-Caveat Lector-

Japan Cabinet Backs Rising Sun Flag

.c The Associated Press

TOKYO (AP) - Japan's Cabinet voted to give official status to the rising sun
flag and the imperial anthem Friday, two symbols long criticized as linked to
the country's militaristic past.

The legislation making the ``Hinomaru'' - a scarlet disc on a white
background - the national flag and the ``Kimigayo'' song the national anthem
now moves to Parliament for consideration.

The vote followed a dispute between the Education Ministry, which has pushed
schools to display the flag and sing the anthem, and pacifist teachers and
other groups opposed to the symbols.

The conflict peaked earlier this year when a high school principal in
Hiroshima, a hotbed of opposition to the flag and anthem, committed suicide
while caught in an emotional debate over whether to use the Hinomaru and
Kimigayo at an upcoming graduation ceremony.

The flag and anthem have been defacto national symbols for decades, but
postwar governments have shied away from giving them legal status because
many people consider them emblems of Japanese militarism that led to World
War II.

Many schools have refused to fly the flag and sing the anthem. After the
suicide in Hiroshima, the government moved to clear up the ambiguity.

``It is important to establish clearly in a written law a custom that has
been long accepted by the people,'' Education Minister Akito Arima said after
Friday's Cabinet decision.

In a concession to opponents, however, the legislation does not include a
requirement that Japanese pay respect to the flag and anthem - leaving it
unclear how the symbols will be used in the future. Government officials have
said in the past that the bill would still not require schools to use them.

The ruling Liberal Democratic Party hopes to win parliamentary approval of
the bill in the current session, but opposition by leftist parties could
delay its passage.

Respect for the flag and anthem has long been a favorite cause among Japan's
right-wingers. An extremist who stabbed and wounded a school principal in
Osaka last week said he wanted to draw more attention to the issue.

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