-Caveat Lector-


Harass the Brass!

Mutiny, Fragging and Desertions in the U.S. Military

By Kevin Keating

Is it "Fleet Week" in San Francisco again?
Let's rename 'Fleet Week' Mutiny Week!


'Fleet Week' is an annual event in San Francisco, held over a four or
five day period every September. Ships of the US Navy sail into port, and
a team of the Navy's 'Blue Angels' stunt fighter aircraft pretends to
strafe the city. No wonder they call San Francisco 'Baghdad-by-the-Bay!'
Thousands of young enlisted people from the visiting ships flood SF's
tourist traps in North Beach and Fisherman's Wharf. What follows is the
latest and longest version of a leaflet distributed to them on three or
four occasions since 1985.

A friend who was in the US military during the Persian Gulf War told me
that when George Bush visited the troops in Saudi Arabia before the war,
many enlisted men and women in Bush's immediate vicinity had their rifle
and pistol ammunition taken away. The bolts were also removed from their
rifles. If this was so, it makes it clear that Bush and his corporate
handlers may have been afraid of the US enlisted people who Bush would
soon be killing in his unsuccessful re-election campaign.

The suppressed history of the Vietnam war shows that the Commander-in-
Chief had good reason to fear and distrust the troops. Our rulers want us
to forget what happened during the Vietnam war, and they want us to
forget what defeated their war effort — and the importance of the
resistance to the war by enlisted men and women.

Until 1968 the desertion rate for US troops in Vietnam was lower than in
previous wars. But by 1969 the desertion rate had increased fourfold.
This wasn't limited to Southeast Asia; desertion rates among GIs were on
the increase world-wide. For soldiers in the combat zone, refusing to
obey orders became an important part of avoiding horrible injury or
death. As early as mid-1969, an entire company of the 196th Light
Infantry Brigade sat down on the battlefield. Later that year, a rifle
company from the famed 1st  Air Cavalry Division flatly refused — on CBS
TV — to advance down a dangerous trail. In the following 12 months the
1st Air Cav notched up 35 combat refusals.

 >From mild forms of political protest and disobedience of war orders, the
resistance among the ground troops grew into a massive and widespread
"quasi-mutiny" by 1970 and 1971. Soldiers went on "search and avoid"
missions, intentionally skirting clashes with the Vietnamese and often
holding three-day-long pot parties instead of fighting.

By 1970, the Army had 65,643 deserters, roughly the equivalent of four
infantry divisions.

In an article published in the Armed Forces Journal (June 7, 1971),
Marine Colonel Robert D. Heinl Jr., a veteran combat commander with over
27 years experience in the Marines and author of Soldiers Of The Sea, a
definitive history of the Marine Corps, wrote: "Our army that now remains
in Vietnam is in a state approaching collapse, with individual units
avoiding or having refused combat, murdering their officers and
noncommissioned officers..."

Heinl cited a New York Times article which quoted an enlisted man saying,
"The American garrisons on the larger bases are virtually disarmed. The
lifers have taken our weapons away...there have also been quite a few
frag incidents in the battalion."

"Frag incidents" or "fragging" was soldier slang in Vietnam for the
killing of strict, unpopular and aggressive officers and NCO's. The word
apparently originated from enlisted men using fragmentation grenades to
off commanders.

Heinl wrote, "Bounties, raised by common subscription in amounts running
anywhere from $50 to $1,000, have been widely reported put on the heads
of leaders who the privates and SP4s want to rub out."

Shortly after the costly assault on Hamburger Hill in mid-1969, the GI
underground newspaper in Vietnam, GI Says, publicly offered a $10,000
bounty on Lieutenant Colonel Weldon Hunnicutt, the officer who ordered
and led the attack.

"The Pentagon has now disclosed that fraggings in 1970 (209 killings)
have more than doubled those of the previous year (96 killings). Word of
the deaths of officers will bring cheers at troop movies or in bivouacs
of certain units."

Congressional hearings on fraggings held in 1973 estimated that roughly
3% of officer and non-com deaths in Vietnam between 1961 and 1972 were a
result of fraggings. But these figures were only for killings committed
with grenades, and didn't include officer deaths from automatic weapons
fire, handguns and knifings(!). The Army's Judge Advocate General's Corps
estimated that only 10% of fragging attempts resulted in anyone going to

In the Americal Division, plagued by poor morale, fraggings during 1971
were estimated to be running around one a week. War equipment was
sabotaged and destroyed. By 1972 roughly 300 anti-war and anti-military
newspapers, with names like Harass the Brass, All Hands Abandon Ship and
Star Spangled Bummer had been put out by enlisted people.

"In Vietnam," wrote the Ft. Lewis-McCord Free Press, "The Lifers, the
Brass, are the true enemy...."

Riots and anti-war demonstrations took place on bases in Asia, Europe and
in the United States. By the early 1970s the government had to begin
pulling out of the ground war and switching to an "air war" in part
because many of the ground troops who were supposed to do the fighting
were hamstringing the world's mightiest military force by their sabotage
and resistance.

