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-Caveat Lector-

Fahrenheit 9/11: The Sequel
a review by 9/11 skeptic Mark Robinowitz

Watching Fahrenheit 9/11 was a bittersweet experience for me.

It is nice that a small taste of the evidence compiled by the 9/11
skeptics movement has finally reached a mass audience.  But Moore's
blockbuster documentary is a weird mix of extremely good and
extremely bad, falsely blames Saudi Arabia as the perpetrator of
9/11, and missed blatantly obvious opportunities to provide the
audience with tools to understand why the Bush regime allowed 9/11
and invaded Iraq.

The "blame the Saudis" campaign is really a sophisticated effort to
lay the ground work for the forthcoming US invasion of Saudi Arabia.
The Saudis were merely a subcontractor in 9/11 (at most), since they
do not control the Air Force and NORAD's fighter planes that are
supposed to intercept off-course jet liners within minutes. While it
is unknown whether Moore realizes that he is playing into the
"Project for a New American Century" strategists (who seem eager to
declare Saudi Arabia an enemy of the US and put it toward the top of
the "Countries We Must Invade" list), his film "Fahrenheit 9/11" will
certainly be seen as the "dissident" view of 9/11. The film did not
actually probe into the complicity of the Bush administration in the
event, it is merely a "Limited Hang Out" that blames Bush for
"intelligence failures" while pointing out (accurately) that the Bush
and Bin Laden families have business ties that date to the 1970s.

Bush at Booker Elementary: proof the usurper is not really the President

The footage of Bush reading "My Pet Goat" to second graders while
people burned in the towers is new to most people because of
self-censorship by the media that has avoided the issue for nearly
three years.  This scene is particularly damning because his aide did
not ask the "President" for a response when he told him that the
second tower had been hit.  A commander-in-chief would have replied
with inquires about the scrambling of fighter planes to intercept the
remaining off-course jets, but Bush continued with the bland photo-op
rather than make decisions that could have saved lives.  The Secret
Service also let Bush stay in the school for crucial minutes, which
was either unprecedented incompetence or proof that they knew that
Bush was not in danger from any of the hijacked planes.  Moore's
commentary suggested that Bush, while looking dumb and detached in
the schoolroom, might have been wondering if his friends the Saudis
had done this.   It is much more likely that Bush was thinking that
he had been told this event was coming, and now it was here.

The bittersweet aspect of Moore's inclusion of this key issue is the
likelihood that if the mainstream media - or even the so-called
alternative press - had discussed the strange behavior of George W.
Bush when told of the attacks, it could have empowered many more
citizens to break free of the post-9/11 trance, potentially
strengthening efforts to prevent the invasion of Iraq when it would
have saved many more lives.  How many Iraqi deaths are partially
responsible to the fear in the US media to expose the lies behind the
official story of 9/11?

Evidence Ignored in F/911

The most basic dichotomy for understanding 9/11 is whether it was a
surprise attack or allowed to happen.  Fahrenheit 9/11 carefully
steers clear of documenting the overwhelming evidence that at the
very least, 9/11 was deliberately allowed to happen to enable
long-planned efforts to seize the Middle East oil fields and impose
the Homeland Security police state.

Moore says that  "This movie is perhaps the most thoroughly
researched and vetted documentary of our time. No fewer than a dozen
people, including three teams of lawyers and the venerable one-time
fact-checkers from The New Yorker went through this movie with a
fine-tooth comb."  Despite this claim, he makes some severe mistakes
that are hard to explain with an incompetence theory, given the high
quality of the film's good parts.

F/911 does not discuss the urgent warnings that came from at least 15
countries that the attacks were imminent, some of them were extremely
specific.  It also avoids the thorny issue of whistleblowers,
especially those at the FBI, who complain that their surveillance of
the flight schools was suppressed by top level managers in the
Bureau, especially Mr. Dave Frasca, who ran the Radical
Fundamentalist division in the FBI and was promoted after 9/11
despite his suppression of investigations by honest FBI agents.

