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-Caveat Lector-

Unwarranted Optimism

The Daily Reckoning

Baltimore, Maryland

Monday, 24 February 2003


*** Fourth year of a bear market...the beginning of the

*** Market research on South Beach...short sellers

*** The $3,950 handbag...and other ways to shed your


The Dow closed the year 1999 at 11,497. Since then, every
year has been closed out at a lower number, with the Dow
ending last week at 8018.

We are in the 4th year of a major bear market. But, on the
whole, people are still fairly optimistic. In South
Florida, the highways, restaurants, parking lots, movie
theatres and bars all seem to be doing a good business. New
apartment complexes are still going up. And out near the
ocean...at least on the drive from Delray Beach to Palm
Beach...people are still building mansions in the nouveau
lumpen-millionaire style. It must be getting more and more
expensive to show off - some of the new houses look more
like gaudy hotels than single-family homes.

People are hoping that the great bear market will end this
year. Stocks NEVER go down 4 years in a row, they say. But
at nearly 30 times earnings, stocks are still far too
expensive and must be expected to work their way lower, not
higher, in the months ahead.

And here are the Daily Reckoning, we can't help but think
that there might be more going on than a regular bear
market - even a major one. The structure of the whole world
economy may be changing, we think.

Since the end of WWII, the world has counted on Americans
to spend more and more money. The system seemed to
work...the more Americans spent, the richer they felt.

But it was an illusion. Incomes rose modestly, while
consumption increased immodestly. Taking advantage of the
post-war stability, the credit industry found innovative
ways to lure Americans into debt, so that the average
homeowner owns less of his home today than he did in the
1950s...and owes a greater portion of his income to
creditors. This trend cannot go on forever, for debtors
cannot service an infinite amount of borrowing. And people
cannot retire on debt; they need income, assets, and real
cash to pay their bills. Eventually, the debtors stop
paying...stop buying...and stop borrowing. And creditors
shift their attention from the return ON their money to the
return OF their money. They ask for higher rates of return
to cover the risk...and the whole system implodes.

The major creditors are foreigners. At the margin, it is
these poor saps in Asia and Europe whose savings allow
Americans to mortgage their homes and buy land barges and
billboard-size TVs. They've already begun to question the
value of the dollar - and sold it off by more than 20% in
the last 12 months. Americans hardly noticed. But this
change may signal the end of one illusion and the beginning
of another...

Stay tuned...as the End-of-the-world-as-we-have-known-it
continues...including: The Destruction of the
Dollar...Consumers Go Bust...Gold's 10-year Bull
Market...The Dow Falls Below 5,000.....and more!



Eric Fry, back in New York...

- Last Friday, your co-editor returned from a three-day
junket to Miami to find a rejuvenated Mr. Market, brimming
with youthful vitality. Like the plentiful Latin model-
wannabes your co-editor observed dancing the night away in
South Beach hot spots like "Bed" and "Pearl", Mr. Market's
newfound energy seems to know no bounds.

- The stock market gained ground for a second straight
week, continuing the trading rally anticipated in this
column two weeks ago. The Dow Jones Industrial Average
leapt 109 points to 8,018, while the Nasdaq bounded 3%
higher to 1,349. The Nasdaq's recent stealth rally has
nudged the high-tech index into the black for 2003. The
Nasdaq is now up about 1% for the year, compared with a 4%
decline in the Dow.

- What was your co-editor doing in South Beach hot spots,
you may be wondering?...Market research, dear reader,
market research. Two days of exhaustive research produced
the following conclusions: The bull market in boogie is
still going strong, but tourism seems to be sliding into a
bear market...

- However plentiful the model-wannabes may have been, the
hotels, restaurants and bars did not seem to be nearly as
crowded as they were last year. The über-rich are still in
evidence, as they always are in South Beach, but the crowds
of "merely rich" and "almost rich" were less abundant than
in years passed. Many of the high-end restaurants that used
to require reservations weeks in advance welcomed "walk-
ins" this year.

- Business beckoned you co-editor to Miami (pleasure kept
him there), as he was attending the invitation-only "Bears
in Hibernation" conference, sponsored by Jim Chanos, the
renowned shortseller. Jim's renown stems largely from two
extraordinarily prescient calls. He publicly identified
both Enron and Tyco as terrible stocks, well before either
of them collapsed.

- Jim invites about 25 professional investors to Miami
every February, requiring the invitees to bring with them
only two things: one short idea and one long idea. (In
other words, a stock to sell and a stock to buy). The crowd
that Jim invites consists mostly of professional short-
sellers and folks, like your co-editor, who produce
investment research for professional investors. (Your co-
editor qualifies under the latter heading, in his role as
editor of Apogee Research. Chanos is one of Apogee
Research's charter subscribers, and one of its biggest

- Every year the ideas that emerge from the conference are
truly superb, and this year was no exception.
Unfortunately, all attendees are sworn to secrecy about the
ideas that are presented. We are at liberty to mention last
year's ideas, however.

