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Awareness Leading to Solutions


Global News Net is a forum whose mission is to present diverse information, commentary and analysis for the purpose of promoting solution-oriented awareness and introspection leading to informed choices.


October 14, 2002


Editor’s Note: The following is from “Jewish Peace News” posted on October 13, 2002




 [This sharply critical report on settler violence appeared today in Glasgow's Sunday Herald.  It discusses a group of 400 armed, Israeli extremists in Hebron who are stealing Palestinian homes, locking out the owners, and systematically destroying and replacing their property. The settlers intend to take over the city and sabotage any peace plan that

requires them to leave (which is to say any peace plan worthy of the name). 


Under the indulgent watch of 2500 Israeli soldiers, they have formed five settlement blocks in the old part of town and are destroying ancient Palestinian artifacts and throwing urine down into the city marketplace.


These actions have been repeatedly legitimized by the Israeli government which recognizes the settlers' property claims and refuses to check their violence. This flies in the face of any Israeli government claim to desire peaceful coexistence with Palestinians.  As an international monitor from the Christian Peacemaker team in Hebron says, "People ask us, 'Why don't you try and do reconciliation work?' But the settlers don't want reconciliation. Their presence here is a hostile act, a very hostile takeover."


For more information about settler violence from the Israeli peace group, B'Tselem, see: http://www.btselem.org/-- JN]


Bloody takeover vandalises holiest city Jessica McCallin

Sunday Herald

Sunday 13th October 2002


Brandishing machine-guns Israeli settlers are invading Hebron, locking Palestinians out of their homes and city amid riots of retaliation.



When the Sharawi family left their house in September they only intended to be away for a few weeks. They planned to stay in a village near their farmland for the harvest season before returning to their home in Hebron in October. Now they are homeless. Last week their house, as well as their neighbour's, was taken over by Israeli settlers. The locks have been changed, the doors bolted, and a refurbishment job is under way.


It's a common occurrence in Hebron, a city in the southern West Bank, where 400 armed, extremist settlers have moved into the centre of town, establishing five tiny settlement blocks amid the 100,000 Palestinians residents with the aim of taking over the city. The Sharawi family, along with the other 30,000 Palestinians living in the old part of town -- the

900-year-old Kasbah where the settlements are located -- are the worst off.


In late July, two houses belonging to the Sharabati family, which adjoin the Avraham Avinu settlement, were targeted. One 21-room house belonging to Izzedine Sharabati, which doubled as a museum of Palestinian art and folklore, was completely vandalised by settlers within three days. Every single object and piece of furniture -- including a library containing 1000-year-old books -- was destroyed. The settlers went so far as to rip

every limb off the children's dolls.


Izzedine, however, is comparatively lucky. He is still able to get into the house he was born in, and plans to repair it and stay there. His brother, whose house, right next door, was also vandalised, is locked out. When he tried to re-enter, settlers brandishing machine-guns appeared within minutes. His house, like the Sharawi family house last week, has been annexed to the settlement.


'It's like the Ku Klux Klan moving into an African-American city,' says Mark Frey from the Christian Peacemaker team, a group of eight volunteers who live in and patrol the area, monitoring, reporting and, if possible, intervening to calm situations. 'People ask us, 'Why don't you try and do reconciliation work?' But the settlers don't want reconciliation. Their

presence here is a hostile act, a very hostile takeover.


One of the settlements is literally built on top of the Arab market. The ground floor is market stalls; the first, second, third and fourth, a settlement. The settlers used to throw rubbish on to the Palestinians shopping in the street below. They put up wire meshing for protection, so the settlers started dropping bottles of urine instead.


Some 2500 Israeli soldiers are stationed in the old city, ostensibly to keep some kind of order. Watchtowers have been positioned on the roofs of Palestinian homes, guns bearing down, and miniature checkpoints are dotted throughout the winding, cobbled streets in an attempt to keep Arabs and Jews apart.


In practice, the soldiers' orders, official and unofficial, are to not interfere with, or arrest, settlers, so they often impose 24-hour curfews on the Palestinians and turn a blind eye when the settlers ransack homes and businesses, and assault Palestinians. B'Tselem, the Israeli Centre for Human Rights in the Occupied Territories, calls it 'an undeclared policy of leniency and compromise toward Israeli civilians who harm Palestinians.'


Occasionally, settlers are attacked, usually stabbed, by Palestinians, either inside the old city or while driving on the Israli-only bypass roads that lead to it. The settlers always retaliate. Four Hebron settlers were killed in a road ambush in July and their funeral procession turned into a riot .


A 14-year-old Palestinian girl was shot dead on her balcony. A six-year-old boy was stabbed in his back. An American-Jewish photographer, documenting the parade, was beaten and his cameras were smashed. When Israeli police intervened, they were attacked. The violence was so severe that Colonel Moshe Givati, an adviser on settlement security for public security minister Uzi Landau, termed the rioting 'a pogrom against the Arabs of Hebron, with no provocation on the Palestinian side.'


The settlers have picked on Hebron because it is where Abraham -- father to both Judaism and Islam -- is buried. They moved soon after the city, along with the rest of the West Bank, was occupied by the Israelis after the six-day war in 1967. Many consider the city to be holier than Jerusalem and have vowed to sabotage any land-for-peace deal that requires them to leave.


The Ibrahimi mosque, built over Abraham's tomb, is like a microcosm of the entire Arab-Israeli conflict. In 1994, Baruck Goldstein, a US-born settler, killed 29 Palestinians praying inside the mosque during the Muslim holy month of Ramadam. When it reopened eight months later, it had been divided in two, a mosque and a synagogue. Now, to get in, you pass through metal detectors and a body search. It doesn't feel like one of the holiest places to two world religions.


The settlers say they are just reclaiming what used to be theirs -- property belonging to Hebron's old Jewish community. Jews sought refuge in Hebron from the Spanish inquisition and lived there peacefully for several hundred years. But the community was attacked during the first Arab uprising against Zionist immigration and British rule in 1929. Sixty-nine Jews were murdered and the remaining 2000 left.


Descendants of the old Jewish community have called publicly for the settlers to be removed, saying they set a dangerous precedent. Palestinian refugees are not allowed to go back to their homes inside what is now Israel, they say, so why should Israelis be allowed to claim property outside of Israel which used to belong to them?


Their calls seem to be falling on deaf ears. In April, defence minister Benjamin Ben- Eliezer allowed seven caravans which make up the fifth settlement block to be replaced by permanent structures. The takeover of Hebron is continuing house by house.



Jewish Peace News (JPN) is an edited news-clipping and commentary service provided by A Jewish Voice for Peace.  JPN's editors are Adam Gutride, Amichai Kronfeld, Rela Mazali, Sarah Anne Minkin, Judith Norman, Mitchell Plitnick, Lincoln Shlensky, and Alistair Welchman.  The opinions expressed by the editors and presented in the articles sent to this list are solely those of their authors, and do not necessarily reflect the viewpoints of A Jewish Voice for Peace.


A Jewish Voice for Peace (JVP) is a San Francisco Bay Area grassroots organization dedicated to the human, civil and economic rights of Jews, Palestinians, and all peoples in the Middle East.


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