
Here Whitley Strieber tries to make a case for a terrible few horrible people
in the FBI creating a situation where info flow is scrubbed.  I just love how
the middle guys are scapegoated here, as if the corruption doesn't work from
the top down - as if the whole system isn't corrupt.
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Whitley Strieber Asks:
Is the FBI Penetrated?

Is the FBI Penetrated?
by Whitley Strieber


A terrifying and sobering group of news stories has appeared in recent days
that suggest that individuals within the FBI had prior knowledge of 9/11 and
suppressed it, both for personal gain and, in one case, possibly because of
connections to terrorist elements.

This is likely to be the worst single scandal in the history of the US
government. Hopefully, it will encourage Congress and the Administration to
carry out the radical reforms that we need to rehabilitate the dysfunctional
family that the FBI has become, and get rid of an apparently large number of
truly terrible human beings who have infested this essential element of US
government power. Some of these people are merely incompetent. But that
the case with all of them. Some of them are traitors.

I first became aware of the fact that something was wrong on September 13,
a friend who had been staying at the Copley Plaza Hotel in Boston on the
of September 10 and 11 told me that the FBI had cleared the hotel on the
morning of Monday, September 10, at about four AM, and had searched it.
the disaster, of course, they returned to Copley Plaza in search of bomb

The FBI's presence at the hotel on Monday was never reported, and apparently
known only to guests at the hotel. Nevertheless, it means that the FBI
certainly had, and was acting on, some sort of knowledge connected to the
September 11 attack on September 10. At the very least, the FBI agents who
at the Copley Plaza on Monday morning need to be found and called to testify
before the joint panel of Congress that is being convened to investigate

Now, a series of news stories, some of them reported in general news columns
and others in financial news, suggests that elements of the FBI not only
about 9/11 in advance, but that the institution as a whole was prevented
acting on what they knew by silence on the part of some agents and
of the proper flow of information to the organization's leadership by

There were two critical information flows that were interrupted, from
Minneapolis and Phoenix, and there is additional evidence that FBI agents
involved in stock profiteering off the disaster in the weeks before it

There has been a substantial amount of news coverage of the problems with
from Minneapolis and Phoenix, and I will discuss those shortly. Before I
to that issue, however, I would like to address some recent disclosures
stock market manipulations, and some that have gone unnoticed.

On Friday, May 24, a federal prosecutor alleged that a San Diego stock
who is accused of bribing an FBI agent to give him confidential government
information may have had prior knowledge of 9/11. According to assistant
States attorney Kenneth Breen, the adviser, Amr Ibrahim Elgindy, tried to
$300,000 worth of stock on September 10 and told his broker the market was
about to drop. Mr. Eglindy and four other people, including one current and
former FBI agent, were charged on Wednesday with using confidential
information to manipulate stock prices. Mr. Elgindy has recently moved
to a bank in Lebanon. So far, there is no hard evidence that Mr. Elgindy had
prior knowledge of the 9/11 attacks, and, while Mr. Eglindy is active in
causes, there is no evidence linking him to terrorism. However, according to
the Los Angeles Times, his father, Ibrahim Elgindy, led a 1998 protest on
behalf of Muhammed Salah, whose assets were seized after he was linked to
radical Palestinian group Hamas.

After 9/11, there was evidence of profiteering in airline puts and calls
(options to purchase or sell stocks at a fixed price on a later date), but
was eventually discovered to be apparent coincidence. It is not clear,
that evidence of similar activities involving insurance stocks was innocent,
and, if this is being investigated, there is no public knowledge of it.

What has gone little remarked in the press was a dramatic spike in trade
on the Chicago Mercantile Exchange in the days prior to 9/11. (Futures
Magazine, Nov. 2001, Vol. 30, No. 14, p.12) This is where futures on the
and Standard and Poor's stock averages are traded, and would be a prime
of profiteers if anybody had extensive knowledge of 9/11. On September 7,
last trading day before 9/11, (Monday was a holiday) CME trading volume
to its highest point in months, ending a week of exceptionally high volume.
This could have been explained by the fact that Monday was a holiday, but
trading spike is much more dramatic than is usually observed before

This has not been investigated, and it should be. Firms that cleared an
volume of trades on the CME in the week prior to 9/11 need to be questioned
to the origins of those trades. There should be special concentration on the
activities of Solomon Smith Barney, which is active in the CME's futures
markets, and which was also Mr. Elgindy's stock broker.

If manipulation of financial markets for gain preceded 9/11, then somebody
to have prevented the US government from interrupting the attack, and the
way to do this would have been to make certain that responsible officials
became aware of it.

There are two cases presently in the news that suggest that this is exactly
what happened. Chillingly, both of these cases involve the same
counterterrorism supervisor at FBI headquarters in Washington. It is at this
point that the question must be asked: is the FBI penetrated by terrorists?
And, more specifically, is this particular supervisor a terrorist, or are
terrorists working under his supervision and manipulating the flow of
information to him and from him?

