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___.COMPOSITION______In This Issue_______________________________

Way to Go! Student Protests Force Cancellation of Assembly for Chief InJustice 
Rehnquist at his Alma Mater

Democrats are Waking Up to Ashcroft's Cover-up of the Stolen Election

Democrats.com Expose' about Pentagon Airplane Crash Exercise Makes the Papers - in 

Bush & Co. Sued in Federal Court for 911 Negligence

Bush Ignored Warning from Osama to His Mom

Fortune Magazine Summarizes the Phoenix Memo

Minneapolis FBI Office Tried Desperately to Prevent 911 - But DC Bureaucrats Stopped 
Them Cold

FBI Warned the CIA Twice About Moussaoui

French Intelligence Told the FBI in August that Al-Qaeda Trained Moussaoui -- but the 
Bush-Ashcroft Axis of Incompetence Did Nothing

Brits Warned US of Al Qaeda Hijackings Starting in 1999 - Right up to August 2001

NY Post Reports FAA Withheld 911 Warning

Bush Missed 911 Warnings Because He Has ADD!

House Republicans Spit on the Graves of Gay 911 Victims

Incompetence and Right-Wing Ideology Blinded Ashcroft & Rumsfeld to Terrorism

Ashcroft Knew - His Sweeping Anti-Terror Measures Are a Fig Leaf to Cover His Naked 

Cheney's Winning Formula -- Secrecy Plus Fear Equals A Pliant Public

GOP Caught in Outrageous Dirty Tricks in Michigan

Texas Governor's 15-Year-Old Daughter is Supporting the Family

Rev. Sun Myung Moon Throws a 20th Anniversary Party of his Washington Times, Complete 
with an Hour-Long Messianic Rant

__Way to Go! Student Protests Force Cancellation of Assembly for Chief InJustice 
Rehnquist at his Alma Mater

AP writes, "An assembly to honor Chief Justice William Rehnquist at his high school 
alma mater was canceled Friday because of a student protest. 'We did not feel it would 
be appropriate to invite him to receive an honor and then embarrass him here... We did 
not want to subject him to that sort of treatment,' Shorewood High School principal 
Rick Monroe said. Congratulations to the outstanding high school students who stood up 
for Democracy and the Rule of Law!

__Democrats are Waking Up to Ashcroft's Cover-up of the Stolen Election

On the "morning after" the Justice Dept announced vague plans to maybe someday sue 3 
Florida counties for election 2000 voter disenfranchisement, Democrats woke up feeling 
used. According to Salon, "Florida Democratic Party spokesman Ryan Banfill warned that 
the lawsuits may be little more than 'window dressing to provide some political cover 
for the president and his brother,' Jeb, who is running for reelection as Florida 
governor this year... 'I saw yesterday they mentioned voter purges. Well, that means 
they should be looking at [Secretary of State] Katherine Harris. But the fact that her 
office is not part of this suit makes us think this may not go as far as it should. If 
they're talking about voter purges, they should be talking about a lot more than three 
counties,' Banfill said." EXACTLY - and they should be talking about CRIMINAL 
PROSECUTION of Jeb, Katherine, and Clay Roberts.

__Democrats.com Expose' about Pentagon Airplane Crash Exercise Makes the Papers - in 

The Mirror of London reports, "Military chiefs were so convinced terrorists could fly 
a plane into the Pentagon that they planned for an attack. Almost 11 months before the 
September 11 suicide mission killed 189 people at America's defence headquarters, they 
carried out a detailed emergency exercise. US authorities have consistently claimed 
they had no idea al-Qaeda was thinking of crashing planes into buildings. President 
[sic] Bush insists no one ever had considered such a devastating attack. But a report 
reveals that between October 24 and 26 2000, military planners held an exercise to 
prepare for 'incidents including a passenger plane crashing into the Pentagon.'" So 
far, Democrats.com is the only US publication to report this expose. When will the US 
media expose this Bush lie - and all of the others???

__Bush & Co. Sued in Federal Court for 911 Negligence

"A San Francisco lawyer filed an ambitious federal lawsuit today on behalf of all 
American citizens against President [sic] Bush and six other officials for alleged 
dereliction of duty in failing to stop the Sept. 11 terrorist attacks. Stanley G. 
Hilton, a solo practitioner, filed the would-be class action lawsuit in U.S. District 
Court in San Francisco. The suit claims that Bush, VP Dick Cheney, Attorney General 
John Ashcroft, Defense Secretary Donald Rumsfeld and others failed to carry out their 
constitutional duties to act on intelligence information that allegedly showed the 
threat of terrorist hijackings. The lawsuit is based on two claims: violation of 
citizens' constitutional rights and negligence in the discharge of the officials' 
duties. Other defendants are National Security Advisor Condoleezza Rice, FBI Director 
Robert Mueller and Transportation Secretary Norman Mineta. The suit asks for an 
injunction against the officials and $7 billion in damages" reports Bayinsider.com.

