
Today I watched a copy of the Executive Summary video presentation by Dr
Steven Greer, on the UFO Project Disclosure.

Amongst the many, many military and intelligence personnel, was a
scientist who worked extensively with Werner von Braun, the famous rocket

In the 1970s, von Braun kept warning this co-worker, that the people who
are able to keep UFOs and the spin-off technology secret have an agenda,
as follows:

Their goal is a space-based weapons system.  To justify the existence of
this system, a long-term agenda was laid out as follows.

First, they will use the Russian as a threat to justify the need for a
space-based weapons system.

Then, they will use terrorism and a rogue-nation, as a threat to justify
the need for a space-based weapons system.

Then, they will use the danger of asteroids as a threat to justify the
need for a space-based weapons system.

Finally, they will use an alien threat as a threat to justify the need
for a space-based weapons system.

Werner told his co-worker that all this would come to pass, and in the
later days, it would happen very fast.  He stressed that all the
scenarios being put forward were total lies.

I mention this as the 'terrorism/rogue-nation' scenario has just been

Given the extensive research available on satellite based mind-control,
weather control, surveillance, eavesdropping technology, - I would say
this is a believable scenario.

In a very short period of time, while we are all squabbling about who is
to blame, we may end up living in a totalitarian society, where our very
thoughts are detected and read, and appropriate punishment is meted out -
all from a satellite-based weapons system.

They have the technology, they have the power, they only lack the final
stages of implementing this space-based weapons system.

I know you are all going to think I am nuts, but heck, Werner von Braun
warned of this very same scenario, and I scoffed too.  Just tuck it away
at the back of your minds, and keep half an eye peeled for any info on
what they are putting up there.



Duncan M. Roads
Editor, NEXUS Magazine
PO Box 30, Mapleton Qld 4560 Australia
Tel: +61 (0)7 5442 9280;   Fax:  +61 (0)7 5442 9381

"The nature of the universe is such that ends can never justify the means.
On the contrary, the means always determine the end."
(Aldous Huxley)

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