Oman and attended by the Ruler, Sheik Qaboos - who clearly is not
a Christain.  Clark attended the conference along with Jonathan Aitken (the
disgraced Tory Minister) who Clark stated "...knew absolutely everybody in
the world [and] amusingly and indiscretely guided me through it [the
attendance list].  This included General Norman Schwarzkopf and  Julian
Amery (later Lord) son of  L S Amery, a Rhodes Trustee.  At other times,
invited speakers were Kissinger, Hans-Josep Strauss, Brzezinski, David
Rockerfeller and Giulio Andreotti.

Both Crozier and Amery were, at one time, Chairman of Le Cercle.  Crozier
also ran an intelligence outfit called simply the "61" that is said to have
represented the number of those who supported and financed it.  These
included the fascist financial manipulator, Sir James Goldsmith and other
billionaires and millionaires and I think Rupert Murdoch (tho' I am not
certain of the last).  The Cercle has, in the past, also included support
from Alexander de Marenches, formerly head of SDECE and Sir Arthur "Dickie"

Crozier describes the "61" as a "Secret Operational Organisation," so it is
clear that, although private in character, it was a military arm and engaged
in covert operations and its remit was global.

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