
Ruppert's work mentioned in a positive way
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___.COMPOSITION______In This Issue_______________________________

Anti-Bush Protests

Bill Clinton Raises $3.5 Million for Democrats in Harlem

Pennsylvania Gains 66,000 Democrats

DNC Launches 'Every Vote Counts' Voter Registration Drive

Carville Reads Letter from Member Sam Park

Katherine Harris Lies Again - This Time About Getting Respect from Democrats

E-mail Reveals Bush Administration's Fascist Fantasies

WAR - We Must Elect a Democratic Congress to Impeach Bush!

Commander-in-Thief George W. Bush was AWOL

Bu$h Struggles with 'Foreign Policy Stuff' - and Puts Us All at Risk

Saudi Prince Sees More than One Turkey on His Trip to Crawford

Mike Ruppert Argues the Bush Administration Could Have Prevented 9-11

It's (Nearly) Unanimous: Folks Want a 9-11 Investigation

Bu$h Caught Lying About His CO2 Policy Reversal - We Demand His Impeachment!

Bu$h Rule Will Let Coal Miners Fill Valleys and Streams With Debris

Jeb's Education Ad Gets 'F' for Fraud

Fritz Hollings Denounces 'Fast Track'

Starting Saturday, the Government is Free!

YOUR Tax Dollars Promote Evangelical Christian Group

'The Conservative Comedy Club'

__Anti-Bush Protests

On 4/29, protest Bush in Los Angeles and Albuquerque, NM. On 4/30, protest Bush in 
Foster City, CA. On 5/1, protest Injustice Kennedy in Boston, MA.

__Bill Clinton Raises $3.5 Million for Democrats in Harlem

"It was showtime at the Apollo last night, but Bill Clinton left his saxophone home. 
Still, he brought the house down by introducing Michael Jackson, who performed three 
songs that had the crowd at the star-studded Democratic National Committee fund-raiser 
snapping their fingers. Jackson's gig ended with wild applause and a shower of blue, 
purple and gold confetti that covered the audience of 1,400 in the packed Harlem 
landmark. Among others who performed were Tony Bennett, k.d. lang, Reuben Blades and 
the Harlem Boys Choir. But the sweetest sounds might have been those from the cash 
register. Organizers said "A Night at the Apollo" raised an estimated $2.7 million for 
voter education and registration drives aimed particularly at minorities. Rep. Charles 
Rangel (D-Harlem) drew cheers when he hailed Clinton as "the last elected president of 
the U.S." and said, "It is our job to say we're not getting over Florida." So reports 
the NY Daily News.

__Pennsylvania Gains 66,000 Democrats

"A southeastern Pennsylvania voter registration drive has added more than 66,000 
Democrats in former Philadelphia Mayor Ed Rendell's back yard. Rendell, facing a 
Democratic gubernatorial primary battle with Auditor General Bob Casey Jr., has openly 
wooed Republicans and independents... Final voter registration figures will not be 
available until next week, but most of the state's largest counties provided 
unofficial estimates yesterday. They showed southeastern Democratic Party gains that 
appeared to easily outpace those of the rest of the state. In Philadelphia, 
Montgomery, Delaware and Bucks counties, nearly 17,000 voters switched their party 
registration to Democratic for this primary. At least 49,000 more voters enrolled as 
Democrats in those counties since November. Montgomery County led with a net 
Democratic switchover gain of 6,048 voters. Philadelphia had 5,000 switchover 
Democrats and registered 38,661 new Democrats." You go, Democrats!

__DNC Launches 'Every Vote Counts' Voter Registration Drive

Newsday reports, "Democrats Wednesday kicked off a national voter registration drive 
in Manhattan and urged voters not to forget the outcome of the 2000 presidential 
election. 'This country belongs to you, but you have to claim it,' Clinton told the 
cheering crowd gathered outside of New York University for the noontime rally. 'We 
would win big for our side if all of you voted.' The Democratic kickoff of 'Every Vote 
Counts' is part of a national effort to court people of color, particularly African 
Americans and Latinos, who could be key to Democrats taking control of the House and 
the Senate this fall. Across the country, Democrats also launched voter registration 
drives at immigration and naturalization ceremonies and historically black colleges... 
'It helps a lot (with Clinton) coming because it shows you that your right to vote is 
important,' said [NYU Sophomore Anna Martin, 20] a Dramatic Writing major. 'It also 
makes it a lot easier…to register and get out and vote.'"

