-Caveat Lector-

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From: Libertarian Party Announcements <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Fwd: Nevada Marijuana Initiative Tied 46% to 46%!
Date: 10/21/02 2:47:21 PM


Nevada marijuana initiative tied 46% to 46%
Libertarian Party
2600 Virginia Avenue, NW Suite 100
Washington Dc 20037
For additional information contact:
Political Director Ron Crickenberger
Phone 202-333-0008 Ext. 227

The Libertarian Party is sending this message to you as part of a
message-exchange agreement with the Marijuana Policy Project. The LP
will never share, rent, or sell your e-mail address to anyone, but we
occasionally exchange messages with other organizations that are
working for liberty.


Dear Friend,

The latest statewide poll of 600 Nevada voters shows that the Marijuana
Policy Project's ballot initiative is now in a 46% to 46% dead heat,
with 8% of the voters undecided.

If passed, our Nevada ballot initiative would (1) remove the threat of
arrest and all other penalties for adults who use and possess up to
three ounces of marijuana for any reason, and (2) require the state
legislature to implement a system so that adults can purchase marijuana
from a legal market rather than the criminal market.

This initiative to end the arrest of all marijuana users -- which
Nevadans began voting on two days ago -- is by far the best opportunity
we have ever had to end marijuana prohibition anywhere in the country.

Would you please visit http://www.nrle.org to donate $10 or more to
this landmark campaign?  Every $10 you donate will mean that 600 voters
will see one of our TV ads one time each ... and $100 will pay for
6,000 voter impressions ... and $250 will pay for 15,000 voter

If you donate $250 or more, we will send you a video compilation late
next month of all of our Nevada TV commercials and news coverage.  In
addition, donations of $250 or more can be tax-deductible by visiting
http://www.nrle.org and checking the appropriate box.

If you are unable to donate, or unsure you want to donate, please
subscribe to our free e-mail list at http://www.nrle.org to receive
regular updates on this exciting campaign.  This Web site also contains
a compendium of news articles about our campaign, including:

* The largest newspaper in Nevada, the "Las Vegas Review-Journal",
endorsed our initiative!  And so have the former president of a
teachers union, the former president of the largest police association,
and a team of elected officials, physicians, attorneys, medical
marijuana patients, and nearly 4,000 other Nevadans.

* The opposition campaign -- which is composed almost exclusively of
police, sheriffs, and prosecutors who are breaking the law by
campaigning while on the job -- has claimed that those of us who
support the marijuana initiative are being funded by Colombian drug
cartels.  This lie got the spokesperson for their campaign fired.  (Our
opponents don't understand that drug cartels support prohibition -- not
our initiative -- because a legal market would put illegal drug
traffickers out of business.)

* Drug Czar John Walters visited Nevada a week ago, illegally spending
federal money to campaign against our ballot initiative.  He refused to
debate us, so we crushed him with a protest:  "Sign-waving supporters
of Question 9 gathered Thursday outside a local television studio to
confront the nation's drug czar, who was in Las Vegas to campaign
against the ballot initiative that would decriminalize small amounts of
marijuana.  John Walters, chief of the Office of National Drug Control
Policy, slipped out a back door at KLAS."

The good news is that we just released the last of our seven TV ads;
you can view all of them at http://www.nrle.org.  The bad news is that
our opponents just started airing their own TV commercials for the
first time.

As I mentioned, Nevada voters are currently split 46% to 46% on our
initiative.  Now that our opponents are spending $200,000 to run their
ads 12,000,000 times, I am fearing that Nevada voters are going to tilt
slightly away from us -- and at the worst possible time!

Unlike most other states, polling locations in Nevada are open for two
weeks -- from October 19 to November 1, and then again on November 5.
We absolutely must run more TV ads than our opponents run this week if
we want to stay competitive during these last two weeks of the

Would you please visit http://www.nrle.org to join our campaign by
donating $10 or more?

Our three key TV ads feature (1) FBI statistics on the crime wave in
Nevada and a police spokesperson urging voters to pass our ballot
initiative so that police can focus on violent crime instead of
marijuana, (2) a physician and patient urging Nevadans to vote "yes" so
that patients will be able to obtain medical marijuana from a legally
regulated market, and (3) teacher, police, and physician spokespersons
and a crowd of other Nevadans all urging voters to approve our ballot
measure.  Please visit http://www.nrle.org to view the ads.

Our opponents' ads feature law enforcement leaders lying about our
initiative.  One erroneously claims that our initiative would make it
legal to smoke marijuana and then drive a school bus full of children.
(We will place these ads on our Web site as soon as we obtain them.)

And the marijuana issue is winnable, as the latest poll shows.  Please
help us make history by donating $10 or more at http://www.nrle.org
today.  Thank you!


Rob Kampia
Executive Director
Marijuana Policy Project
Washington, D.C.

P.S.  The Marijuana Policy Project is the parent organization of
Nevadans for Responsible Law Enforcement.  Our Web sites are
http://www.mpp.org and http://www.nrle.org, respectively.

P.P.S.  Please join our Nevada campaign team and me for what will
hopefully be a victory celebration in Anaheim, California on November
8-10 -- our national conference, which is sure to be mobbed by TV
cameras and reporters.  Please visit http://www.mpp.org/conference to

Version: 2.6.2


The Libertarian Party                                http://www.lp.org/
2600 Virginia Ave. NW, Suite 100                    voice: 202-333-0008
Washington DC 20037                                   fax: 202-333-0072
For subscription changes, please use the WWW form at:

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