From: "Linda Minor" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

Don't forget what she said about Neil Mallon Bush when he was criticized for
his role in the billion-dollar FSLIC loss at Silverado.  Neil did nothing
wrong.  That's what convinced me the woman has no decent sense of morality.
She was born into a different culture than the rest of us.  A descendant of
President Franklin Pierce, who was a tool of railroad interests and
Southerners like Jefferson Davis, she thinks power is something the
privileged class has a right to use for the benefit of their families.  To
hell with everyone else.


>>But the most violent renewal of the storm stemmed from the Kansas-Nebraska
Act, which repealed the Missouri Compromise and reopened the question of
slavery in the West. This measure, the handiwork of Senator Stephen A.
Douglas, grew in part out of his desire to promote a railroad from Chicago
to California through Nebraska. Already Secretary of War Jefferson Davis,
advocate of a southern transcontinental route, had persuaded [President
Franklin] Pierce to send James Gadsden to Mexico to buy land for a southern
railroad. He purchased the area now comprising southern Arizona and part of
southern New Mexico for $10,000,000. <<

-----Original Message-----
From: David Goldman <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Date: Thursday, September 02, 1999 9:47 AM
Subject: [CIA-DRUGS] Barbara Bush's spin.....

>From: David Goldman <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
>There was Barbara Bush, "America's favorite grandma" responding to a
>question related to Dubya. She was asked whether she or her husband ever
>asked Dubya if he used cocaine, or whether they ever knew he did. She
>responded by saying that she and her husband (Poppy....) never had reason
>to ask such a question of Dubya. He was a good son, etc. etc. etc. Why
>dredge up things from 25 years ago, etc. etc.
>I thought she would respond with horror: "How dare anyone make such wild
>and baseless charges against my First Born Son!!! Our children have always
>been fine upstanding Christians..."
>One wonders what was really going through her mind when cocaine was on the
>plate, and even more importantly, what goes through her mind about the
>whole CIA cocaine thing.......I have a feeling she isn't just one of those
>dutiful housewives who don't know what their husbands are involved
>in.......Has she ever been to that Miami airport??
>David Goldman
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