-Caveat Lector-

----Original Message Follows----
From: MichaelP <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
To: undisclosed-recipients:;
Subject: KLA reborn after "dissolution"
Date: Tue, 21 Sep 1999 21:22:42 -0500 (CDT)

BBC:Tuesday, September 21, 1999 Published at 10:35 GMT 11:35 UK

KLA deal a 'milestone' for peace

Nato Secretary-General Javier Solana has hailed an agreement on the
disarming and demilitarisation of the Kosovo Liberation Army as a
"milestone for the ongoing peace implementation efforts" by the
international community in Kosovo.

The deal, signed by the Nato-led peacekeeping force and the KLA on Monday,
ended several days of deadlock over the KLA's future role in Kosovo.

The pact provides for the transformation of the KLA into a 5,000-member
Kosovo Protection Corps, under the command of the former rebel army's
leader, General Agim Ceku.

The corps will be restricted to no more than 200 weapons for guard duties.

Speaking at Nato headquarters in Brussels, Mr Solana said all the weapons
the KLA was required to hand over were now in storage sites under the
control of the K-For peacekeepers.  He warned that anyone violating
weapons bans in the province would be "dealt with severely".

The KLA was to have been disbanded at midnight on Sunday, but discussions
became deadlocked over the structure and role of the new civilian body.

KLA leaders wanted the force to be the nucleus for a new national army of
an independent Kosovo and were demanding the right for more members to be
allowed to bear arms.

But Nato insisted the corps should be a lightly-armed civil defence body
restricted to humanitarian work and disaster relief.

There were also differences over the leadership, name and insignia of the


The signing followed a day of intensive negotiations led by Nato Supreme
Commander General Wesley Clark, who flew in after the talks became

The Kosovo Protection Corps will operate under the supervision of the
commander of K-For.

"KLA personnel will cease wearing uniforms and KLA insignia from midnight
on 21 September," a K-For statement said.

"A limited number of weapons will be available for personal protection and
the number of weapons available to KPC personnel responsible for guarding
and protection duties has been agreed at 200.''

The pact was signed by the KLA's political leader Hashim Thaci, Gen Ceku,
UN special representative Bernard Kouchner and K-For leader General
Michael Jackson.

During the deadlock, Gen Jackson had warned that the KLA's refusal to
accept the civilian corps plan could threaten Kosovo's future.


Under a phased 90-day disarmament process signed in June, it was agreed
that the majority of KLA troops would return to civilian life, that
uniforms would be removed and weapons handed in.

Gen Jackson said the disarmament of the KLA was complete, with more than
10,000 weapons turned in to peacekeepers.

However, it is unclear whether this constitutes the total number held by
the rebels. Many of the weapons which reporters have seen at collection
centres are in poor condition or virtual antiques.

A BBC correspondent in Kosovo says what remains to be seen is how well the
deal will be received by Serbia and Russia.

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