**Columbine Update**

New Columbine Witness--
Two groups of gunmen involved
Mask worn by at least one member of one group
Fed law enforcement allowed people to leave school property UNCHECKED

Copyright 1999 NewsHawk Inc.
(Rights of unaltered reproduction/distribution waived)

NewsHawk has focused often on the general subject of mass shooting
incidents; and in particular, has published some of the most thorough
investigative analyses currently available on the Columbine High School massacre.

Due to information obtained from first-hand eyewitnesses by means of
personal interviews and other communications, as well as reams of other
information, evidence and testimony from a truly broad spectrum of
different and RELIABLE sources, it has been clear to us and many others
from the initial stages of the Columbine horror that there was MUCH more
to the story than what the general public was being led--and
force-fed--to believe.

This massive quantity of high-quality information--MUCH of it
FIRST-HAND, eyewitness testimony--overwhelmingly proves certain points.

Perhaps the single most-crucial of such is simply this: there is NO
DOUBT that OTHER GUNMEN besides Eric Harris and Dylan Klebold were also
perpetrators of the slaughter.  No doubt whatsoever. (In fact there
seems to be a scarcity of irrefutable HARD evidence and EYEWITNESS
testimony that Harris and Klebold were in fact DEFINITELY INVOLVED!)
This is shown, for example, in statements made by eyewitness/victim
Columbine teacher Patti Nielson, who was shot UPSTAIRS by an gunman who
was neither Harris OR Klebold at the school's NORTH end at the EXACT
same time other MASKED gunmen DOWNSTAIRS invaded the school from the
SOUTH end. Literally HUNDREDS of other witnesses at the school clearly
witnessed a NUMBER of additional gunmen. Those unaware of the tonnage of
material supporting such an assessment can refer to NewsHawk's Columbine
articles still (we hope) posted at -- www.egroups.com/list/newshawk/.
Other more speculative issues such as what forces implemented the
atrocity and for what purposes can be set aside for now.

In the latest of an ongoing string of such comments throughout the
intervening months since the brutal nightmare took place at Columbine
High, Jefferson County, Colo.'s chief sheriff John Stone AGAIN
reiterated his long-held belief that others were certainly involved in
the shooting rampage on April 20.

The Rocky Mountain News quoted Chief Stone as telling Associated Press
on Monday, "I've never thought it was just two because of the amount of
stuff that was brought in, but we don't have enough to charge anyone (else)."

More significantly, NewsHawk has just received some further
corroboration of two crucial points regarding the mayhem and murder at Columbine.

•A student eyewitness informs us that they were shot at DIRECTLY in the
school's lower level during the first stages of the assault.
•This witness did themselves clearly see THREE GUNMEN in the cafeteria area.
•At least ONE of these gunmen, dressed in black, DID have a MASK on.
•This individual was able to in fact exit the school early on during the
unfolding horror.
•They made note of yet ANOTHER highly significant fact. They thought it
was strange that the glass doors at the front end of the school had
ALREADY been shot out as a group of students made their way out of the
school building, even though they had left the (other) gunmen behind
them and could still hear them laughing in the distance. As the group of
at least THREE gunmen was still BEHIND this exiting group of students,
HOW and WHEN did the glass doors in FRONT of the students get shot out?
Clearly this would have occurred when teacher Patti Neilson, student
Brian Anderson and others were shot at by what would in fact have to be
a "FOURTH" gunman and perhaps still other gunmen at this end of the
school, as noted above regarding Nielson's published testimony.

Furthermore, this student witness, after exiting the school and vacating
school property, ran RIGHT PAST some unidentified federal law
enforcement personnel already on the scene and was NOT intercepted or
communicated with in ANY WAY by said personnel!

What questions does THIS fact immediately raise and what does this tell
us? It raises the obvious question of how many other people--perhaps
PERPETRATORS in the slaughter--were allowed to get away from the scene
by fed law enforcement. It TELLS US that said federales were COMPLICIT
in the horrendous, brutal slaughter that day--or else they are
incompetent morons.

This recent information tears yet more massive holes in the tattered and
torn remnants of the official, "swiss-cheese' fable about what happened
at Columbine High School on April 20.

In fact, there really no longer IS any viable, credible official version
whatsoever of the Columbine events at this point.

Copyright 1999
John Quinn/NewsHawk Inc.

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