The film does not show how selected political, military and corporate
officials were warned not to fly or to get out of the way, even
though this information is mostly sourced to mainstream media
sources.  One example was the Sept. 12, 2001 San Francisco Chronicle
article that said that SF Mayor Willie Brown was warned not to fly to
New York the night before 9/11.  Newsweek mentioned that top Pentagon
brass canceled their 9/11 flights the day before.  Bush's cousin Jim
Pierce relocated his business meeting on 9/11 from the top of the
towers to a nearby building (source: Barbara Bush!).  These and many
other pieces of evidence would have strengthened Moore's argument
that Bush must be removed from the White House, but they would also
have pointed toward official complicity.

Moore ignored the insider trading on Wall Street and international
stock markets that bet the values of United, American and companies
with a large presence in the towers would drop immediately before
9/11.  The insider trading scandal was a huge story in the
international financial press in the weeks after 9/11, with numerous
speculations that Osama had made the sickest stock trade in history.
However, these trades are monitored in real time by the CIA, and
would have been a huge clue that a bad thing was about to happen to
those airlines and the World Trade Center for anyone paying attention
inside the government.

This story disappeared down the "memory hole" after From the
Wilderness published an article in October 2001 that linked the
trades to a Wall Street company whose previous director is now the
number three official at the CIA.  In a more just world, FTW would
have won the Pulitzer Prize for this scoop.  Instead, FTW was
attacked by foundation funded "liberal" groups such as The Nation,
Norman Solomon, and Chip Berlet's Political Research Associates, but
none of the attacks dared mention the stock trades story.   It is
curious, too, that two years ago, at the Toronto International Film
Festival, Moore mentioned that he was starting work on F/911 and was
asked if he was aware of the research of Michael Ruppert (who
publishes FTW).  Moore stammered, claimed he didn't know who that was
(even though his company had been in touch with FTW), and quickly
changed the subject.

The Saudi connection to the Kean Commission

A Saudi business connection that somehow Moore did not discuss is the
curious business partners of Thomas Kean, the chair of the official
9/11 Commission.  Kean is the former Governor of New Jersey, and
replaced the notorious Henry Kissinger, Bush's first choice to head
the investigation.  If Kissinger had been kept on board, it would
have been easier for average citizens to understand this
"investigation" was a scam -- since few are aware that Kean is a
business partner of Osama's brother in law.  Even Fortune magazine
has connected the dots between Kean, his seat on the board of Amerada
Hess petroleum, their investment in a Saudi consortium that was
planning the pipeline across Afghanistan, and Khalid bin Mafouz, a
shady Saudi investor who reportedly is married to Osama's sister.
It's curious that a film so focused on exposing corrupt Saudi
influences in American politics ignores this part of the puzzle.

Kean's commission will recommend at the end of July that the US create a new "Homeland" spy agency to snoop on the citizens and to give bigger budgets to Big Brother, with the false claim that this would help prevent a repeat of 9/11. Reversing the assaults on our civil liberties will require exposing the deceptions of September 11th.

The Pakistan connection

Early in the film, Moore interviews CIA agent and Florida
Representative Porter Goss, and pokes fun at him by printing his
phone number at the bottom of the screen.  Moore's investigators did
not include in the film that on the morning of 9/11, Rep. Goss,
Republican from Florida and Chair of the House Intelligence
Committee, was meeting with General Mahmoud Ahmad, the director of
Pakistan's equivalent of the CIA.  According to the FBI, Gen. Ahmad
was the "moneyman" behind 9/11, and sent $100,000 to Mohammed Atta,
the alleged ringleader of the 9/11 terrorist group.   Why didn't
Moore ask Rep. Goss what he and General Ahmad were talking about that
morning.  Rep. Goss is probably going to be the next Director of the
CIA (appointed by Bush).   If one of Moore's expert factcheckers had
performed a websearch on "Porter Goss" and 911, they would have found
lots of articles on this connection - and if only a few of them are
close to the truth, it would be an enormous scandal.

