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The New York Times, in a breathless "exclusive" from unnamed "government officials," 
once again dutifully does the P.R. work for the White House. They swallow an 
implausible story, tossed to them like a dog bone, fashioned to protect "the 
President."  Of course, two BuzzFlash readers saw through it in a minute, and these 
readers aren't getting paid what New York Times transcriptionists (aka journalists) 
and editors earn.  We're sure of that.

Regarding: B.S. Alert. The New York Times Thinks This is Some Sort of Exclusive, But 
It's More of "Protect the President Leaking": "Ashcroft Learned of Agent's Alert Just 
After 9/11 but Bush Was Not Told"


Dear Buzz:

So if I understand this correctly .....

Two or three days after the attacks, Dale Watson, who was then assistant director for 
counterterrorism, brought the (Arizona) memorandum to the attention of Mr. Pickard, 
the acting director at the time, officials said. Mr. Pickard and several other agents 
then briefed Mr. Mueller and Mr. Aschroft on its existence, the officials said.

That means that every time Mueller & Ashcroft heard Ari or Shrub say that they had no 
prior knowledge or warning of 9/11, Mueller & Ashcroft just went along with it? For 8 


BuzzFlash Note:  So Ashcroft and Mueller would be concealing the memo then, from Bush 
and his staff.  Doesn't that mean that they are lacking in integrity?  Of course, the 
other option is that the unnamed government officals might be doing a little bit of 
prevaricating to the gullible New York Times.  Which is it?

Dear Buzzflash,

Shocking. Within a couple of days of the stunning news that Bush and his 
administration knew about a serious and impending terrorist threat planned within U.S. 
borders, almost every major media outlet, including the New York Times, CNN, and the 
Washington Post, seems to be concluding that Bush and his administration acted 
appropriately, and that the real culprit was a breakdown in communications among the 
intelligence community.

And what is the basis for this conclusion? Uncorroborated statements made by the Bush 

Huh?!? We're supposed to believe the Bush administration is telling us the truth NOW 
after it has been lying to the American public for eight months, after it (predictably 
and speciously) blamed Clinton for the attacks of 9/11? Come on. It's almost enough to 
make you want to stick your head up the media's collective ass so you can see what the 
hell they're seeing.

Let's get this straight: at this time, the only thing that we can conclude is that 
Bush and his administration actively lied to the American public regarding what they 
knew about the threat to the United States and when they knew it. If lying about an 
act of consensual sex is an impeachable offense, than lying about foreknowledge of 
terrorist acts certainly ought to be.

We don't have enough evidence to conclude that Bush and his administration acted 
appropriately. As on 9/11, the only thing we know about what Bush and his 
administration knew before 9/11 is what they tell us, and they have proven to be 
untrustworthy. Even if they finally are telling the truth now, they cannot be believed 
without independent confirmation.

We also don't have enough evidence to conclude that Bush and his adminstration looked 
the other way and allowed the terrorists to have their murderous way. Certainly, there 
are enough inconsistencies and odd facts to give rise to a suspicion that something 
sinister was afoot, but even the insipid opportunist George W. Bush deserves the 
benefit of the doubt, at least until it is established that he retired to his Crawford 
farn because it was surrounded by SAM sights to protect him from suicide terrorist 
airplane attacks (which I bet you it was).

Until we have real answers, we need to challenge the media and our representatives to 
really press Bush and his administration regarding the events leading up to 9/11. Just 
as the "smoking gun" Enron memos show that the media rushed to judgment several months 
ago when it concluded that "Enron is a business scandal, not a political scandal" 
(actually, it is a government corruption scandal), there is more information out there 
that must be considered.

Let me walk through some examples of lackadaisical reporting to illustrate how the 
major media outlets and our congressmen) are not doing (their jobs. These quotes come 
from a NYT article (http://www.nytimes.com/2002/05/21/national/21INQU.html)

"But senior Bush administration officials said neither Mr. Ashcroft nor Mr. Mueller 
briefed President Bush and his national security staff until recently about the fears 
of an F.B.I. agent in Phoenix that members of Al Qaeda were training at American 
flight schools, though the two men began daily briefings of the president at the White 
House immediately after the hijackings."

Okay. Let's assume that we've established that Ashcroft and Mueller did not brief 
President Bush or his national security staff before 9/11, that does not establish 
that somebody else did not, in fact, so inform them. Indeed, it seems unlikely that 
Ashcroft and Mueller would provide such briefings. Whose responsibility is it to 
provide such briefings? Is the Bush administration saying that NOBODY ever raised 
these issues to Bush or his national security staff before 9/11?

"Ari Fleischer, the White House press secretary, who was traveling today with the 
president in Miami, said, 'We have nothing that indicates the president had seen or 
even heard about this memo prior to a few weeks ago.'"

Okay. Do you have anything that indicates that, prior to 9/11, the president was 
informed of the concern that members of Al Qaeda were training at American flight 
schools? The president need not review nor be aware of a particular document to be 
informed of the ideas expressed in that document.

"Mr. Bush's national security adviser, Condoleezza Rice, said last Thursday that the 
president had not heard about the memorandum before the hijackings and had only 
recently learned of it. "I personally became aware of it just recently," Ms. Rice 
said, adding that she asked Mr. Mueller and George Tenet, the director of central 
intelligence, to review the matter."

Okay. But were you aware of the basic concern stated by the memo? The fact that you 
were not aware of the memo itself does not mean that you were not aware of the 
concerns expressed therein

"The issue of when top officials knew of the Phoenix memorandum is emerging as a main 
focus in Congressional inquiries getting under way. Senator Patrick J. Leahy, Democrat 
of Vermont and chairman of the Judiciary Committee, has asked the F.B.I. to identify 
anyone at the agency who knew about the memorandum before the attacks."

Too bad. Knowledge of the memo is irrelevant. The only thing that matters is knowledge 
of the concepts and concerns raised by the memo. Everybody knows what a television is, 
but how many people read the patent for it? There are many concepts that are widely 
shared and discussed where those discussing it have no idea as to the circumstances 
giving rise to those ideas.

As these simple examples show, the media and Congress still are not asking hard 
questions of Bush and his administration. Let's ask those hard questions now. Bush's 
breach of trust with the American people has eliminated any basis for treating the man 
as if he had any integrity. Make Bush and his administration lift the veil of secrecy 
and allow a full investigation of the facts. I, for one, would be ecstatic to learn 
that 9/11 was simply a result of incompetence of Bush or his administration. On the 
other hand, I would be crushed to learn that any president of the United States 
(whether elected or selected) could be so heartless as to allow the murder of 
innocents to advance his own political agenda.

Somebody needs to prove to me and the rest of the American public that there is reason 
to believe in our government and in our media. Right now, all I see is a shameless 
propaganda machine that is attempting to manufacture consent?

Scot A. Griffin
Redwood City, CA


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