-Caveat Lector-

Government may need to tap Social Security funds for other operations,
analysts report

By CURT ANDERSON, Associated Press

WASHINGTON (August 27, 2001 1:36 p.m. EDT) - President Bush's tax cut
and the nation's economic downturn will force the government to take $9
billion out of Social Security this year to pay for other operations, breaking a
bipartisan commitment in Congress, congressional analysts reported.

The nonpartisan Congressional Budget Office, offering a more pessimistic
view of the government's finances than the Bush administration did last week,
estimating the total budget surplus for the fiscal year that ends Sept. 30 at
$153 billion - down $122 billion from its May estimate.

CBO says Social Security will be tapped for $9 billion in fiscal 2001. After a
small non-Social Security surplus of $2 billion in fiscal 2002, CBO projects
the government will use $18 billion out of the retirement program in 2003 and
$3 billion in 2004.

While the White House projected similar numbers, it forecast a non-Social
Security surplus of $1 billion this year and next, just enough to permit
Republicans and Democrats to say they've kept a promise not to use Social
Security tax collections for other government programs.

The CBO report, scheduled for official release Tuesday, was obtained from
congressional sources Monday by The Associated Press.

Diverting Social Security money has no practical impact on the program,
although it prevents the government from paying down public debt as quickly
as it otherwise would. But making the program exempt from such invasions
has become a priority as both parties sought the mantle as its greatest

The first year of the 10-year, $1.35 trillion tax cut championed by Bush
accounts for about two-thirds of the lowered fiscal 2001 surplus estimate, the
CBO report says. A fourth of the reduction was attributed to the troubled
economy, mainly in the form of lower tax revenues. The tax cut includes $40
billion in income tax refunds this year and deferring about $33 billion in
business taxes into fiscal 2002.

CBO analysts say the economy should "narrowly avoid recession and
recover gradually next year," but the recovery is projected to be less robust
than the 3.2 percent growth rate estimated by the White House Office of
Management and Budget. CBO is forecasting 2.6 percent gross domestic
product growth next year, slightly below private consensus estimates.

Over the next 10 years, CBO is forecasting a $3.4 trillion surplus counting
Social Security, down from $5.6 trillion in its May forecast. Bush's tax cut and
the associated changes in interest costs account for more than $1.7 trillion of
the surplus reduction.

However, those numbers assume no additional spending by Congress,
including items already promised by lawmakers, such as a Medicare
prescription drug benefit, increases for defense and education and a new
$74 billion farm bill.

The Bush administration last week forecast a surplus of $158 billion this year,
$173 billion next year and $3.1 trillion over the next 10 years. Over the
decade, the White House figured defense spending at $198 billion above the
numbers used by CBO and Medicare spending $37 billion higher.

The White House used a Social Security accounting change and a few other
assumptions to claim that Social Security would remain untouched this year;
CBO did not use those same assumptions.

The president last week said the Social Security fund should not be tapped
unless the nation was at war or in a recession and has said that Congress
can avoid dipping into it by controlling spending. Yet many of the spending
proposals that could force use of the retirement trust fund were made by
Bush, not congressional Democrats.

Aside from the political fight, the main impact of the CBO forecast would be
on repayment of public debt. CBO says its new estimate will delay maximum
debt repayment by four years compared with its May forecast.

Steve Wingate, Webmaster

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