A key part of Moore's "blame the Saudis" argument is the flight of
the Bin Laden clan in the days after 9/11.  However, a similar, but
more damning flight occurred that fall -- the flights of al-Qaeda
fighters from Afghanistan to Pakistan, which were allowed by the US
military. Pakistan's participation in 9/11 will have to wait for the

PNAC: Perle Harbor and the Saudi pivot

Yet another topic ignored by F/911 is the "Project for a New American
Century," a neo-conservative group whose members include much of the
current regime -- Jeb Bush, Dick Cheney, Donald Rumsfeld, Paul
Wolfowitz, and others.  In September 2000, PNAC published a report
titled "Rebuilding America's Defenses," which proclaimed that the US
should seize Iraq even if Saddam was toppled, and predicted that the
transformation of the US empire into a force for complete global
domination would be a long one without some "catastrophic and
catalyzing event -- like a new Pearl Harbor."  Since Richard Perle
was part of PNAC, perhaps 9/11 was "Perle Harbor."

In August 2002, Richard Perle ran the Defense Policy Board at the
Pentagon.  This think tank invited a speaker who gave a presentation
that said to reshape the Middle East toward a political order of the
US's liking, "Iraq was the tactical pivot, Saudi Arabia the strategic
pivot, and Egypt is the prize."  Two years later, the US has seized
Iraq (although it is finding it hard to hold onto), and is
contemplating seizing Saudi oil fields.  Egypt is the prize because
the bulk of the Arab population lives in that country, and they are
acutely aware of the artificial borders that separate the bulk of the
Arab people from the tremendous oil wealth of the Persian Gulf oil

Part of this "strategic pivot" shift, according to the Defense Policy
Board speaker, would be for the US to seize Saudi oil fields in the
eastern part of that country.  All of the Saudi oil is along the
Persian Gulf coast.  Ironically, that area is the where Saudi
Arabia's minority Shia population is concentrated, and if they were
to be an independent state (they were forceably annexed into the
Kingdom nearly a century ago), they would control nearly all of the
oil.  Militarily, it would be very easy for the US to take over the
Saudi oil fields, but politically, it would be much worse than the
Iraq disaster.  One solution offered by the neo-cons is to partition
Saudi Arabia, with the eastern province becoming a new country - on
the theory that this would avoid the need for US  troops to occupy
the same country that contains the holy cities of Mecca and Medina
(on Saudi Arabia's western, oil-less side).

Reichstag Fire

Perhaps the reason that F/911 does not delve into these details is
that they would be too difficult for the audience to absorb.  Even
moving beyond the "Saudis did it" paradigm to "Bush deliberately
allowed it to happen" is too difficult for many Americans to accept,
even though the evidence for this is overwhelming.

Worse, several facets of the attack suggest that it was an "inside
job," made possible only by conspiracy of factions within the
military-industrial complex and associated corporations.  Two of the
strongest claims are the collapse of World Trade Center Building 7
and the fact the Pentagon was hit in the nearly empty part, which
greatly minimized casualties ...

see http://www.oilempire.us/demolition.html
http://www.oilempire.us/remote.html for details on these two issues

These two facets show that 9/11 was analogous to the "Reichstag
Fire."  On February 27, 1933, shortly after Hitler came to power as a
minority vote President, the Reichstag (parliament) was burned down,
and a Dutch communist was arrested for the crime.  The building
burned so fast that it was unlikely that a lone arsonist could have
perpetrated the whole thing.  This incident was immediately used as
the excuse for passing the "Enabling Act," which "temporarily"
suspended civil liberties in Germany.

Peak Oil

The film's sections on Iraq are much better than the 9/11 chapter.
Moore documents atrocities against civilians and the plight of the US
troops, but never mentions why the invasion occured.  He states a
number of secondary reasons, stressing the profiteering from the war
that companies such as Halliburton are engaged in.  However, the core
issue - the global peak of petroleum production - is not even hinted

On May 17, a London Guardian article about the movie's controversy
quoted Moore saying that future films would be about "the Israelis
and Palestinians, and the oil industry and lack of oil we are going
to be faced with"
While it is nice that the sequel may mention the Israel / Palestine
conflict, which is intimately intertwinned with the Iraq invasion,
and peak oil, it would have been helpful to place these facts into
the context of Fahrenheit 9/11's main story.  Perhaps after Bush is
out of office and people can pretend that democracy has worked
(placing Bush's cousin John Kerry in office), more honesty can be had
about these deeper, core concepts.

A final anomaly about F/911:  Moore announced this spring that he had
footage of US troops abusing Iraqis many months ago but chose not to
make it public, waiting instead for the movie's release.  It would
have helped if Moore had decided that people's lives were more
important than the timetable of the movie's publicity campaign.
Scooping the "Abu Ghraib" prison scandal would have been a coup for
Moore's film, and would probably have drawn more attention to his
efforts, not less.

