-Caveat Lector-

Welcome to the American Gestapo
Nov 20, 2002, 08:32

Wonder if any of the vast sums of money approved Tuesday for the new
Department of Homeland Security are set aside for black uniforms
with knee-length boots and black leather trench coats?

Should be. Since we’ve gone to all this trouble to create the new
American Gestapo we might as well let them look the part.

Excuse me if I don’t join in all the senseless celebration over
creation of yet another mammoth bureaucracy of the federal
government. Pardon me if I don’t go ga-ga over a federal agency that
has been given unlimited powers to spy on Americans, trample all
over the First and Fourth Amendments, ignore the privacy of anyone
it chooses and violate the rights of every man, woman and child who
used to live in the Land of the Free.

Our own paranoia has accomplished what Osama bin Laden and his
minions could not with hijacked airplanes and vague threats about
future attacks – these fears have forced America to abandon its
principles and create a police state.

This new Department of Homeland Security has the power to wiretap
any American it wants, without a court order, without cause and
without justification to any higher authority. Homeland Security
goon squads will have the power to enter any American home, without
a search warrant, without probable cause, simply because someone
somewhere says “hey, this guy might be a threat.” No checks and
balances, no due process. Nothing.

Video cameras at ATMs, convenience stores, department stores and
office building lobbies already record Americans living in urban
areas 75-100 times on any given day but that isn’t enough for the
new American Gestapo. They plan to erect video cameras on streets,
along public highways, in neighborhoods and deploy them on
helicopters and police cars to record everything you and I do every
day of the year.

“We are entering a new era of domestic surveillance,” says retired
FBI agent Franklin Postel. “One where the constitution is secondary
to the cause. The new department has the power to document the
day-to-day actions of any American it chooses.”

A secret court decision last May already gives the Justice
Department expanded powers to wiretap phones, spy on Americans and
“share information” with other law enforcement agencies.

These powers, granted under a dangerous piece of legislation called
the “USA Patriot Act,” allow Attorney General John Ashcroft to sign
away the normal rights and protections that Americans used to enjoy
– little things like probable cause, due process and the now
forgotten belief that any accused is presumed innocent until proven

Those who support these expanded powers say the system has
"safeguards" where law enforcement personnel must get a judge's
approval before wiretapping an American family but those who have
studied the law said the "safeguards" are, in fact, "carefully
worded loopholes."

"The law only requires an 'administrative review' by the very
department that wants to spy on Americans," says retired federal
judge John Macklin. "Most judges would not approve such wiretaps but
the law is engineered to make sure that most judges never see the

Ashcroft says he will implement the new powers “immediately” and is
already increasing surveillance of Americans.

Look closer at the powers granted under the act and you will find
things that would make Hitler proud.

They include provisions to allow private citizens to spy on other
private citizens without fear of prosecution if the Department
determines their actions were conducted “in the national interest.”

“I’ve read some of the abstracts on the new law and they take the
handcuffs off people like me,” says private detective Andrew
Burlingame. “I can tap anyone I damn well please. All I have to do
is claim I thought the guy was a terrorist.”

Under the new law, an agent of the Department of Homeland Security
can walk into your bank, flash a badge and demand to see your
checking and saving account records. No court order. All they need
is the “presumption of guilt.” They can stop you in your car without
cause and search it and you. They can hold you in jail for 30 days
or more without filing any charges or allowing you to make any phone

They can call up America Online and put a trace on all your Internet
activity without a court order. They can require Visa to turn over
all your credit card activity records without notice.

"Again, the process only requires an internal administrative review
and not the involvement of any independent judicial authority," says
retired judge Macklin. "It violates all previous standards for due
process and probable cause."

In other words, they can do any damn thing they want and there isn’t
a thing that any of us can do about it.

Some may argue the current terrorist threat requires such drastic
measures. But what happens when that threat is met? The Department
of Homeland Security and its draconian powers will still exist. Who
will determine the new threat? Who will decide who becomes the

"An evil exists that threatens every man, woman and child of this
great nation," the leader of another country once wrote. "We must
take steps to ensure our domestic security and protect our

That was Adoph Hitler, writing about creation of the Gestapo in Nazi

Wecome to the American Gestapo. Be careful what you say and do. They
are watching and they will be watching from now on.

© Copyright 2002 Capitol Hill Blue


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