-Caveat Lector-

>From World Socialist Web Site www.wsws.org

>>>This was the strategy I was thinking of last week when the discussion came up
about a "real" second party.  A vote for LePen as a vote against Chirac (or the other
way around) is not mature politics; it only validates the system that many or most
would want to remove or renovate.  Thus, to show the politicians the juvenility of 
ways, put them in the corner in their rocking chairs with their stuffed animals and
make them stay there until they promise to behave themselves and act their ages.
And quit being menaces to society!  A<>E<>R <<<


WSWS : News & Analysis : Europe : France

No to Chirac and Le Pen! For a working class boycott of the French election

An open letter to Lutte Ouvrière, Ligue Communiste Révolutionnaire, and Parti des

By the World Socialist Web Site Editorial Board
29 April 2002

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For the leaders, members and political supporters of Lutte Ouvrière (LO), the Ligue
Communiste Révolutionnaire, and the Parti des Travailleurs (PT), the 2002 French
presidential election poses a great political responsibility. More than three million
people have given your candidates an unprecedented vote in the first round. But the
first round also saw a breakthrough by the National Front, with the fascist candidate
Le Pen finishing second and facing President Chirac in the May 5 runoff.

The millions who voted for your candidates look to you to speak clearly and forcefully
about the political crisis. The question is posed, and must be answered: where do
your organizations stand on the May 5 vote? How shall French workers and youth
carry forward a struggle to defend their social interests and defeat the fascist

The World Socialist Web Site urges every organization seeking to defend the
working class to campaign actively for a boycott of the May 5 presidential vote. No
political support to either Le Pen or Chirac! Mobilize French working people and
youth against this false and anti- democratic “choice.”

Despite the well-known historical and political differences between your three parties
and the International Committee of the Fourth International, which we do not seek to
conceal, we feel it is essential to propose this campaign and explain the political
basis for it.

Why a boycott? Because it is necessary to deny any legitimacy to this fraudulent
election; because it is necessary to establish an independent political line for the
working class; because an active and aggressive boycott would create the best
conditions for the political struggles that will arise in the aftermath of the 

A boycott, called for and campaigned for aggressively by your three parties, would
have a far different character than individual abstention. It would serve to 
educate the masses, and especially the young people who have been set into motion
by the shock of Le Pen’s success in the first round.

These new forces must learn important political lessons. They must learn to see
through the lies of the whole bourgeois political establishment—the governmental
right and governmental left, as well as the media—who claim that a vote for Chirac
represents the defense of democracy, the salvation of France’s “honor,” the creation
of an “anti-fascist front,” and so on.

The working class cannot rely on the corrupt and reactionary French bourgeoisie to
defend democratic rights or oppose fascism. Chirac’s own campaign, which adopted
wholesale the law-and-order rhetoric of Le Pen, is a clear demonstration of this fact.

Some may argue that boycotting the May 5 vote will strengthen Le Pen and his
fascist movement. We reject such claims entirely. Politics is not arithmetic, and
opposition to Le Pen does not require support for Chirac. On the contrary, it is the
official campaign for Chirac, uniting the governmental right and governmental left,
which reinforces Le Pen’s entirely false and demagogic claim that he alone gives
voice to popular opposition to the political establishment.

A widespread campaign of boycott and opposition to May 5, spearheaded by the
socialist left and mobilizing workers and youth against both Le Pen and Chirac, would
puncture Le Pen’s false pretenses and demonstrate to the broad masses that there
is a progressive social force which challenges the existing social and political order.

We must state frankly that to this point the position of the representatives of the LO
and the LCR amounts to tacit acceptance of a vote for Chirac. The LO is “not calling
on workers to abstain in the second round,” says LO presidential candidate Laguiller.
An LCR Political Bureau statement declares: “The LCR campaigns for Le Pen to
have the smallest possible vote on Sunday, May 5. We understand those voters who
vote for Chirac to oppose Le Pen, but we do not think that Chirac can be the rampart
against a new rise of the extreme right.”