__Carville Reads Letter from Member Sam Park

Letters from members are getting results! Here's an exchange from 
Crossfire on 4-25-02. "CARVILLE: 'I understand the GOP elite has sent out the word for 
top GOP leaders to stay off CROSSFIRE because they can't stand the heat. Waaaa! Da 
wittle cry babies.' Sam Park, Van Nuys, California. I tell you something, Sam, about 
these people. They can give it, but can't take it. And I found out something about 
this right-wing crowd. They all got glass jaws. The good ones that come over here... 
CARLSON: They all come on here. And I must say, to think that they're going to be 
ignoring to be...  CARVILLE: Why is Marc Racicot telling -- he's the chairman of the 
Republican party! CARLSON: That is absolutely... CARVILLE: He's a weenie. From the 
left, I'm James Carville." Congratulations to Sam Park!

__Katherine Harris Lies Again - This Time About Getting Respect from Democrats

Katherine Harris, a candidate for the 13th Congressional District from Florida, paid 
for a 30-second television ad in Sarasota and Manatee counties. "It makes an oblique 
reference to her role in the November 2000 election controversy, using a quotation 
from an ABCNEWS broadcast about a 'standing ovation … from members of both parties,' 
accompanied by a narrator who says, 'she was honored for her work, respected by 
Democrats and Republicans alike.' But the 'respected by Democrats' line drew a sharp 
response from members of that party. 'The only way that Katherine Harris can get votes 
from Democrats is if she's counting the votes herself,' said Kim Rubey, spokesperson 
for the Democratic Congressional Campaign Committee. 'She has a host of 
vulnerabilities and she's stretching the truth as much as she stretched the limits of 
Florida laws. So it's no wonder she's running ads so early,' Rubey said." So reports 
ABC News.

__E-mail Reveals Bush Administration's Fascist Fantasies

"In an e-mail message sent last year while the Bush administration was formulating a 
national energy policy, a senior Energy Department official posed this question to a 
lobbyist for a major natural gas interest: 'If you were king, or Il Duce, what would 
you include in a national energy policy, especially with respect to natural gas 
issues?' The message was sent by Joseph Kelliher, who was a political appointee in the 
Energy Department. Last spring, Mr. Kelliher was a major contributor to VP Dick 
Cheney's energy task force. Mr. Kelliher's invitation for input was seized by the 
lobbyist, Dana Contratto, who responded with an array of pro-industry proposals. The 
e-mail exchange was released on Thursday night by the Energy Department in response to 
[FOIA] lawsuits brought by Judicial Watch and the Natural Resources Defense Council. 
Both groups had sued the Bush administration for records about White House energy 
policy." Where is the outrage from WWII veterans like Bob Dole???

WAR - We Must Elect a Democratic Congress to Impeach Bush!

Article I, Section 8 of the Constitution gives Congress - NOT THE PRESIDENT - the 
power "to declare war." But George W. Bush is openly planning to use 70,000 to 250,000 
American troops to INVADE IRAQ - WITHOUT A DECLARATION OF WAR! Has Bush simply 
scrubbed the Constitution??? Call your Senators and Representatives (202-224-3121) and 
demand immediate hearings on Bush's ILLEGAL plan to invade Iraq. And get busy 
registering every young voter in America who will be sent to fight and die in Iraq to 
make Bush's oil and weapons puppeteers infinitely richer. We must sweep ALL 
Republicans out of office in November, and sweep in a Democratic Congress that will 

__Commander-in-Thief George W. Bush was AWOL

Even prior to the 2000 "election", reports started to surface questioning the 
legitimacy of George W. Bush's military records. Articles appeared in the Boston Globe 
and the London Sunday Times, stating that Air National Guard Commanding Officer Bill 
L. Burkett LTC (ret) and others alleged that the military records of the Gov. of Texas 
had been "cleansed." Of particular interest was the fact that Bush reportedly refused 
a physical and a drug test, which prompted disciplinary action in the form of 
"Obligated Reserve Unit punishment detail." It is further alleged that there is no 
evidence that Bush ever showed up to fulfill his obligation to our military between 
1972 to 1973 and was therefore AWOL. A website called has chronicled 
the story and is presenting what they claim are photocopies of government documents 
which prove the allegations against Bush. (Scroll near the bottom to view linked 

