-Caveat Lector-

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Date: 2 Sep 1999 01:46:21 -0000
From: HateWatch Updates <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
To: List Member <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: HateWatch News for 9/2/99

HateWatch Updates - http://hatewatch.org

HateWatch News for Septmeber 2, 1999

**S. Dakota cases raise questions on hate crimes**
his week, when police charged three young Indians in the brutal
beating of a Martin, S.D., white man named Brad Young, the story went
national. Never mind that beatings rarely get even local news coverage
unless they're fatal. The beating of Young, who remains in critical
condition, won space in newspapers from coast to coast. Television
programs such as NBC's ``Today'' also gave coverage to the beating.
To some American Indians, the difference in news play is clear evidence of

**France to Prosecute Alleged Nazi**
A French judge recommended Wednesday that accused Nazi war criminal Alois
Brunner be tried in absentia for allegedly deporting 250 Jewish children
to Auschwitz, where they died, judicial sources said. The recommendation
by French Investigative Judge Herve Stephan paves the way for what is
likely to be France's last World War II war crimes trial. A French
criminal court will set a trial date, the judicial sources said.

**Ft.Campbell Murder 2nd Hearing**
Hearings began August 30 at Fort Campbell in Kentucky regarding the
murder of Private First Class Barry Winchell, a suspected hate crime
since Winchell was perceived by his colleagues to be gay. An earlier
"Article 32" hearing, which combines some of the elements of civilian
grand jury and preliminary hearings, had considered whether PFC Calvin
Glover should be tried on a charge of first-degree murder in the July 5
baseball bat attack;

**A Love-hate thing**
Some observers heralded the domain hijack of godhatesfags.com from a
family of 12 gay-hating Kansas civil rights attorneys as the "Stonewall of
the '90s," but the action is raising First Amendment and online security
questions. "Some anonymous hacker out there did this, and deserves a lot
of credit", said Richard Mackey.  A Boston-based online hate tracker
doesn't agree. "Its relevance has no lasting power," said David Goldman,
founder of Hatewatch.org. "In fact, I think that as a tactic to be used by
the civil rights community, it's a misguided one." Goldman says limiting
Phelps's speech, even temporarily, "takes away one of the greatest
advantages the civil rights community has on the Web: exposing bigots
using their own words."

**U.S. prepares for possible Y2K violence**
The U.S. government is preparing for possible violence from cults,
guerrillas, hate groups and end-of-world-fearing zealots as 2000
approaches.  Law enforcement officials are working on contingency plans to
cope with everything from cyber attacks to bombs at New Year's Eve
parties, though they say they lack knowledge of specific,
credible threats.

**When hate lurks around the corner**
For years, some residents of a Willow Glen neighborhood of stately
trees and charming homes have been on guard and slightly uncomfortable.
The reason: a group of tough-looking youths who
gathered outside a home in the neighborhood. They wore shaved heads, Army
fatigue pants, T-shirts and combat boots. They smoked cigarettes, played
pool and kicked around tennis balls they'd set afire.  ``It's a constant
worry,'' said a mother who lives nearby. ``I worry about the safety of my
child and other people who live in the neighborhood.''
This week, their fears were realized.

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