In the course of the campaign in the first round, your parties aggressively denounced
the right-wing character of the Chirac presidency, and portrayed
Chirac—correctly—as the personification of corrupt bourgeois reaction. How can you
now suggest that a vote for Chirac is either permissible, understandable or
defensible? Should your past statements and warnings be taken seriously?

The language of the LCR statement suggests that the arguments for a vote for
Chirac in the second round are somehow unanswerable, or that to come out openly
for boycotting the choice of Chirac and Le Pen will not be understood by the masses.
This grossly underestimates the political possibilities in the current situation.

Who is responsible for Le Pen’s success?

Without minimizing the danger of the National Front, the vote for Le Pen does not
represent mass support for a fascist program in France, still less the emergence of a
mass fascist movement on the model of Mussolini or Hitler. Even among Le Pen’s
own voters, only a small fraction actually supports his social program and the
establishment of a right-wing authoritarian regime.

Should Le Pen, against expectation, win the presidential vote, he would not be able
to subjugate the French people to a totalitarian dictatorship. In the campaign for
Chirac by the media and the political establishment, there is an element of grotesque
exaggeration of the immediate threat posed by Le Pen, the purpose of which is to
terrorize the working class into supporting a policy of class collaboration. In order 
fight Le Pen, we must correctly diagnose the cause of the political disease he
personifies. The cause of this malaise is the closing off of any socialist alternative 
capitalist politics.

Le Pen has profited politically and ideologically from the abandonment of the working
class and its interests by the parties that claimed to represent it. As Jospin admitted
in his campaign, his party may call itself “Socialist,” but his program is “not 
The Socialist Party seeks to administer, on behalf of the capitalists, a welfare state
that no longer provides welfare, but on the contrary, continuously reduces the
standard of living and social conditions of the workers. The Jospin government took
responsibility for imposing all the sacrifices in jobs and social programs required as 
condition of the establishment of the European monetary system and the launching
of the euro.

As for the Communist Party, it was for many decades the principal pillar of French
capitalism within the working class. In the most recent period, this Stalinist
organization has had the main responsibility for introducing the poison of anti-
immigrant chauvinism into the working class. Communist Party leader and
presidential candidate Robert Hue first came to prominence 20 years ago as the
mayor of a Paris suburb who whipped up hatred and fear of immigrant workers. In
this he paved the way for Le Pen in the working-class suburbs and the former
Communist Party strongholds of the north.

Le Pen has gained in strength largely because of the right-wing policies pursued by
so-called left parties over the last 20 years. This has created the mood of alienation
and discouragement exploited by the National Front. Yet the solution to the fascist
challenge— according to these same bankrupt social democratic politicians—is a
further move to the right and the embrace of Chirac on May 5.

It is natural for Jospin, Hollande, Chevenement, etc. to call for a vote for Chirac. 
them it requires no major reorientation, because they share the same political
framework. They have worked closely with Chirac through five years of cohabitation,
supporting not only a reactionary domestic policy, but also the involvement of France
in a series of imperialist military interventions from Bosnia and Kosovo to

The claim by Jospin & Co. that a “divided left” caused Le Pen’s victory is an
argument, not merely against the presidential campaigns of the LO, LCR and PT, but
against the existence of any political organizations of the working class independent
of the bourgeoisie. Its logic is the liquidation of all political tendencies claiming 
to be
socialist into a broad current where the political line is set by the most right-wing
forces—something like the Democratic Party in the United States, whose end result
has been to put George W. Bush in the White House.

We reject with contempt the self-serving claims of Jospin and the Socialist
Party—and his apologists like Daniel Cohn-Bendit—that the socialist left is to blame
for Le Pen’s breakthrough. The fact that a sizeable proportion of workers voted for
their bitterest enemy is of great concern to all genuine socialists. But the
responsibility for this dangerous development lies with those who have systematically
betrayed the working class over many decades.