__Bu$h Struggles with 'Foreign Policy Stuff' - and Puts Us All at Risk

Simon Tisdall writes in the UK Guardian, "Mr Bush repeated his hegemoniacal mantra 
that, in the battle against global terrorism, 'nations must choose - they are with us, 
or they're with the terrorists'... And he warned that the US would readily resort to 
military means to 'defeat the threats against our country and the civilised world' -- 
without identifying the 'uncivilised' bits. There was a time, not so long ago, when 
this sort of language from an American political leader would be discounted abroad as 
mere demagoguery, aimed perhaps at winning an election. The problem... is that Mr Bush 
really believes this stuff. It may... be counter-productive, having the effect of 
alienating and alarming friendly countries and antagonising potential enemies. To 
non-American ears, it certainly sounds arrogant and foolish in the extreme. But it has 
become the 'Bush doctrine' and as such, it is official US policy, and everybody has to 
deal with it.",7369,691138,00.html

__Saudi Prince Sees More than One Turkey on His Trip to Crawford

Every time some important world leader visits Bush's ranch, Bush's quotes in the press 
make it painfully obvious that he's incapable of discussing anything more complicated 
about the visit than whether or not he and the visitor use the same toothpaste or what 
nifty, fun things they did together. Despite the fact that Crown Prince Abdullah came 
to Crawford to discuss THE most important foreign policy issue Bush faces - the 
Israeli-Palestinian conflict - it was the same drill. "He's a man who's got a farm and 
he understands the land," Bush said, "and I really took great delight in being able to 
drive him around in a pickup truck and showing him the trees and my favorite spots. 
And we saw a wild turkey, which was good." Sounds a lot like a third grader in 
show-and-tell class, doesn't it? After Abdullah left, the most cogent remarks Bush 
could make were regurgitations of  the same tiring, pre-programmed lines about how 
Arafat must do more to stop terrorism and Sharon must pull out. Yawn.

__Mike Ruppert Argues the Bush Administration Could Have Prevented 9-11

Former LAPD officer Mike Ruppert has studied the dark side of US foreign policy for 
decades. He writes: "A dispassionate examination of existing reliable, open-source 
evidence on advance warnings of the Sept. 11 attacks provides strong and sustainable 
grounds to conclude the Bush Administration was in possession of sufficient advance 
intelligence to have prevented the attacks, had it wished to do so. With a known 
intelligence budget of approximately $30 billion, it must be assumed there are 
classified files that only add to the weight of the available data presented here." He 
focuses on four areas where the U.S. had advance info: "Documented warnings received 
by the United States Government (USG) from foreign intelligence services; Obvious and 
large scale insider stock trading in the days before the attacks; Known intelligence 
successes achieved by the USG in its penetrations of Al Qaeda; and, the case of 
Delmart 'Mike' Vreeland, a U.S. Naval intelligence officer jailed in Canada."

__It's (Nearly) Unanimous: Folks Want a 9-11 Investigation

Truthout asks, "Do you support a thorough public investigation of the events leading 
up to the September 11th attacks that would include but not be limited to, what 
warnings and information the executive branch of our government received about the 
attacks prior to September 11th., and full disclosure of all contracts awarded to all 
private entities with direct contacts to the executive branch as a result of the 
attacks?" Over 99% say yes.

__Bu$h Caught Lying About His CO2 Policy Reversal - We Demand His Impeachment!

The AP reports, "When President [sic] Bush reversed his campaign stance on regulating 
carbon dioxide emissions from coal-fired power plants, he said the nation's energy 
problems - not pressure from energy industry lobbyists - changed his mind. Documents 
released by the Bush administration Thursday in response to a court order shed light 
on the intense pressure [Bush] was under. Two weeks before Bush's decision, lobbyist 
Haley Barbour virtually papered the White House, from VP Dick Cheney on down, with a 
memo suggesting [Bush] must provide a sound energy policy by not taking action against 
carbon dioxide. At the time, Barbour represented the interests of several energy 
companies that gave substantially to Bush's campaign. 'A moment of truth is arriving,' 
Barbour wrote Cheney on March 1, 2001... 'The question is whether environmental policy 
still prevails over energy policy with Bush-Cheney, as it did with Clinton-Gore,' 
Barbour stated." Bush lied - we demand impeachment!

