Editor's Note by Weldon Clark  This post contains 3 parts.
The Simpson article is from Law Professor Joe Olson.  Next
is Clinton and Gore soliciting campaign money from trail
Lawyers for Clinton's veto of a bill and third Gore's anti-gun
agenda including destroying your gun and hunting rights by
Dave Kopel of the Independence Institute.  Use these first
two articles with friends and family to who guns are not the
issue.  Examples of what Gore and Bush have done.
Last year, Gore cast the tie breaking vote in favor of a U. S.
Senate bill that would have outlawed gun shows as we know
them.  Gore has indicated he favors national government
registration of all law abiding gun owners.
Governor Bush signed legislation allowing law abiding
citizens who pass a background check and firearms training
course obtain a permit and carry concealed firearms for self
defense.  Governor Bush signed legislation outlawing
politically motivated local lawsuits against the firearms
industry.  Register to vote on line by printing out a form and
mailing it.
leads to http://www.fec.gov./votregis/vr.htm
Al Gore's Gulf War Vote By Former Senator Alan Simpson

Democratic presidential candidate Al Gore's new campaign
ad is running in your state and says he is "fighting for us." But
the true story of his Gulf War vote says he is usually fighting
for Al.  Here is the inside story of what happened.

The Gulf War vote was pretty serious business.  I can't think
of anyone who didn't have a lump in his or her throat as they
weighed the situation - 500,000 American troops already
deployed; Iraq's Saddam Hussein promising the "mother of
all battles"; most "experts" predicting heavy American losses.

The choice was not easy. Senators with combat experience
on both sides of the aisle were on both sides of the issue.
Some Democrats openly supported the measure; some
Republicans openly opposed it.  And vice versa.

The seriousness of the situation called for open, honest
debate. No deal-making.  No politics.  Just an honest
discussion, followed by an honest vote of conscience by each
senator.  As Republican whip, I worked with the Republican
leader Bob Dole and the Democratic leaders, George Mitchell
and Sam Nunn, to schedule the debate.

As Republicans, Sen. Dole and I were responsible for
scheduling time to speak for senators who supported the war.
As Democrats, Sens. Mitchell and Nunn were responsible for
scheduling time to speak for those who opposed the war.

The night before this monumental debate, I sat in the
Republican cloakroom with Sen. Dole discussing the debate
schedule for the next day.

Then a senator walked in and asked to speak to us.  It
surprised Bob and me because he was a Democrat coming
to ask for a favor.

He was Tennessee Sen. Al Gore Jr. Sen. Gore got right to
the point: "How much time will you give me if I support the
president?" In layman's terms, Gore was asking how much
debate time we would be willing to give him to speak on the
floor if he voted with us.

"How much time will the Democrats give you?" Sen. Dole

"Seven minutes," came the droning response.

"I'll give you 15 minutes," Dole said.

"And I'll give you five of mine, so you can have 20 minutes," I
offered.  Gore seemed pleased, but made no final
commitment, promising only to think it over.

Gore played hard to get. He had received his time.  But now
he wanted prime time.  Dole and I knew it.

After Gore left, Dole asked Republican Senate Secretary
Howard Greene to call Gore's office and promise that he
would try to schedule Gore's 20 minutes during prime time,
thus ensuring plenty of coverage in the news cycle.  Later
that night, Gore called Greene and asked if Dole had him in a
prime-time speaking slot.

When Green said nothing had been finalized yet, Gore
erupted:  "Damn it, Howard! If I don't get 20 minutes
tomorrow, I'm going to vote the other way."

The following day, Gore arrived on the Senate floor, still
waiting to see which side - the Republicans or the Democrats
- would offer him the most and the best speaking time.  Sen.
Dole immediately asked the Senate to increase the amount
of speaking time for both sides.  I believe only then, after
Gore realized we were asking for more time to make room for
him on our side, that he finally decided to support the
resolution authorizing the use of force to drive Hussein out of

It brings me no joy to recount the events leading up to the
Gulf War vote.  It isn't something I wanted to do.  But it is
something I have to do.

I was there.  I have to set the record straight because the
Gore campaign is now running an ad proclaiming that Al
Gore "broke with his own party to support the Gulf War." In
reality, it's much closer to the truth to say he broke for the
cameras to support the Gulf War.

And I have to set the record straight because the Gulf War
vote was far too important an issue to fall victim to politics
and repulsive revising.  It was a moment of challenge. Sadly,
Al Gore was not up to it.  In January of 1991, Al Gore put
politics over principle.

