Several weeks ago, a small wire service story reported that a laptop
computer had been stolen from a State Department conference room. A followup
reported that this computer had held on its hard drive several highly
classified documents with national security implications, and that in fact
it had been taken from State's "research office," the department's top
secret intelligence branch. One would expect that this would have provoked a
storm of outrage at least from the Republicans in Congress and their tame
news media, such as the Washington Times. But a funny thing happened on the
way to the scandal: the Elian Gonzalez story, which had been simmering in
the background for months, suddenly blew up and took over the headlines.

Coincidence? Well, the American news media do have a shorter attention span
than the average first-grader. It *could* just be that they were unable to
hold more than one major story in their heads at one time. Or... Could it be
<I am shocked, *shocked*!> that the White House orchestrated the Elian
affair to divert attention from what appears to be a huge breach of security
at the State Department? Just what was in those classified documents on the
laptop, anyway? Who stole the machine, and how were they able to take it
from what *should* have been the most secure section in Foggy Bottom?

Inquiring minds want to know...

Stay tuned for further (dis)information.

Robert F. Tatman
Jenkintown, PA, USA
"Y Gwir Yn Erbyn y Byd"--Y Bardd Cymraeg
"The Truth Against the World"--motto of the Welsh bards

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