With the shifting over to an "air war" strategy, the Navy became an
important source of resistance to the war. In response to the racism that
prevailed inside the Navy, black and white sailors occasionally rebelled
together. The most significant of these rebellions took place on board
the USS Constellation off Southern California in November 1972. In
response to a threat of less-than-honorable discharges against several
black sailors, a group of over 100 black and white sailors staged a day-
and-a-half long sit-in. Fearful of losing control of his ship at sea to
full-scale mutiny, the ship's commander brought the Constellation back to
San Diego.

One hundred thirty-two sailors were allowed to go ashore. They refused
orders to reboard the ship several days later, staging a defiant dockside
strike on the morning of November 9. In spite of the seriousness of the
rebellion, not one of the sailors involved was arrested.

Sabotage was an extremely useful tactic. On May 26, 1970, the USS
Anderson was preparing to steam from San Diego to Vietnam. But someone
had dropped nuts, bolts and chains down the main gear shaft. A major
breakdown occurred, resulting in thousands of dollars worth of damage and
a delay of several weeks. Several sailors were charged, but because of a
lack of evidence the case was dismissed.

With the escalation of naval involvement in the war the level of sabotage
grew. In July of 1972, within the space of three weeks, two of the Navy's
aircraft carriers were put out of commission by sabotage. On July 10, a
massive fire swept through the admiral's quarters and radar center of the
USS Forestall, causing over $7 million in damage. This delayed the ship's
deployment for over two months.

In late July, the USS Ranger was docked at Alameda, California. Just days
before the ship's scheduled departure for Vietnam, a paint-scraper and
two 12-inch bolts were inserted into the number-four-engine reduction
gears causing nearly $1 million in damage and forcing a three-and-a-half
month delay in operations for extensive repairs. The sailor charged in
the case was acquitted. In other cases, sailors tossed equipment over the
sides of ships while at sea.

The House Armed Services Committee summed up the crisis of rebellion in
the Navy:

"The US Navy is now confronted with pressures...which, if not controlled,
will surely destroy its enviable tradition of discipline. Recent
instances of sabotage, riot, willful disobedience of orders, and contempt
for authority...are clear-cut symptoms of a dangerous deterioration of

Resistance to the war effort by men in uniform was a product of
circumstances favorable to revolt. A civilian anti-war movement in the US
had emerged on the coat-tails of the civil rights movement, at a time
when the pacifism-at-any-price tactics of civil rights leaders had
reached their effective limit, and were being questioned by a younger
generation of activists. Working class blacks and Latinos served in
combat units out of all proportion to their numbers in American society,
and major urban riots in Watts, Detroit and Newark had an explosive
effect on the consciousness of many of these men. After the assassination
of Martin Luther King major riots erupted in 181 US cities; the rulers of
the United States were facing the gravest national crisis since the Civil
War. And the radical movement of the late 1960's was an international
phenomenon not limited to the US. There was revolt everywhere, even
against the Maoists in China; its high point was the wildcat general
strike that shut down France in May, 1968, the last time a major
industrialized democracy came close to revolution.

The relationship between officers and enlisted people mirrors the
relationship between bosses and employees, and similar dynamics of class
conflict emerge in the military and civilian versions of the workplace.
The military is never a hermetically sealed organization. The armed
forces are vulnerable to social forces at work in the larger society that
spawns them. Revolt in civilian society bleeds through the fabric of the
military into the ranks of enlisted people.

Ten years ago, in an article in Mother Jones magazine, corporate liberal
historian and New Leftover Todd Gitlin claimed that the US anti-war
movement of the Vietnam period was the most successful opposition to a
war in history. Gitlin was dead wrong; as a bourgeois historian Gitlin is
paid to get it wrong. The most effective "anti-war" movement in history
occurred at the end of World War One, when proletarian revolutions broke
out in Russia, Germany and throughout Central Europe in 1917 and 1918,
and a crucial factor in the revolutionary movement of that time was the
collapse of the armies and navies of Russia and Germany in full-scale
armed mutiny. After several years of war and millions of casualties the
soldiers and sailors of opposing nations began to fraternize with each
other, turned their guns against their officers and went home to fight
against the ruling classes that had sent them into the war. The war ended
with a global cycle of mutinies mirroring the social unrest spreading
across the capitalist world. The naval bases Kronstadt in Russia and Kiel
and Wilhelmshaven in Germany became important centers of revolutionary
self-organization and action, and the passing of vast numbers of armed
soldiers and sailors to the side of the Soviets allowed the working class
to briefly take power in Russia. The French invasion of Revolutionary
Russia in 1919 and 1920 was crippled by the mutiny of the French fleet in
the Black Sea, centered around the battleships France and the Jean Bart.
Mutinies broke out among sailors in the British Navy and in the armies of
the British empire in Asia, and even among American troops sent to aid
the counter-revolutionary White Army in the Russian Civil War.