__Bush Ignored Warning from Osama to His Mom

On 10-2-01, Reuters reported that "Bin Laden contacted his adoptive mother, Al Kalifa 
bin Laden, on Sept. 9, telling her: 'In two days you're going to hear big news, and 
you're not going to hear from me for a while,' NBC's Web site reported, citing 
undisclosed sources." Those sources were undoubtedly the National Security Agency, 
which intercepts all electronic communications around the world. Who saw this warning 
on September 9? Did it get to W, Dick, Condi, Rummy, Mueller, and the rest of Team 
Bush? We demand a Blue Ribbon Commission!

__Fortune Magazine Summarizes the Phoenix Memo

Fortune's Richard Behar writes, "I had a chance to read the memo - apparently the 
first journalist to have done so... What I learned... is chilling. The memo raises 
questions about what federal law enforcement officers knew and what they did or didn't 
do to protect the U.S. from terror attacks in the months before 911. After reviewing 
the memo, one cannot help but conclude that the FBI dropped the ball - perhaps 
ignoring the alert altogether... Williams warns in his July 10 memo of a possible 
'effort by Usama bin Laden to send students to the U.S. to attend civil aviation 
universities and colleges.' He also refers to a 'fatwa by Al-Muhjiroun, spiritual 
leader Sheikh Omar Bakri Mohammed Fostok.'... The Williams memo included the names of 
several Middle Eastern students, one identified as a 'Saudi national,' who were 
apparently students at Embry-Riddle at the time... The memo should be released 
immediately, names blacked-out if necessary, so we can all learn what Agent Williams 

__Minneapolis FBI Office Tried Desperately to Prevent 911 - But DC Bureaucrats Stopped 
Them Cold

"An FBI agent has accused Washington headquarters of mounting a 'roadblock'  to the 
pre-Sept. 11 investigation of terrorism defendant Zacarias Moussaoui. The rare letter 
immediately prompted an internal investigation. Agent Coleen Rowley, a lawyer in the 
Minnesota office that arrested Moussaoui last August, divulged in her letter that 
local agents became so frustrated with FBI headquarters that they sought to break 
their chain of command and notify the CIA. The local agents were reprimanded for 
trying, she alleged... FBI HQ personnel chastised the Minneapolis agents for making 
the direct notification without their approval,'' she wrote in the 13-page letter, 
excerpts of which were obtained by Associated Press… Rowley sent her letter Tuesday to 
FBI Director Robert Mueller and members of the Senate Intelligence Committee, 
divulging internal discord within the FBI that is rarely aired in public. Mueller 
referred the matter for investigation by the Justice Department inspector general."

__FBI Warned the CIA Twice About Moussaoui

It has been widely reported that FBI Agents in Minnesota attempted to contact the CIA 
after FBI headquarters blocked their efforts to investigate suspected 20th hijacker 
Zacarias Moussaoui. What has not been widely mentioned, is the fact that Minnesota 
agents were indeed successful in tipping off the CIA pre-911! In mid-August, the FBI 
conveyed to the CIA their concerns that Moussaoui might be a terrorist, and the CIA 
checked its own files but found nothing on him. The CIA also made a routine request 
from foreign governments that yielded intelligence from France that Moussaoui was a 
known Islamic extremist. The second contact came in late August when FBI agents in 
Minnesota told CIA officers they were seeking a warrant on Moussaoui. Are we supposed 
to believe that neither agency warned the Bush administration? Impeach Bush NOW!