Alan Simpson was a Republican senator from Wyoming.
By Jerry Seper

Vice President Al Gore was asked by the Democratic
National Committee in 1995 to solicit $600,000 in donations
from not one, as previously reported, but six wealthy Texas
personal injury lawyers, just weeks before President Clinton
was to veto a bill limiting cash awards in product-liability
cases.  The solicitation requests are listed on telephone call
sheets prepared by the Democratic National Committee and,
according to documents obtained by The Washington Times,
were sent to Mr. Gore two days after he attended a
November 1995 fund-raiser at the Houston home of John
Eddy Williams, a Texas personal-injury lawyer, who has
given $550,000 to Democrats since 1995.
Al's ultimate objective would be to abolish all firearms

By Dave Kopel, Independence Institute

What's in the future for the anti-gun agenda, should Al Gore
be elected President? Just drop by the website for Handgun
Control, Inc., to find out.

There's only a short interval from the keyboards at HCI to the
lips of the President and Vice President. On the site, you'll
find details about what comes next - but not what comes after
that. Nor will you find any details on what HCI Chair Sarah
Brady says is her long-term objective: a "needs- based
licensing" system, in which gun ownership is allowed only
when the police determine that the would-be owner "needs"
the gun.

How does one get from the current Clinton/Gore/HCI
program to the needs-based licensing system? In other
words, what would a Gore administration push for, if it
achieved the current items on the anti-gun agenda?

Perhaps the best guide is the 1994 report of the White House
Working Group, a secret memo which was uncovered by
U.S. News and World Report. Here's the long-term strategy:

Complete Gun Licensing and Registration
First, the attack on the non-existent "gun show loophole" is
only a warm-up.  The ultimate objective is to abolish all
firearms privacy. Every firearms transfer - including a
Christmas gift from one's cousin - would have to be routed
through a federally-licensed dealer, and recorded by the
federal government.

A government license would also be needed to purchase

All currently owned firearms would have to be registered with
the federal government, and non-registration would be a
federal crime. During the Democratic primaries, Bill Bradley
called for national gun registration, while Gore rejected
Bradley's plan as politically unrealistic. Gore was correct; for
registration to be politically possible, it needs to be built on an
existing system of licensing. Salami tactics are the essence
of successful gun control.

The Clinton/Gore proposal for a national ID card for handgun
purchasers is a sensible "moderate" and "common-sense"
step toward the goal of total licensing and registration for all
guns. Politically speaking, it is best if the initial stages of gun
licensing can be implemented liberally (as rifle licensing was
in Britain in the 1920s and 1930s) so that most people can
get the license. Once licensing is in place, the bureaucracy
can take care of gradually tightening the licensing process
(without ever needing to ask the legislature to change the
law), so that hardly anyone qualifies for a license (as rifle
licensing currently is enforced in Britain).

Hunting Restrictions
While the White House licensing and registration system
would apply to all guns, especially strict rules would be
imposed on owners of handguns and for self-loading long
guns (such as the Marlin Camp Carbine or the Ruger .22
rifles). Appropriating a term of art from Canadian gun law, the
White House would designate all handguns and all self-
loading long guns as "restricted weapons." Owners of
"restricted weapons" could possess them only at home, at
work, or at a target range.

In other words, it would be a federal crime to go bird hunting
with a Remington 1100 shotgun. Handgun hunting, which is
legal in every state in the Union, would vanish.

President Clinton and Vice President Gore strenuously insist
that none of the laws which they have signed, and none of
the regulations they have created, have interfered with
hunting. Although Clinton and Gore are not correct in their
claim, their "restricted weapons" agenda would remove their
pro-hunting mask, and take away the primary sporting arms
of millions of American hunters.

Bans on Defensive Gun Use and Possession
It would also be a federal crime to carry a handgun in public
for protection - even for people with state licenses authorizing
them to carry.

The White House memo also recommends consideration of a
federal law to outlaw "the carrying of firearms in...work sites."
The White House proposal would override current laws of
many states, which allow a person who runs a dry cleaning
shop that stays open late to choose to carry a concealed gun
for protection. Or an accountant who stays at work late during
March and April, can choose whether to keep a handgun in
her desk, and carry it with her when she walks to the parking
lot late at night.

The White House Working Group praises the 1976 Bartley-
Fox law in Massachusetts. This law imposes a mandatory
one year term in prison for carrying a gun without a permit. In
one notorious case, the law was applied to a man who
started carrying a gun after a co-worker assaulted him, and
repeatedly threatened to kill him. The co-worker did attack
later, and the victim successfully defended himself. The crime
victim was then sentenced to a mandatory one year in prison
for carrying a gun without a permit. This is the kind of law that
the Clinton/Gore administration wants to apply nationwide.

Banning More Guns
The Clinton/Gore memo states that domestic manufacture of
guns should be brought under the federal government's
regulatory standards for product designs. The White House
memo predicts that such regulation would outlaw "Many
handguns now manufactured in the United States for civilian
use." With great applause from the White House, a
forerunner of the White House plan was recently imposed in
Massachusetts, by the administrative edict of the state
Attorney General. The result of the new standards was to ban
the sale of all handguns except the Smith & Wesson models.
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