Organized revolutionary mutiny doesn't happen in every war, but it occurs
more frequently than military historians generally acknowledge. One of
the most significant naval mutinies in history occurred in the Spanish
Navy in July 1936, at the beginning of the Spanish Civil War. In response
to massive working class unrest, the Spanish military launched a coup
d'etat led by Francisco Franco. Franco's army was to invade Spain from
North Africa with the aid of ships of the Spanish Navy. But a majority of
Spanish sailors were class-conscious socialists and anarchists, and these
men planned a coordinated revolt in response. After several days of ship-
board combat the sailors won. This almost broke the back of Franco's coup
attempt. A later study by the Spanish Republican government estimated
that 70% of the Naval officer corps was killed in the mutiny.

The crisis that racked American society during the Vietnam war was a
grave crisis for what has been a historically very stable society, but it
wasn't profound enough to create an irreparable rupture between the
rulers and the ruled, or give rise to a full-fledged revolutionary
crisis. The US was still coasting on the relative prosperity of the post-
World War Two economic boom. Life wasn't as bad for as many people as it
is now, and that's why US involvement in a similar protracted ground war,
in Colombia or Mexico for example, could have a much more explosive
impact on American society in the near future. History shows that a
conscript or draftee army is more prey to sedition than an all-volunteer
force. This might be one reason that all-volunteer armed forces are
becoming the norm for the world's major industrialized democracies.

It's an ugly fact that war and revolution were intimately linked in the
most far-going social movements of the 20th century. With the US
governments' self-appointed role as the global policeman for capitalist
law and order, it 's likely that the crisis that will be necessary to
cause an irreparable break between the rulers and the ruled in the United
States will come from a war. It will be a war the US can't quickly win or
walk away from, a war they can't fight with a proxy army like the
Nicaraguan Contras, a war with a devastating impact on the civilian
populace of the US: a minimum of 5,000

Americans coming home in plastic bags. Protracted civil unrest or full-
scale revolution in Mexico is one situation that could give rise to this.
At that point widespread fraternization between anti-capitalist radicals
and enlisted people will be crucial in bringing an end to this
nightmarish social order.(1)

An examination of what happened to the US military during the Vietnam War
can help us understand the central role the "the military question" will
play in a future revolutionary struggle. It isn't a question of how a
chaotic and rebellious civilian populace can out-gun the well-organized,
disciplined armies of the capitalist state in pitched battle, but of how
this mass movement can cripple the effective fighting capacity of the
military, and bring about the collapse and dispersal of the state's armed
forces. What set of circumstances can compel the inchoate discontentment
endemic in any wartime army or navy to advance to the level of conscious
organized resistance? How fast and how deeply can a subversive
consciousness spread among enlisted people? How can rebels in uniform
take effective, large-scale action against the military machine? This
will involve the sabotage and destruction of sophisticated military
technologies, an irreversible breakdown in the chain-of-command, and a
terminal demoralization of the officer corps. Circumstances must make it
clear to officers that they are fighting a losing war, and that their
physical safety can best be guaranteed if they give up, surrender their
weapons and run away. The "quasi-mutiny" that helped defeat the US in
Vietnam offers a significant precedent for the kind of subversive action
revolutionaries will have to help foment in the fight against 21st
century capitalism.

As Capital's global dictatorship causes living conditions to deteriorate
for the majority of humanity, working class troops will be given an
expanding role in suppressing the rebellions of other working class
people. The use of US armed forces during the Los Angeles riots in the
spring of 1992 was a taste of the military's likely future domestic role
in maintaining this exploitative social order. But the forces that lead
to mass rebellion in one area of the globe will also give rise to
rebellions in other parts of the globe; our rulers' power and their
economy can be collapsed from within by the working class women and men
whom they depend on.


Information for this article has been taken from the book Soldiers in
Revolt, by David Cortright, published by the Institute for Policy
Studies, the pamphlet Mutinies by David Lamb, which may be available from
AK Press Distribution in San Francisco, and various issues of the
Detroit, Michigan anarchist newspaper The Fifth Estate. Information on
the Spanish Civil War is taken from The Spanish Revolution: The left and
the struggle for power, by Burnett Bolletin.

And the US Army's Psychological Operations manual is quite useful — find
copies of this last one if you can!

Readers should please send copies of this article to any enlisted people
they know.


1 A few far-sighted individuals among the U.S. political class understand
the irreversible impact a ground war could have on the survival of U.S.
society. This understanding may be more radical than that of most
supposed radicals! At one meeting, Madeleine Albright, then ambassador to
the United Nations, famously confronted Powell. "What's the point of
having this superb military that you're always talking about if we can't
use it?" she demanded. In his memoirs, Powell recalled that he told
Albright that GI's were "not toy soldiers to be moved around on some sort
of global game board." An official who witnessed the exchange told
NEWSWEEK that Powell also said something quite revealing that has not
been reported. "You would see this wonderful society destroyed," the
general angrily told Albright. -- Colin Powell: Behind the Myth, by
Evan Thomas and John Berry. Newsweek, March 5th, 2001


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