__French Intelligence Told the FBI in August that Al-Qaeda Trained Moussaoui -- but 
the Bush-Ashcroft Axis of Incompetence Did Nothing

Salon swings the big timber! Damien Cave writes of the two French authors, who say 
"that the FBI bungled more than the Phoenix memo. In 'Bin Laden: The Forbidden Truth," 
[Brisard and Dasquie] alleged that the Clinton and Bush administrations went easy on 
al-Qaida before Sept. 11 to maintain good relations with Saudi Arabia and to continue 
to bargain with the Taliban over a Central  Asian oil pipeline. They also assert that 
then negotiations broke off after the U.S. threatened to attack the Taliban unless it 
agreed to U.S. demands, perhaps precipitating the 9/11 attacks. [The U.S. edition will 
come] out in July, with an explosive new chapter... In it, Brisard asserts that French 
intelligence officials warned their U.S. counterparts in considerable detail about 
al-Qaida's ties to Zacarias Moussaoui, the alleged 20th hijacker, but the U.S. failed 
to act on the information." Impeach Bush NOW!!!

__Brits Warned US of Al Qaeda Hijackings Starting in 1999 - Right up to August 2001

The Sunday Herald reports, "In August 1999, British and American airlines went on red 
alert after intelligence warnings that bin Laden supporters were planning a 
Lockerbie-style bomb attack in the West. At the time, US forces [under President 
Clinton] were reported to be preparing to snatch bin Laden from Taliban-controlled 
Afghanistan and put him on trial for his involvement in two US embassy explosions in 
Africa which killed 250 people." This warning "was based on 1998 intelligence data 
drawn from a single British source." British intelligence continued to warn the US 
about Al Qaeda hijackings - "the British warning of al-Qaeda plans to hijack US 
airliners was contained in a crucial briefing sent to Bush on August 6... After the 
September 11 attacks, it emerged the UK was the nerve centre for al-Qaeda operations 
in the west."

__NY Post Reports FAA Withheld 911 Warning

"The Federal Aviation Administration admitted yesterday it had decided not to order a 
security alert at the nation's airports despite being warned a week before Sept. 11 
that the man now accused as the '20th hijacker' was in custody. FAA spokesman Scott 
Brenner confirmed that the FBI tipped off his agency on Sept. 4 that Zacarias 
Moussaoui, who was arrested Aug. 17 after a Minnesota flight school reported he was 
behaving suspiciously, was being investigated as a likely terrorist who had a special 
interest in flying Boeing 747 jetliners. But Brenner said there was no reason to think 
he was part of a larger conspiracy, and the FAA decided not to issue a security alert 
to the airports." Who was in charge at the FAA? Let's put him/her under oath and get 
the whole story, not just the leaks.

__Bush Missed 911 Warnings Because He Has ADD!

"Under President Bill Clinton, the President's Daily Brief (PDB) ran around 12 pages 
and often included detailed analyses as well as new information that Clinton generally 
read before the briefing... Under Bush, the PDB has become shorter, a seven-to-10-page 
document containing 'more targeted hard intelligence' items, with few longer than a 
page... It is written with the understanding that the president is a 'multi-modality 
learner' who processes information better through questions and answers while reading 
along." In other words, Bush's Attention Deficit Disorder makes him incapable of 
reading and understanding the most important document produced by our intelligence 
agencies each day. No wonder he spent 911 reading children's stories! Why did the 
media cover up his ADD during the 2000 campaign - and why does the cover-up continue? 
Impeach Bush Now!

__House Republicans Spit on the Graves of Gay 911 Victims

The NY Post reports, "House Republicans yesterday yanked a bill providing death 
benefits to survivors of firefighter chaplain Mychal Judge and nine other Sept. 11 
heroes after critics raised objections... If the bill had passed, any beneficiaries 
named by the 10 victims in their wills or life insurance policies, including siblings 
and gay or straight domestic partners, would have been eligible to collect the federal 
money. The measure was named after Judge, who was gay. The other nine Sept. 11 workers 
who would be affected were not identified. The bill had been passed unanimously by the 
Senate and was endorsed by a variety of organized labor and public-safety groups. It 
cleared the House Judiciary Committee, but just hours before it was slated for a floor 
vote, House Majority Leader Dick Armey pulled it." What contemptible politicization of 
911 - we are outraged!!!

__Incompetence and Right-Wing Ideology Blinded Ashcroft & Rumsfeld to Terrorism

Joe Conason writes, "No official of cabinet rank made counterterrorism a top 
priority... Ashcroft was preoccupied with "traditional" law enforcement against drug 
abusers and pornographers. He allegedly turned down a request from the F.B.I. to hire 
"hundreds" of additional counterintelligence agents... Rumsfeld was obsessed with the 
construction of a "national missile defense" whose irrelevance was proved on that 
tragic day last September. (The nukes we now rightly fear are not expected to arrive 
on an antique rocket from North Korea.) Mr. Rumsfeld also reportedly killed a request 
to shift $800 million from the missile-defense budget to counterterrorism—and ordered 
the grounding of the innovative Predator drone sent up by "the Clintonites" to track 
and possibly kill Osama bin Laden. In fact, it was two [Clinton] officials - 
counterterror chief Richard Clarke and C.I.A. director George Tenet - who tried to 
direct the government’s attention to the looming threat from Al Qaeda."

