Dave Hartley

-----Original Message-----
From: Dana Redding
Sent: Sunday, April 23, 2000 4:03 PM
Subject: [ncndiscuss] Fwd: Dr. Clark re Quack Busters


I don't know about Dr. xxxxxx, but I do know that xxxx
xxxxx is a "wanna-be" Quack Buster. (We call them the
"Quackpots")He is one of those that quotes Barrett.
One thing the Quackpots don't know, is that there is
an Electrical Engineer with a PhD that is working with
Dr. Clark. He and others are looking for ways to
improve the Syncrometer.
Here is some of the things we've learned about the

Opinion by Tim & Jan Bolen

Some of the things we have learned about the so-called
"Quack Busters"
(we call them "Quackpots"!)

The most prominent characteristic of the people in
this group is that while their own credentials may not
be all that impressive (i.e. a no-longer-licensed
psychiatrist who believes he is an expert in nutrition
because he once edited a nutrition magazine - Barrett;
a "pimple doctor"-  Polevoy;  a Physical Fitness
Ph.d., - Jarvis;  a house painter - Bill Ross, etc.)
Each one of them considers themselves to be experts on
all facets of medicine, to the point where they, and
only they, can determine what's "quackery" (basically,
anything different or "leading edge").
They quote from each other as their sources on what is
considered "quackery".  Did you notice Terry Polevoy
mentioned the "Quackpot" website and quoted from

They have, unfortunately,  had an impact in that they
actively get themselves appointed to the FSMB - The
Federation of States Medical Board (U.S.) - thus
influencing Medical Boards on what to look for in
"quackery" and training Medical Board Investigators on
same.  However, they are being discredited all the

Barrett was faced down by Dr.'s at Johns Hopkins
University when he tried to quote from studies that
didn't exist!

Jarvis' attempt at respectability by claiming that the
"Quack Pots" were based from Loma Linda University was
yanked away from him after a letter from Dr. Julian
Whittaker and others, detailed his extremely unethical
behavior at a meeting to discuss health freedom
issues, to the University President.
We are researching and finding other examples like

The main tactics the "Quackpots" use are intimidation,
public mockery and frivolous lawsuits.  However, when
they attack people (who often have far more impressive
credentials) they don't really research the people and
protocols they are trying to discredit. Barrett's
attack on Dr. Clark is ludicrous. He obviously doesn't
know what he is talking about, has not read her books,
and certainly knows nothing about the research on
which Dr. Clark, a scientist, bases her theories.
The  Quackpot's "Hit list" includes Dr. Linus Pauling
a two-time Nobel Prize winner, and other impressive
health humanitarians.

When you take a look at what they attack, it is easy
to come to the conclusion that there has to be some
funding by some major Pharmaceutical Companies,
somewhere. We are looking to be able to prove this.

Jan Bolen
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