Engrossing biography underscores the media baron's
fascinating contradictions

     "Starting out as a crusader for the interests of the working
man against the entrenched power of 'the Trusts,' Hearst later
morphed into one of the nation's leading reactionaries when FDR's
New Deal threatened to undermine his own fortune.
     "Hearst used all the considerable tools at his disposal to
prepare his countrymen to invade and annex Mexico, where the
revolution jeopardized extensive Hearst properties -- a fact the
publisher instructed his editors not to mention.  Decades earlier
he had written, 'I really don't see what is to prevent us from
owning all Mexico and running it to suit ourselves.'
     "{The author] devotes an entire chapter to 'Hearst and
Hitler.'  [Hearst's newspapers ran] syndicated columns by Hitler]
as well as Goering, Mussolini and other leading fascists, while
editorially upholding the right of Germany to rearm itself and
insisting on American neutrality in Europe ... "

"THE CHIEF: The Life of William Randolph Hearst"
By David Nasaw -- Houghton Mifflin; 656 pages; $35

     REVIEWED BY Gray Brechin
     San Francisco Chronicle "Book Review," July 2, 2000

     Call him the ultimate control freak. Call him spoiled
rotten, a dangerous radical, a fascist, awesomely powerful, a
loser, a patriot, a traitor, the leading debaucher of journalism,
a connoisseur, a magpie or simply the world's most spectacular
spendthrift. William Randolph Hearst has been called all of these
and many more, and he was most of them during his long and
tumultuous life. No fewer than 10 biographies have been published
on the man, and others on the Hearst dynasty, while more are in
the works.
     Hearst fascinates endlessly, and so does David Nasaw's new
biography, "The Chief," which, as with the best that came before
it, reads like a novel. Given the subject, it could hardly do
otherwise, because Hearst cut a broad wake through the better
part of a century. No one but W.R. himself could  make up such a
     Nasaw's biography will likely replace W.A. Swanberg's
"Citizen Hearst" as the definitive Hearst biography and hot
seller at the San Simeon gift shop.  A professor of history at
City College of New York, Nasaw gained access to Hearst papers
never before seen by researchers and, with the aid of graduate
students and other assistants, amalgamated an immense amount of
material into a highly readable portrait of a fascinating
     Those familiar with the Hearst saga will find little new in
the broad outlines.  The pampered only child of one of the West's
canniest mining promoters and his wife, a demanding mother who
was as culturally voracious as she was splendidly philanthropic,
William leveraged the family fortune into what was once the
world's greatest multimedia conglomerate.
     Starting out as a crusader for the interests of the working
man and the immigrant with the San Francisco Examiner, rallying
against the entrenched power of "the Trusts," Hearst later
morphed into one of the nation's leading reactionaries when FDR's
New Deal threatened to undermine his own fortune.  He built
palaces and raided Europe of art and entire monasteries. His
motivations baffled many and provided the basis for Orson
Welles' masterpiece, "Citizen Kane." Joan Didion admired the
audacity with which he crowned a California mountaintop with a
fairy-tale castle, all so that his guests could admire from its
terraces the miles of coastline that he claimed as his
     Hearst's initial sincerity as a privileged crusader for the
rights of the downtrodden has always constituted a major part of
the mystery.  Did he experience a political conversion late in
life, or did he simply remove a mask he wore while younger?
     Without directly saying so, Nasaw strongly suggests the
latter.  Hearst's letters to his parents reveal a precociously
conniving young man avid for ever more wealth and for the power
he knew it could purchase to make him richer still. In 1889 he
wrote his mother after a buying spree in Europe that his
"artistic longings are not altogether distinct from avarice,"
while he advised his father that large newspaper illustrations
were necessary to "stimulate the imagination of the lower classes
... and thus are of particular importance to that class
of people which the Examiner claims to address." Hearst knew that
he would need the votes of "that class of people" if he was ever
to reach the White House.
     He had no doubt that he was qualified to run the country
(and possibly the world) in the same way he micromanaged his