The Second Tier Limited Hang Out

It's a shame that F/911 did not probe who was the perpetrator of
9/11.  To accurately answer this,  one must ask why the Air Force did
not follow standard operating procedure and scramble fighter planes
to intercept the hijacked planes, especially after the first tower
had been hit.  Part of the answer is that the Air Force and
intelligence agencies were practicing at least five different war
games that morning that paralyzed their response for a critical
period of time.  Much of the evidence for this is archived at
http://www.oilempire.us/wargames.html - and it is largely sourced
from mainstream sources such as Toronto Star, CNN, USA Today,
Aviation Week and Associated Press.  Saudi money has bought political
influence in America, but it has not acquired the power to schedule
multiple military war games to ensure that an attack like 9/11 could

Intelligence agencies seeking to cover-up their crime have perfected
the tactic of a "limited hang out," fessing up to a small crime to
avoid the real issues.  Blaming the Saudis for 9/11 is analogous to
blaming the Mafia for the coup d'etat against President Kennedy.
While the Mafia make a great villain and have few supporters, they
didn't have the power to re-route the Presidential motorcade closer
to the Texas Book Depository (where Oswald supposedly fired the
"magic bullet") and the Grassy Knoll, nor did they have the power to
cover up the crime afterwards.

Divided Loyalties: Moore's thesis about Bush and dangerous unintended consquences

Fahrenheit 9/11's thesis that the Bush family has divided loyalties
between their Saudi paymasters and the United States is similar to
the accusations that President Kennedy (a Catholic) would be in the
pocket of the Pope and that Jewish politicians have more allegiance
to the State of Israel than their own country.   It is a simplistic
analysis that will be very persuasive for nearly every viewer, since
few US citizens know the history of US / Saudi relations, the role of
peak oil in US foreign policies, or that the forces behind the
Bush/Cheney regime are openly threatening to invade Saudi Arabia.

The insightful weblog at http://xymphora.blogspot.com had this
comment about Moore falling for the "Blame the Saudis" campaign on
October 20, 2003:

"The propaganda campaign has been so successful, the neocons even
have Michael Moore parroting it. The main trick was to leave the
Saudi matters out of the published 9-11 report, so people could think
the worst of the Saudis, and then slyly make people believe that it
was left out because Bush was protecting his Saudi business friends.
A brilliant strategy! All of this propaganda works only because
Americans are still afraid to admit who was really behind 9-11.
"A hint: the Saudis don't run NORAD."

A more recent "xymphora" comment (July 1):

"Moore knows that his American audience has a psychological need for
a foreign villain to help deal with the guilt that America itself was
primarily responsible for 9-11, and the connections of the Bush Crime
Family to the Saudi elites allows him to have his villain and attack
Bush at the same time. This would be completely harmless American
jingoism except that I guarantee that if Bush gets reelected the
neocons will be citing Moore's film and claiming that even the most
liberal of all liberals supports their ultimate fantasy, the bombing
of Mecca."

Embedded Reporting - and a Remedy

It was a brilliant coup for Moore to get his camera crews "embedded"
with the troops in Iraq in order to get damning film that shows
atrocities against civilians.  Unfortunately, Moore himself is
"embedded" in the fall-back cover story of 9/11, the false claim that
"the Saudis did it."

As compensation for the missing parts of the story, Michael Moore
should consider sharing some of his new found wealth with 9/11 widow
Ellen Mariani, who has filed a RICO lawsuit against George W. Bush
and others for deliberately allowing 9/11 to happen.   She turned
down more than a million dollars from the federal government, since
that hush money would have required her to waive her legal rights -
she wanted the truth more than a payoff.  Unfortunately, she had to
pay a heavy price for her determination.   She is living on Social
Security, and had to sell her home.  Her attorney, former
Pennsylvania Deputy Attorney General Phil Berg, is bankrupting
himself preparing this case.  Citizens who want to help expose what
Bush did to New York should consider donating to their efforts (at
www.911sharethetruth.com), and ignore appeals by the Kerry Campaign,
MoveOn.org, and other efforts that ignore 9/11 complicity (those
efforts are already well funded).