__Bu$h Rule Will Let Coal Miners Fill Valleys and Streams With Debris

Katharine Seelye reports in the NY Times, "The Bush administration is preparing to 
allow the coal mining industry to fill waterways and valleys with the rock and dirt 
from mountaintop mining, particularly in West Virginia... Environmentalists oppose the 
regulation, saying that filling streams and valleys destroys the ecosystem of the 
waterways and forests... and is a serious rollback of the Clean Water Act. [Christie 
Whitman says] 'It is not a giveaway to the mining industry -- It does not allow 
activity that isn't already under way.' " Environmentalists say that the permitting 
process is illegal, and has already erased more than 1,000 miles of streams in 
Appalachia.  Hey, Christie -- since George Bush has already stolen an election, does 
that make stealing elections legal?

__Jeb's Education Ad Gets 'F' for Fraud

According to the Orlando Sentinel, "The Republican Party, airing costly new TV ads 
touting Gov. Jeb Bush's concern for public schools, filmed its commercials in a 
private Christian academy. Bush wanted to avert criticism for campaigning in a public 
school, both the state GOP and the governor's campaign say, so he filmed the ads 
picturing him with children at Florida Christian School near Miami. But Bush's move 
has only invited criticism from Democrats challenging his commitment to public 
education. 'The only refuge for him is the private schools,' said Tony Welch, a 
spokesman for the Florida Education Association teachers union, which has endorsed a 
Democratic rival to Bush. 'It's so fitting. We see this ad as fantasy.'... Opinion 
polling has targeted education as the runaway concern among voters, and surveys show 
few voters credit Bush with improving the public schools since his election in 1998." 
That's because Jeb was way too busy disenfranchising voters and stealing the 

__Fritz Hollings Denounces 'Fast Track'

"In their eagerness to move production offshore, the National Association of 
Manufacturers, the Chamber of Commerce and the National Federation of Independent 
Business all join in a chant of 'free trade, fast track.' The retailers who make a 
bigger profit on imported goods cry 'free trade, fast track,' and newspapers, who make 
money from retail advertising, editorialize for free trade. But these cries are not 
really for making trade free - they are for transferring power over trade to the 
executive branch and favored corporate interests. This should not be the way economic 
policy works in a democracy. The Bush administration contends that trade agreements 
are passing us by because the president doesn't have fast track authority. This is 
baloney. During the 90's we entered into nearly 200 international commercial 
agreements without fast track, including the Caribbean Basin Initiative, and 
agreements with sub-Saharan Africa, Jordan and Vietnam." So writes Sen. Fritz Hollings 

__Starting Saturday, the Government is Free!

"Starting Saturday, the government is free. For the rest of the year, you pay nothing 
for police protection. You pay nothing for the military. You pay nothing for Medicare 
or Medicaid. You pay nothing to keep our rivers navigable, our air paths clear, our 
highways patched. You pay nothing to keep our courts open, our campgrounds safe, our 
water clean. You pay nothing to house the poor or feed the hungry or clothe the needy. 
You pay nothing to finance our wars on cancer or poverty or terrorism. You pay nothing 
to finance government - local or state or federal. No property taxes. No sales taxes. 
No income taxes. A ridiculous statement? Sure, but it's no more ridiculous than the 
reverse, which is to say that until Saturday every penny you earned this year has gone 
to pay taxes. Yet that's what many conservatives will be proclaiming in news releases, 
legislative speeches and newspaper articles." So writes Michael Gardner.

__YOUR Tax Dollars Promote Evangelical Christian Group

Here is one more reason why Bush's Office of Evangelical Pork (aka "Center for 
Faith-Based Initiatives") should be abolished. The Center's official Web site links to 
something called the "Center for Public Justice" (scroll to bottom). The Center's page 
called "What Distinguishes the Center for Public Justice?" ($38) says this: "This approach interprets 
politics as part of the unfolding drama of world history in which God's rule is being 
established by the lordship of Jesus Christ." Should YOUR tax dollars support this 
evangelical agenda? Call HHS at 877-696-6775 or e-mail [EMAIL PROTECTED]

__'The Conservative Comedy Club'

Oh, these guys are too damn funny. I first heard about the "trifecta" remark a long 
while ago. And to be honest, I wasn't sure if it was really true or just a wishful 
rumor started by some disgruntled Democrat. The story goes, Bush made this remark to 
someone in the White House days after 9/11. I figured that it sounded like something 
the Brat-in-Chief would say but because I hadn't heard him say it, well, it just 
sounded like another justified but malicious rumor. He wouldn't really say that, would 

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