-Caveat Lector-


Homeland Security Doesn't Start with Hunger
Jeff Bridges and J. Larry Brown

  Seven thousand years after the world's first civilizations formed to
protect human populations against hunger, the wealthiest and most powerful
country in recorded history somehow finds itself unable to protect its own
people from the most basic scourge of our species. Putting it this way,
however, is not quite accurate. The 31 million Americans who go hungry, cut
down on meal sizes because they haven't enough money to buy food, or simply
have no idea where their next meal will come from, are not really the victims
of inability but the failure of political leadership.  After all, a nation
that has unequaled wealth, extensive administrative capacity, and produces
more than enough food for its people and much of the rest of the world,
doesn't let its most vulnerable citizens go hungry because it cannot do

  When one sees an equation like hunger and wealth, it typically stems from
dictatorship or civil strife. In the U.S., where neither is the case, what we
have is old-fashioned indifference on the part of national policy makers.
There exists no political payoff for ending hunger: no leader will be
punished if it continues, and none will be rewarded for helping to end it...
at least as things now stand. It was not always this way, not even in recent
history. In the 1960s, the nation responded to reports of widespread hunger
in the nation. President Richard Nixon and a Democratic Congress responded by
weaving a safety net to protect our people from hunger: the food stamp
program became national in scope, child nutrition programs like WIC and
school breakfast were instituted, and elderly feeding programs created to
guard against want during life's so-called golden years. A decade later
investigating physicians found that this leadership had made a difference;
where they had seen deprivation ten years earlier they now found filled
stomachs. Poverty still existed, to be sure, but the poor were fed.

  Since the 1980s, however, hunger has returned with a vengeance, the result
of small-minded policy changes that distributed wealth upward and hardship
downward. Since then no president, of either party, has even acknowledged the
suffering, let alone mobilized the country to address it. America has the
capacity to end hunger in six months if we could convince our leaders to do
so. Our nation has programs that work, and we have the administrative
structures already in place. What we need is resolve, in the form of $8 to $9
billion more annually, to see that the programs reach all in need Š an
amount, by the way, that is less than one-tenth of one percent of our annual
budget. But it will take pressure to get Washington officials to stop
ignoring hunger or focusing on charity as an answer.

  They would not suggest defending the integrity of our national borders
through private charities, and neither should they subject the nutritional
well-being of our citizens to the vagaries of local handouts. Today, we have
thousands of charitable programs doing all they can to stem the growing tide
of hunger, and we commend their marvelous endurance and incredible
commitment. But to actually end hunger in America, all of us must now work
together to mobilize national leaders to pursue policies that protect our
families and children from this fully-preventable scourge.

Actor and longtime hunger activist Jeff Bridges now chairs an entertainment
industry initiative known as Hunger Free America (www.hungerfreeamerica.org).
Dr. Brown, Distinguished Scientist at Brandeis University's Heller Graduate
School, directs the National Center on Hunger and Poverty, a cosponsor of HFA.

[extra paragraphs breaks inserted by me  - Laura]

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