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Weapons of Mass Destruction
By Denis Mueller

Israel's thirst for the bomb began in the late 1940's. Under
the direction of Ernst David Bergmann, Israel began its pro-
gram at the Weissman Institute of Science. To do this, Israel
would need the help of the West. Right from the start, the
United States and France aided Israel. The U.S. trained Is-
rael's nuclear scientists who in turn provided the early
technology for the bomb's development. But it was France who
provided the bulk of assistance.

This resulted in the building of the Dimona reactor. In 1964,
Dimona became operational and a carefully guarded secret. At
first, Israel claimed the Dimona was a textile plant, however,
these were just bogus claims. Still, Israel's uranium sources
were inadequate to meet the demands of a nuclear weapons in-
dustry and successful Israeli commando raids into France and
Britain ensured that Israel had the tools to build a bomb.
The West turned its back on the raids but Israel knew it
needed a steady supply and turned to South Africa for help.

During this period Israel and South Africa became close all-
ies. South Africa provided Israel with large amounts of in-
vestment capital and Israel helped South Africa undermine
international economic sanctions. This is all well known by
the rest of the world, however, our media steadfastly refus-
ed to report Israel's collaborations with the rogue state.
In many areas the states were similar so it is natural that
these two counties came together.

In 1971, the Nixon administration sold Israel the triggering
device necessary for sophisticated nuclear weapons. This near-
ly came back to haunt the United States when Israel threatened
to use nuclear weapons during the Yom Kipper war. In effect,
Israel had put the world in nuclear danger and would use its
weapons as a form of blackmail on the United States. Francis
Perrin, head of the French A-bomb project, certainly felt so
and wrote: "We thought the Israeli Bomb was aimed at the Amer-
icans, not to launch it at the Americans but to say, 'If you
don't want to help us in a critical situation we will require
you to help us; otherwise we will use our nuclear weapons.'"

With the help of a comatose American press, Israel was able
to successfully hide its sinister program. In 1973, a Libyan
civilian airliner was shot down by Israel. The result was
the death of 104 innocent. The reason for the attack against
the civilians was that the airliner had strayed to close to
the Dimona plant. In 1986, London's Sunday Times ran a story
that described the Israeli program. An Israeli dissentient,
named Mordechai Vanunu who supported Palestinian rights, re-
leased the information. For this he was captured in Italy and
dragged back to Israel where he was sentenced to 18 years in
prison. Vanunu served twelve years of that sentence in soli-
tary confinement. Amnesty International condemned the con-
finement and it remains the longest solitary confinement in

Perhaps the most disturbing development is, according to the
Sunday Times, a new type of genocidal weapon known as the
"ethno bomb." Using information obtained from South Africa,
Israel scientists are trying to identify a gene that is carr-
ied by some Arabs and then use this knowledge against those
who only carry a particular gene. Dedi Zucker, a member of
the Knesset denounced the research and pointed to its obvious
meaning: "Morally, based on our history, and our tradition
and our experience, such a weapon is monstrous and should be
denied." The failure to report this by our press stands as
one of the great crimes of history.

Sources:   The Sunday Times
           Covert Action, John Steinbeck

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