- Chanos, himself, has been on quite a roll with his annual
short-sale ideas. Two years ago, he singled out Enron. Last
year, he picked Tyco. The now-infamous Tyco has dropped
about 50% since last year. The less infamous - but more
profitable - idea that your co-editor recommended as a
short-sale last year was Interpublic Group, which dropped
65% year over year.

- Speaking of short-selling, the recent Nasdaq advance has
the feel of a "short-covering" rally. An explanation may be
in order: Because tech stocks have been falling so reliably
for so long, many professional investors have come to
consider them "safe" shorts. Therefore, tech stocks are
among the most heavily shorted stocks in the market right
now. "There is some evidence to be found that professional
investors perhaps aren't geared for a cathartic rally,"
Barron's notes. "Sketchy polling data suggests hedge funds
are more aggressively playing the short side of the market
than they have recently."

- These bearish investors have been lulled into the
complacent expectation that tech stocks, because they
remain demonstrably overvalued, will continue to fall. At
some point, however, the swelling volume of short-selling
creates a highly combustible kindling for an explosive

- If/as/when Nasdaq stocks start to gain a little ground,
all the folks who have sold them short will begin incurring
losses. The higher the Nasdaq climbs, the greater the
losses. As the pain of loss starts to become unbearable,
some short-sellers will begin buying back the shares
they've sold short, in order to cut their losses.
Ironically, this panic buying helps to drive up share
prices even more, thereby causing additional pain for the
remaining short-sellers who have not yet covered their
shorts. Soon they start buying as well and, before you know
it, you've got a great big rally...Fasten your seat belts
and get ready for lift-off...maybe.


Back in Baltimore...

*** In South Florida, the cars are all shiny and new... but
the people are old and broken down.

Maybe it is the weather that attracts them. Or maybe it is
the youthful energy of the place. The 50-year-olds buy
Harleys...and the 70-year-olds get convertibles. And all of
them go about in T-shirts and shorts - as if they were

*** "How much is this purse?" Maria asked a clerk at a shop
on Worth Avenue in Palm Beach.

"Thirty nine fifty," came the answer.

"Hmmm...that doesn't sound bad," said Maria's father.

"Dad...it's 3 THOUSAND..." Maria explained.


*** What a marvelous world! People make a lot of money, and
whole industries arise to help them get rid of it. A $39
handbag would work just as well...certainly, your editor
couldn't tell the difference. But that would take only $39
from the pocket of a rich person. At that rate, they'd
never be able to get rid of their money.

A man with big money to squander can build a big house here
in Palm Beach. A small house could be just as serviceable.
But it would cost less to build and less to maintain.

And if he still has any money left...well, there's always
the stock market.

*** Leaving Nicaragua for Baltimore...your editor left some
of the world's most beautiful natural scenery for beautiful
scenery of an unnatural kind. Mount Vernon Square in
Baltimore is covered with snow and never looked better.
Maybe it was merely an accident of architectural
history...but the 19th century buildings around the square
are all handsome and elegant.

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The Daily Reckoning PRESENTS: What's in store...oil glut,
or oil shock? Marshall Auerback makes a case for why Gulf
War II is unlikely to be a repeat of Gulf War I.

By Marshall Auerback

"The combined effect of Venezuelan and Iraqi disruptions
has the potential to be the biggest shock in oil market
history, even allowing for offsetting supply increases by
other players."

- Jim O'Neill, Goldman Sachs

Today's oil market is tighter and more geopolitically
threatened than ever...and the markets are incredibly
complacent about it. Somehow, investors still believe that
supply is ample, that a potential war with Iraq will be won
as easily as in the first Gulf War or Afghanistan, that
foreign oil companies will invest after it's all over, and
that Iraqi oil production will soar after the 101st
Airborne sorts out Saddam Hussein.

But in fact, capacity utilization in global oil is almost
as high as it has ever been. Crude oil supply is lower
relative to consumption than at any time in recent decades.
And in three of the six largest oil-producing countries,
oil supplies are at risk due to geopolitical factors.

Iraq's case is obvious. There is also ongoing political
instability in Saudi Arabia, the world's largest producer.
Venezuela's oil-dependent economy is staggering under the
weight of a labor dispute, which has disrupted oil exports.
In this context, a war in Iraq could tip the balance in
favor of a sharply rising oil price, which in turn could be
the nail in the coffin of a teetering global economy.

The prospects of an oil shock are as high as they have been
in decades. According to a recent report by Goldman Sachs,
"More Perfect Storm than Desert Storm", low global oil
stocks and reduced exports from strike-torn Venezuela have
boosted prices by more than 30% since late November. The
Venezuelan 'outage' has cost 125 million barrels of
production, already the fifth biggest supply shock in
history, which the study cites as 'almost entirely explains
the current high level of prices'. If the strike continues
for a further two months, and an Iraq war lasts a similar
time, the cumulative outage will be 600 million barrels -
far more than the 400 million taken off the market in the
Arab-Israeli war.

Since the Goldman report was completed, the strike
affecting the Venezuelan oil industry has begun to
dissipate. But tightness in the global oil markets remains
much as Goldman described. The Venezuelan government has
sacked almost 10,000 striking workers, and its efforts to
reactivate oil wells and refineries are achieving only
limited success.