Courage and Election Fraud

Perhaps the most courageous part is the opening sequence showing Al
Gore, as President of Senate, suppressing the dissent of the
Congressional Black Caucus on January 6, 2001, the day that Bush was
made President.  Under the rules, one Representative and one Senator
must co-sign a complaint about a fraudulent slate of electors, and
not a single Senator filed an objection to the racist theft of the
election in Florida.

Moore urges a somewhat passive approach to the 2004 election, and
merely urges the audience to vote Democratic, ignoring the
probability that the election could be stolen again, the numerous
threats from elites that there might be an "October Surprise" and
possible cancellation of the election under a new "terror threat."
Much of the Democratic Party message this time is to urge voters to
ignore the threat of vote fraud, especially with computerized ballot
machines made by Republicans, blame the 2000 coup on Ralph Nader
(despite the documented election rigging in Florida and the fact that
Gore won).  F/911 probably wouldn't be as popular if it described the
sad reality that John Kerry and John Edwards also want to keep the
troops in Iraq and support the USA Patriot Act and the Department of
Homeland Security.

Many people who have been compiling the evidence for Bush's
complicity in 9/11 feel partially vindicated by the huge public
response to Moore's movie.  The 9/11 Truth Movement, a social justice
effort largely censored in the press, worked hard to publicize
damning evidence before the invasion of Iraq, hoping that it would
help prevent the attack on Iraq, and instead, lead to the impeachment
of Bush and Cheney.   Perhaps the success of Fahrenheit 9/11 will
make it easier for films and books and websites that probe into the
specifics of what actually happened and who the perpetrators really
were to reach a much wider audience.

for further reading:

stock trades, prior warnings, motivation for 9/11 and the Iraq war:
From the Wilderness publications and the forthcoming book "The Truth
and Lies of 9/11: America's Descent into Fascism at the End of the
Age of Oil" by Michael Ruppert.   FTW is probably the most important
resource for anyone interested in the truth about 9/11.

The Complete 9/11 Timeline at http://www.cooperativeresearch.org
An amazing resource that is 100% sourced to corporate mainstream
media articles.  Includes the best collection of evidence about the
prior warnings.  This timeline is also in the process of being turned
into a book.

David Ray Griffin, "The New Pearl Harbor: Disturbing Questions about
the Bush Adminstration and 9/11," www.newpearlharbor.com  The best
introduction to the 9/11 issue in print.

9/11 widow Ellen Mariani's lawsuit is at http://www.911forthetruth.com

The wargames used to paralyze the Air Force response on 9/11 are
described at http://www.oilempire.us/wargames.html

More information about the possibility of an October Surprise is at

Other "oilempire" pages relevant to this review:

(Understanding 9/11: Incompetence, Blowback, Perle Harbor or Reichstag Fire?)

(Project for a New American Century needed a "new Pearl Harbor")

(why 9/11 was done - the pretext to seize Middle East oil and impose
Homeland Security)
http://www.oilempire.us/peakoil.html (peak oil)
http://www.oilempire.us/iraqoil.html (Iraq's oil)
http://www.oilempire.us/saudioil.html (Saudi demographics and geology)
http://www.oilempire.us/saudi.html ("The Saudis did it" -- the excuse
for seizing their oil)
http://www.oilempire.us/warcrime.html (genocide, war crimes, etc.)
http://www.oilempire.us/torture.html (torture is not a new problem)
http://www.oilempire.us/2004.html (the 2004 Presidential Selection)
http://www.oilempire.us/kerry.html (Kerry is the good cop to Bush's bad cop)
(Limited Hang Outs - a tried and tested means of controlling scandals)

The Pakistan / ISI / Porter Goss connection is described at http://globalresearch.ca/articles/CHO407A.html and http://www.communitycurrency.org/Prime.html

http://www.counterpunch.org/wolff06162004.html Torture & Publicity Gimmicks Why Iraqi Detainees Should Sue Michael Moore By DANIEL WOLFF

CTRL is a discussion & informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
screeds are unwelcomed. Substance—not soap-boxing—please!   These are
sordid matters and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, mis-
directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
credence to Holocaust denial and nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.
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