-Caveat Lector-

Hi !

I heard Jim Keith died a few days ago. I wanted to post this article I
previously published in an issue of my newsletter.

Sincerely,  Neil Brick

>From SMART Issue #7

This was written by a subscriber. Please use caution while reading this
article.  It may be triggering for survivors.

Secret and Suppressed: Banned Ideas and Hidden History, edited by Jim Keith,
1993 Feral House, Box 3466, Portland, OR 97208 , $12.95

In his preface to Secret and Suppressed, Jim Keith states that "the people
who direct and control the world's  financial resources are, to a very large
extent, the same people who control and direct the world's media." Secret and
Suppressed is a guidebook to alternative views of contemporary events and
world history...  (which) confronts the reader with disquieting revelations
on mind control,  secret societies, media disinformation, cults and elite
cabals. The hard evidence supplied by many of the articles is startling."

About half of the articles in this anthology expose Masonic activity, how it
has shaped society in the past and its influence in our lives today.

In  his  article  "Sorcery,  Sex, Assassination and the Science of Political
Control," James Shelby Downard writes, "For years I have been trying to draw
attention to Masonic sorcery and its (alleged) relation to political
control." He states that  "Benjamin ..... was initiated into Freemasonry at
St. John's Lodge in Philadelphia  and  ... is  credited  with publishing the
first Masonic book in America."

He identifies the "House of the Rising Sun," a Masonic meeting place for
powerful political figures such as Benjamin Franklin, George Washington and
George Mason, located in Fredericksburg, Virginia, which as the earliest
known record of the Masonic Royal Arch Degree of York, listed in the city
annals on December 22, 1753. He discusses the roots of the anti-mason
political party that challenged Freemason
Andrew Jackson for the presidency in 1826, and the murder of the Mormon
prophet  which resulted in the men of the Mormon church withdrawing from
Freemasonry. (S.M.A.R.T. note: For more information on the Mormons and their
connection to the Masons, see Issue #6)

He  delves  deeply  into  the  JFK assassination which he believes is
suffused with Masonic symbolism having to do with violence,  perversion,
conspiracy, death and  degradation  (specifically,  Masonic Greening
Rituals). "Masonry does not (allegedly) believe in murdering a man in just
any old way and in the JFK assassination, it went to incredible lengths and
took great risks to make this heinous act correspond to the ancient fertility
oblation of The Killing of the King."

He identifies the three hoboes arrested at the time of the assassination as
"at least  as  important  symbolically  as operationally, and they compromise
the 'three unworthy craftsmen' of Masonry... and a mirror or doppelganger of
the three assassins who executed the actual murder." He notes that Dealy
Plaza is the site of the First Masonic Temple in Dallas and home of the Blue
Front Tavern, a Masonic
hangout,  and  that  important  security strategy was planned for Dealy Plaza
by the New Orleans CIA station which was headquartered in a Masonic temple

He points out that Mason Lyndon Johnson appointed Mason Earl Warren to
investigate the  death  of  Catholic  President John Kennedy;  33rd degree
Mason Gerald Ford was instrumental in suppressing what little evidence of a
conspiratorial nature reached the Commission; 33rd degree Mason J. Edgar
Hoover  was  responsible  for  supplying information to the commission; and
former CIA Director and 33rd degree Mason Allen Dulles was responsible for
most of his agency's data to the panel. And he asks, "Would it be paranoid to
suspect a panel of Nazis appointed to investigate the death of a Jew, or to
suspect a commission of Klansmen appointed to investigate the death of a

In his article "Subliminal Images in Oliver Stone's 'JFK' " which follows,
Dean Grace identifies Downard's Three Craftsmen; "A man in a dark suit passes
three hoboes being taken into custody by police. There is a hint that the
hoboes give a secret hand sign.. later.. .A man in a dark suit passes by the
three tramps and
gives a secret hand sign for the tramps' benefit. "Also (while) patrolman
Smith is testifying on the witness stand... a tall young man wearing a dark
suit... turns toward the camera and clearly gives a Masonic sign of
distress... holds the palm of the left hand up and crosses it with the right
hand pain down.. .at waist level.. twelve inches from the body. This is the
sign of distress in the Entered Apprentice, first degree of

In his article "The Masonic Ripper," Jim Keith notes that elements brought
forth by Stephen Knight in Jack the Ripper, the Final Solution suggest that
the Ripper slayings may not have been the work of a lone madman but possibly
the commission of a plot by extremely influential Freemasons  of the day (as
Downard suggests re the JFK assassination). The press of the time dubbed the
Ripper with the name 'Leather Apron' which is the vestment worn by Masons
during ritual ceremonies. A message scrawled in chalk near pieces of clothing
of one of the victims - "The Juwes are the men that will be blames for
nothing" - refers in Masonic lore to the three apprentice Masons who killed
master builder Hiram.

"The five murders attributed to Jack the Ripper were accomplished by
left-to-right strokes across the victims ..... . A triangle flap of skin had
been reflected from each .... . Two triangles comprise the sacred sign of
Ma...... the stomach and abdomen were ripped open, the heart cut out." These
ritual desecrations conform to the descriptions of the penalties for
betraying the vow of secrecy taken by Masons during initiation.

Knight suggests that the reason for the Ripper murders was allegedly  to
silence the women who threatened to betray the throne by revealing the secret
marriage of Prince Eddy to a Roman Catholic, then a despised minority, and
the birth of a royal child.

"Secrets  from  the  Vatican  Library," submitted by an anonymous member of
the Franciscan  order,  describes  a  "secret history of Western civilization
gleaned from documents in the Vatican library," specifically  the
"protracted  struggle between  several  'elite'  factions... for supremacy
from the days following the fall of the Roman empire to the present," between
northern and southern Europe especially. He describes the founding of the
Order of the Knights Hospitallers and the founding of the Order of the
Knights Templar, details of  cult  politics,  wars,  rituals  and scapegoats,
and the alleged takeover of the Vatican by the Royal Arch Masons.

Because he promotes a religious ideology and sect in his interpretation of
his data and his conclusions, I am less trusting of the integrity and motives
in his article. One item,  however,  does seem validated by my previous
reading of the Founding Fathers.  "The Freemasons... jealous lower-echelon
members of the northern clique united in Masonic lodges... saw in the new
land  (America)  an  opportunity  to  set
themselves up as a faction in their own right."

CTRL is a discussion and informational exchange list. Proselyzting propagandic
screeds are not allowed. Substance—not soapboxing!  These are sordid matters
and 'conspiracy theory', with its many half-truths, misdirections and outright
frauds is used politically  by different groups with major and minor effects
spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought. That being said, CTRL
gives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and always suggests to readers;
be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no credeence to Holocaust denial and
nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.
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