The first is the case of the Phoenix memo. Last summer, an FBI agent in
warning about terrorists receiving instruction at area flight schools was
forwarded to him. Erich Lichtblau and Josh Meyer, writing in the Los Angeles
Times on Saturday, May 25, state, "for unknown reasons, the supervisor
apparently never saw this memo, officials said."

It is not acceptable that those reasons remain unknown. The fact that they
still unknown is critical to our national safety, because the same person or
persons who were responsible for 'losing' this memo are still in the exact
jobs they were in before 9/11. To begin with, this supervisor and his entire
staff should be placed on leave and investigated until the precise reason
this lapse is known, understood and dealt with.

But maybe it was all a mistake. Memos get lost, even important memos.

The rest of this story makes it impossible to believe that. A recent letter
from Coleen Rowley, the chief lawyer in the FBI's Minneapolis office, to FBI
Director Robert Mueller alleges that FBI headquarters staff manipulated the
presentation of evidence in a crucial memo sent by Minneapolis agents,
facts critical to their request to get a warrant to search the files of
terrorist Zacharias Moussaoui. Senator Chick Grassley, (R. Iowa), said on
Friday, "this letter documents exactly what headquarters knew and when, and
mid-level officials sabotaged the Moussaoui case before the attacks."

That is one of the most damning statements about government officials made
the history of the United States, and the officials involved must be held
accountable to the public. In fact, the whole operation of the FBI must now
brought under public scrutiny, because if, as appears to be the case, this
organization is either fantastically flawed or monstrously corrupt, it needs
be repaired effectively and fast, before it allows the next 9/11 to happen.

We have just received another spate of vague terrorism warnings. The Statue
Liberty and the Brooklyn Bridge are supposed to be targets. Railroads are
supposed to be targets. We have not captured Osama Bin Laden. Al Quaeda
functions and CIA officials admit that they have been unable to stop the
of money or personnel within the organization. Have they not only been
ineffective, but also actually impeded from within, by traitors at FBI
headquarters? And what of CIA? Do we know for certain that it isn't
as well? Perhaps allegations that CIA officers visited Osama Bin Laden in a
hospital in Dubai last July should be examined more closely by Congress and
Administration. But, at the moment, most of the truly horrific evidence
to traitors within the FBI, and it is the FBI that should come under

We are at war, and that war is being fought inside the United States, as any
the 9/11 survivors will tell you. But where are the real front lines? Are
really in our streets or is that just where the horror unfolds? Is the real
front line, where the terrorists manipulate our system to make certain that
cannot serve in our war, behind the walls of the Hoover Building in

FBI officials, in defending the bureau, have been maintaining for weeks that
the Phoenix and Minneapolis cases were handled by different parts of the
headquarters staff, and that the problem was largely a lack of
However, this is not true.

In fact, Phoenix FBI agent Kenneth Williams sent his memo about terrorists
flight schools (the memo that was supposedly lost) to David Frasca, the head
the FBI's Radical Fundamentalist Unit in Washington on July 10. Frasca was
the key liaison in Washington for the Minnesota FBI field office in its
effort to get permission to search Zacharia Moussaoui's computer. Rowley has
alleged that Frasca rewrote the Minnesota office's warrant applications,
removing crucial intelligence about Moussaoui's terrorist connections, thus
insuring that the legal office to which the requests were sent would reject
them for insufficient evidence.

This does not look like incompetence. It looks like a very competent act,
that was designed to derail the Moussaoui investigation in the crucial
before 9/11. Combined with the claimed loss of the memo from Phoenix, it is
appalling. It suggests that the FBI's Radical Fundamentalist Unit is either
by a traitor or controlled by traitors. If that is not the case, and there
some other explanation for the lapse, then the problem that caused it needs
be corrected immediately, because this country is in immediate danger and
Frasca's office is right out on the front line of our defense.

Mr. Frasca has a great deal to explain, as do the officials who have made
incorrect statements about how the Minneapolis and Phoenix reports were
handled within the FBI. They said that the information was flowing through
different areas of the organization, when in fact the same office, and the
man, were directly and primarily involved in both problems. Officials who
maintained this fiction should be investigated as possible traitors
Certainly they, like Mr. Frasca and his entire staff, should be immediately
relieved of their duties pending a full investigation.

The FBI has been failing America profoundly for many years. We have endured
scandal after scandal, from the FBI crime lab being revealed as a 'black
of incompetence and drunken negligence to the incredible Aldrich Ames
where a murderous spy was able to carry on his evil work under the noses of
superiors for years without detection.

And now it appears that FBI agents and officials not only suppressed
investigations that might have given the honest parts of the agency a chance
thwart 9/11, they may have profited from this knowledge as well.

In my memory, this is by far the most dreadful and terrifying instance of
failure of the US government that I have known about. What is so frightening
about it is that it means that right now, terrorists may be freely planning
more agony for the American people, secure in the knowledge that their
sympathizers within federal enforcement and investigative organizations are
'containing' any investigation that may lead to them.

Apparently, Mr. Frasca is still actively supervising the Radical
Unit. His staff is still in place, and still responsible for what are
the most crucial investigations the FBI is now conducting.

It's no wonder that our government's terrorism warnings are always so vague.

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