In addition to Venezuela's problems, the increasingly
tenuous position of the ruling House of Saud also weighs on
the oil market. The ruling royal family of Saudi Arabia,
which has enjoyed the lion's share of oil wealth, is
perceived as corrupt - and domestic discontent is high.
Saudi oil production is at risk because social conflict
over oil, such as has materialized in Venezuela, is
possible...and also because a global Islamic extremist
movement currently threatening terrorist action calls Saudi
Arabia home.

The belief in an amply supplied crude market - whose
current price just happens to be artificially propped up by
a "war premium" - smacks of unwarranted optimism.
Proponents see the impending war itself as the cause of the
trouble...even though most stock markets peaked almost 3
years ago, well before Saddam became an issue. Many even
seem to welcome the prospect of war's outbreak, as they
believe it would rid the markets of bearish uncertainty.

This is not to suggest that today's market practitioners
are all blood-thirsty warmongers. Instead, what appears to
be "priced" into the markets is an image of conflict
(largely inspired by the television images of Gulf War I or
Afghanistan) that now bears almost no resemblance to the
bloody, chaotic experience that has historically been war's
gory reality.

Of course, if the first Gulf war conflict or the more
recent Afghan experience has inspired such tremendous
complacency, it becomes harder to argue that concerns over
Iraq have been a major factor in discouraging investment.
This paradox inspires us to sympathy with the view
expressed by market commentator Richard Russell: that Iraq
has become a "hook" inducing the public to hang on to its
shares...despite the increasingly ominous
political/economic backdrop and the catastrophic losses of
individual investors over the past 3 years. The belief in
an easy, relatively inexpensive war and the corresponding
fear of missing a "war rally", maintains Russell, are the
factors preventing a major sell-off...not fears of a
bloody, messy, economically disruptive conflict.

But the more one draws comparisons to the period preceding
Gulf War I, the less comforting appears the precedent.
Consider the political context today: As the U.S.
contemplates a second Gulf war, it faces unprecedented
terrorist threats, a fraying transatlantic alliance
(including perhaps the biggest split in NATO's 50 year
history), and antagonistic relations with virtually the
entire Islamic world. None of these conditions pertained in
1990/91. Nor is the economic backdrop remotely comparable:
consumers in the U.S., Europe and Japan still have record
levels of debt, accumulated long before any prospect of war
with Iraq became a reality

The likelihood of a sharp price spike in oil being followed
by a big decline (as was the case in 1991) is also much
less likely this time around. Were the work stoppages in
Venezuela conclusively ended, AND should all go well in the
Iraqi conflict (i.e. no major supply disruptions occur),
then much of the existing shortfall could be made up out of
the world's Strategic Petroleum Reserves. Iraqi oil
production will probably stabilize for a year and then rise
by perhaps 1.0 to 1.5 million barrels a day over a two-year

But over the longer term, it is unrealistic to expect huge
amounts of additional Iraqi oil to come flooding onto the
market. As a recent working paper co-sponsored by the
Council on Foreign Relations and the James A. Baker III
Institute for Public Policy maintains:

"Iraq's oil industry is unlikely to be able to immediately
deliver recovery in oil production and, depending on damage
sustained during hostilities, may find its ability to
export oil reduced. It is in dire straits with existing
production levels declining at a rate of 100,000 bpd
annually...Notwithstanding the value of Iraq's vast oil
reserves, there are severe limits on them both as a source
of funding for post-conflict reconstruction efforts and as
the key driver of future economic development. Put simply,
we do not anticipate a bonanza."

In short, there is no quick fix to the problem of high oil
prices, even if an oil shock is avoided. A best-case
scenario allows for stabilization and perhaps a modest
decline in the price of crude, but an imminent return to
sub-$20 oil, as was the case in 1991, appears unlikely.
Venezuela adds to the severe problems of a market on the
knife's edge of a price explosion. To many, Iraq remains a
relatively untouched jewel in the crown of the Middle East.
But this 'jewel' could yet prove no better than a crown of
thorns, if invasion plans do not adhere to the optimistic
outcome now assumed by the markets.

Today's markets view war as something akin to a machine.
Armchair strategists squeeze out the human element in a
clash between independent wills to a point where it is
almost invisible...or at least, until something goes wrong.
Only the most deluded optimist would expect certainty and
good times to return to the markets once the first cruise
missiles are launched.


Marshall Auerback,
for the Daily Reckoning

Editor's Note: International equities strategist Marshall
Auerback is a frequent contributor to The Daily Reckoning.
Specializing in international markets, Mr. Auerback derives
his expertise from 9 years 'on the job' with GT Management
in Hong Kong and Japan, during which time he covered the
stock markets of Hong Kong, Korea, South East Asia
(Thailand, Indonesia, the Philippines, Singapore, and
Malaysia), Australia, and New Zealand, Japan.

Currently, Mr. Auerback is an analyst and market strategist
for David W. Tice's Prudent Safe Harbor and Prudent Bear
funds. David Tice's commentary is an important component

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