newspapers and movies.  Doubt, of any sort, appears to have been
alien to Hearst's makeup. "The allied newspaper, publications,
and news services controlled and directed by Mr. Hearst KNOW the
sentiments and feelings and opinions of the American people,
day by day, as no one else knows them," proclaimed Hearst's
editorial pages in January 1916.  Nasaw comments that "Hearst saw
his role to be that of a clairvoyant, bringing to the surface,
pre-articulating, and giving voice to an often inchoate and
unorganized public opinion."
     At that time, Hearst was using all the considerable tools at
his disposal to prepare his countrymen to invade and annex
Mexico, where the ongoing revolution jeopardized extensive Hearst
properties -- a fact that the publisher instructed his editors
not to mention.  Decades earlier he had written his father that
"I really don't see what is to prevent us from owning all Mexico
and running it to suit ourselves." In his own mind, the interests
of the United States and the Hearst estate were identical.
     That Hearst felt born to rule and qualified to "KNOW" his
nation's collective mind suggests another leader who was no
slouch at public relations, one for whom Hearst at times
expressed his admiration.  Nasaw devotes an entire chapter to
"Hearst and Hitler."  The former had, after all, syndicated
columns by the latter, as well as by Goering, Mussolini and
other leading fascists, all while editorially upholding the right
of Germany to rearm itself and insisting on American neutrality
in Europe until the bombing of Pearl Harbor.
     Critics such as investigative journalist George Seldes
claimed that Hearst had sold his International News Service to
the German propaganda ministry for a $400,000 annual
consideration after the Fuhrer invited the publisher to a private
interview in 1934.  Nasaw dismisses the charge with a single
sentence, claiming "(t)he story was without foundation and on its
face ludicrous, as Hearst needed no financial assistance to
support Hitler."
     But, as Nasaw elsewhere makes clear, $400,000 would have
come in very handy indeed, for Hearst's infinite appetite was
driving his conglomerate into a deepening sea of red ink as the
Depression dragged on.  His obsessive shopping and building could
only be maintained through an elaborate shell game of bank loans
and public stock offerings promoted by his newspapers.  Hearst
had to keep spending to maintain the popular illusion that he was
immune to the marketplace.  In 1937 the House of Hearst nearly
collapsed; a receiver saved the Chief by liquidating much of his
empire, culminating in a humiliating jumble sale of antiques and
tchotchkes at Gimbel's Department Store.
     Though Nasaw is skilled at providing context for Hearst's
rise as media baron, he fails to see Hearst's apparent sympathy
for fascism as not extraordinary to his class.  Whether regarding
fascism as a regrettable bulwark against communism or as a
positive alternative to the messiness of democracy and trade
unionism, leading Americans of Hearst's class often admired what
Hitler, Mussolini and Franco were doing to impose order on
their unruly citizens in time of economic crisis.  "Perhaps the
only way to restrain anyone in an hysterical frenzy (of
communism) is in a strait jacket until he recovers his sanity,"
Hearst wrote privately from Germany in 1934.

     Nasaw correctly notes that Hearst pioneered what giant
conglomerates now call "synergy," the use of their media
divisions to hype the value of other property or products within
or allied to the corporation, such as weapons contractors.
According to media critic Ben Bagdikian, all branches of mass
media in the United States are now dominated by only six
diversified companies, in a process of concentration which the
1996 Federal Telecommunications Act only accelerated.
     Few know who owns those companies, and that is not
accidental, for as Nasaw concludes, Hearst's style of journalism
was ultimately too personal for his own good: "Hearst, unlike his
colleagues in publishing, had not learned that in mass
circulation journalism it was best to disguise one's political
opinions ... to cultivate the appearance of objectivity."  By
both positive and negative example, the Chief taught well those
who have followed him.

[Gray Brechin is a historical geographer and author of "Farewell,
Promised Land: Waking From the California Dream" and "Imperial
San Francisco: Urban Power, Earthly Ruin."]

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