__Ashcroft Knew - His Sweeping Anti-Terror Measures Are a Fig Leaf to Cover His Naked 

Bruce Shapiro writes in Salon, "Why won't the questions go away? Why does the 
Watergate question -- 'What did the president know and when did he know it' -- 
resonate with such persistence?... Who knew? Ashcroft knew. Each time the attorney 
general went to Congress, insisting that only broader domestic spying and detention 
laws could make the country safer, he knew the truth: that in the weeks before Sept. 
11, the White House and FBI, already well-equipped with intelligence and investigative 
tools, dropped the ball. But for months after the attacks Ashcroft helped cover up the 
government's embarrassing lapses while aggressively pursuing a dubious domestic 
security agenda which courts are only now beginning to question. If the performance of 
Ashcroft's agencies before Sept. 11 has shaken public confidence in our national 
security apparatus, the attorney general's actions since then have done more to damage 
the rule of law than to protect us from further terrorism."

__Cheney's Winning Formula -- Secrecy Plus Fear Equals A Pliant Public

Jill Rachel Jacobs writes, "We can say this much about the White House: they certainly 
know how to respond to a real threat when the danger is assessing their job 
performance... Cheney resurfaces from his underground bunker to voice strong 
opposition to anything the public might want to know about the way the White House 
conducts business... The Bush crew obviously loves secrecy more than credibility. This 
is an administration that seems to relish doing business behind closed doors... If the 
Veep has his way, the White House would never have to respond to a critic through the 
end of W.'s second term... Perhaps these latest threats are new and legitimate. Maybe 
it's just a coincidence that they've surfaced at a time when the administration is 
feeling some political heat. It's my guess that Americans will be on alert for a long 
time, at least for another six years."

__GOP Caught in Outrageous Dirty Tricks in Michigan

Eric "Visger, 18, of Cedar Creek Township [Michigan], claims he was tricked into 
filing as a Democratic candidate for the 34th District State Senate seat by a group of 
Republicans he did not know. He said they contacted him by telephone, then met him in 
Muskegon County and convinced him to fill out forms to run for the office. Visger, who 
has volunteered for local Republican campaigns, said he was led to believe he would be 
running as a Republican. He said the people took his forms and filed them in Lansing 
on his behalf. He said he was stunned when he later opened a newspaper and found his 
name listed as a Democratic candidate." Visger's papers were forged by Republican 
staffers Michael Severino (a notary)  and someone named "Pete" - both PUBLIC 
employees. It's time for some lawyers to file a RICO suit against the Republican 
organized crime family!

__Texas Governor's 15-Year-Old Daughter is Supporting the Family

Here is another wonderful example of Republican Family Values. Texas Gov. Rick Perry 
(known to all loyal Molly Ivins fans as "Goodhair") obtained a special "hardship" 
driver's license for his 15-year-old daughter. That means Ms. Perry is either in 
vocational school - a fact not mentioned in the article - or she is supporting her 
family, despite her dad's $115,345 annual salary. Is that because Enron's bankruptcy 
left Gov. Perry without a source of bribes? Or does Gov. Perry have some very 
expensive "habits" that his conservative supporters might not find as appealing as his 

__Rev. Sun Myung Moon Throws a 20th Anniversary Party of his Washington Times, 
Complete with an Hour-Long Messianic Rant

Joke time! "What do you call a gathering of 3,000 people, a self-aggrandizing lecture 
by Dr. Laura Schlessinger and an hour-long sermon from the Rev. Sun Myung Moon? The 
Washington Times 20th-anniversary bash." (Washington Post) "What do Dr. Laura, the 
Washington Times, Enron, the Republican Party, and George Bush have in common? They've 
have all been keep artificially alive by regular huge infusions of corporate cash!" 
(Dems.com) "What does the Washington Times call a speech entitled 'The Life of Jesus 
as Seen From God's Will, and God's Warning to the Present Age, the Period of the Last 
Days'? A nonreligious editorial stance." (Unknown News). Biggest joke of the year: 
"The Washington Times" self-description as a "successful, unbiased" newspaper when it 
has only survived through billions in "religious aid."

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