The international dimension

The election campaign in the first round largely ignored the international dimensions
of the crisis facing the working class. But there is no question that Le Pen and
Megret profited by presenting themselves as opponents of Brussels, blaming the
growth of unemployment and the decay in working class living standards on
European integration and the introduction of the euro, and by scapegoating
immigrant workers.

The working class must provide a forward-looking rather than a backward-looking
alternative to capitalist globalization. It must counter chauvinist and anti-immigrant
demagogy with a program based on socialist internationalism. Capitalist globalization
means a “Europe without borders” only for the corporate bosses, while the workers
remain straitjacketed within national boundaries. We reject the reactionary utopia of
returning to a French national project— unviable even under Mitterrand 20 years
ago—and fight for a socialist United States of Europe, with complete freedom for
workers of every race and nationality to travel, work and live where they wish.

The essence of socialism is internationalism. The struggle to defend the interests of
French workers and youth is inseparable from the struggle against imperialism—and
not only of the American variety, but French, British, German, and Japanese. The
greatest crime of the Socialist Party-led coalition was its support for French
imperialism in Africa, the Middle East, the Balkans and most recently Afghanistan.
Jospin thus placed himself on the same side of the barricades as Le Pen, the former
Algerian paratrooper and torturer.

Those who call for a vote for Chirac in the name of defending democracy within
France turn their backs on these crucial international questions. To vote for Chirac is
to take political responsibility for a government already committed to participating in
an American war on Iraq, an imperialist intervention that could destabilize the entire
Middle East and lead to a more general inter-imperialist war.

The lessons of history

If it is legitimate for the left to call for a vote for the reactionary Chirac in the 
name of
“defending democracy,” then it is legitimate to vote for the program of his
government, once it takes office, and even to join his government as a legislator or
cabinet minister. Such opportunist politics has a long and tragic history in the French
workers’ movement, going back to the notorious Alexandre Millerrand, the first
socialist politician to join a bourgeois government a century ago. Millerrand also
claimed to be motivated by the need to defend democracy, against the ultra-right
threat of the anti-Dreyfusards. The government that he joined ultimately engaged in
bloody massacres of striking workers.

The same claims were made for the formation of the Popular Front in France in
1936, an alliance of the Socialist Party, the Communist Party, and the bourgeois
Radical Socialists. The Popular Front government, brought to power through the
support of the working class, worked assiduously to diffuse the revolutionary
movement that erupted in a massive general strike and to save French capitalism.
Once its job of restraining, betraying and demoralizing the working class was
completed, it turned over power to the right wing, setting the stage for the collapse 
1940 and the establishment of the pro-fascist Vichy regime.

In some quarters there have been cynical and false attempts to justify a vote for
Chirac by citing the example of Leon Trotsky’s struggle against the ultra-left policies
of the Stalinist “third period”, particularly in Germany in the years of Hitler’s rise 
power. Trotsky opposed the policy then pursued by the Stalinist leadership of the
German Communist Party of identifying social democracy with fascism and rejecting
any alliance of the working class organizations to defeat the Nazi menace.

Trotsky’s campaign for a fighting united front of the working class, however, had
nothing in common with the subsequent rightward turn of the Stalinists to the Popular
Front, which subordinated the working class to the bourgeois parties in the name of
“defending democracy.” It is this policy, which destroyed the Spanish Revolution and
led to disaster in France, Chile and dozens of other countries, that is being revived 
the campaign for Chirac.

It would be wrong to mechanically identify France in 2002 with Germany in 1932, or
Le Pen with Hitler. Whatever the ideological and political similarities between the
National Front and the Nazis, Le Pen’s movement is at this point far weaker. Its
gains are not the result of a massive radicalization of ruined sections of the petty
bourgeoisie, under the impact of a global collapse of capitalism. Rather they stem
largely from the disorientation in the working class produced by the protracted decay
and bankruptcy of its old parties.

Nonetheless, the historical parallel does contain lessons. Those who argue for a vote
for Chirac to “stop Le Pen” follow in the footsteps of the German Social Democrats,
who in 1932, in the German presidential elections, supported the reactionary
militarist Hindenburg in order to “stop Hitler.” In January 1933, it was Hindenburg, as
president, who called Hitler to power as the Chancellor of Germany. Throughout the
German catastrophe, social democracy remained prostrate before the bourgeois
parties and the bourgeois state, opposing any effort to mobilize the working class
independently against fascism.

Chirac has no principled political differences with Le Pen. In the future, should he 
it politically expedient, he could very well call on Le Pen to bolster or even join his
government in order to strengthen his hand against the working class.

The central historical issue is the necessity for the working class to adopt an
independent political standpoint and develop its independent strength, on every
political issue, including the burning question of the struggle against fascism. In the
final analysis, it is only the independent political strength of the working class—not
the institutions and parties of the bourgeois state—that can defend democratic rights.

The road forward today

An aggressive campaign for a boycott of the second round will be the best
preparation for the working class to mount a struggle against whichever candidate
wins the presidency. Those who call for a vote for Chirac act as though politics
begins and ends on May 5, ignoring the implications of the pro-Chirac campaign
even for the parliamentary elections the following month, let alone the class and
social battles which must inevitably develop in the aftermath of the voting.

Let us recall what happened the last time Jacques Chirac was elected president of
France. Within six months of his entry into Elysée Palace, France was convulsed by
the most powerful wave of strikes and student protests since May-June 1968. The
struggles of November- December 1995, provoked by the Juppé government’s
attack on pensions and other social benefits, staggered the French bourgeoisie,
undermined the Juppé government, and created the conditions for the defeat of the
Gaullists and the election of a Socialist-led government—to the complete surprise of
Jospin himself and other leaders of the official left.

With that history in mind, the current campaign for a “100 percent vote for Chirac”
represents an attempt to straitjacket the French working class politically in advance
of struggles that must assume dimensions far beyond those of 1995. The result of a
massive vote for Chirac would be to greatly enhance his political authority, as a
quasi-Bonapartist figure. He would use this authority ruthlessly against the interests
of the working class.

There are many signs that leaders of the Socialist Party and the other organizations
of the “governmental left” are fully conscious of this purpose. Thus they urge an end
to the mass demonstrations against Le Pen, concerned that the protests might
create more difficult conditions for pursuing the right-wing program of privatization,
destruction of working conditions, and cutting jobs and wages in the post-election

The great lesson of the last quarter century is the necessity to combat the
reactionary political influence of the old, outlived, fossilized organizations that 
spoke for the working class. These organizations are today little more than empty
shells, held together by bureaucratic self-interest and state subsidies.

In Jospin’s own political trajectory can be seen the pernicious consequences of
decades of adaptation to these old organizations. He provides a textbook example of
one who sought to utilize the political principles and historical stature of Leon 
as a cover for opportunism. He has ended his political career with an ignominious
resignation, literally abandoning political responsibility at the point where grave
dangers confront the French working class.

French politics—and world politics—are at a historic turning point. Everything
depends, as Trotsky explained long ago, on the “subjective factor,” i.e., revolutionary
leadership and the political consciousness of the working class. Given a leadership
not mesmerized by bourgeois public opinion, confident in the working class and its
political strength, the debacle of Jospin and the Socialist Party will open the way for
the development of a mass independent political movement of the working class,
based on a socialist and internationalist program.

The real sentiments of millions of workers and youth found only a pale reflection in
the votes cast for the LO, the LCR and the PT on April 21. It is necessary to speak
bluntly to the members and supporters of these parties: based on the statements and
actions of your leaders, your organizations have to date demonstrated no
understanding of the critical responsibility now placed upon them. You are called on
to give a clear lead in the current crisis. This means concretely taking up the call 
a boycott of the May 5 presidential vote. The World Socialist Web Site urges all
socialists in France to raise this demand and fight for it.

Copyright 1998-2002
World Socialist Web Site
All rights reserved


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