-Caveat Lector-

----Original Message Follows----
From: MichaelP <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
To: undisclosed-recipients:;
Subject: Kosovo/NATO items
Date: Wed, 22 Sep 1999 20:31:04 -0500 (CDT)

From: Karl Waldron <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

Gracanica, September 22

Today on Sep 22 on the session of the Kosovo Transitional Council the
representatives of the Serbian national commuity, Bishop Artemije and Mr.
Trajkovic officially resigned from their positions within the KTC. They
explained their leaving of the Council with the fact that after three
months of KFOR and UNMIK presence in Kosovo the multiethnic concept in
Kosovo has failed.

This failure was crowned by the transformation of the KLA into a
monoethnic and armed Kosovo Protection Corps which is directly violating
the UN Security Council Resolution 1244. After three months of peace the
results are catastrophic for the Serbs in the province: about 200.000
expelled, more than 350 killed, 450 abducted, thousands of burned and
looted Serb houses as well as 70 destroyed churches and monasteries in the
presence of almost 50.000 international peace forces. In Kosovo there is
not a single multiethnic institution. Serbs have been practically expelled
from all multiethnic areas and forced into reservations and ghettoes. They
are denied the basic human rights and freedom of movement, education, work
and medical protection. Nothing is done to enable the expelled Serb to go
back to their homes while the remaining Serbs and other non-Albanians are
still being persecuted, killed, raped and beaten. According to the  words
of Mr. Trajkovic the winners in the so far process in Kosovo are Mr. Thaci
and Mr. Milosevic while the loosers are Kosovo Serbs, Serb and Albanian
moderate and democratic forces and especially the international community

The Serb representatives in the KTC said that their participation in the
Council was motivated with the idea to constantly point out to the
difficult security situation for the Serbs in Kosovo and make efforts to
contribute to the better conditions for life and survival of our people.
But Bishop Artemije and Mr. Trajkovic have clearly explained that they are
not ready to take upon themselves the political responsibility for the
decisions which are made in Kosovo without the consultation with the
Kosovo Serbs and against their interests. The international community is
working more and more in direction of creating the independent Kosovo for
which no one from the Kosovo Serb community can and should take
responsibility. Kosovo Protection Corps which is already translated into
Albanian as KOSOVO DEFENSIVE TROOPS is the continuation of the KLA with
full continuity of its millitary structure with the General Agim Ceku as
its head. The fact that KLA have given over only one part of mostly
outdated weapons and have hidden the majority of the modern wapons in
their secret depots is only an attempt to show that UNMIK and KFOR have
managed to demilitarize KLA, what was envisaged by the UN Resolution 1244.
In reality this is a tacit legalization of a monoethnic army built on the
foundations of an organization which is considered by many as a terrorist
organization directly responsible for many crimes against the Serb and
other non-Albanian population. The New Corps is nothing but a nucleus of
the future ethnic Albanian army of Kosovo.

Since the international community has completely denied the multiethnic
approach to the resolution of the Kosovo issue and focused on attempts to
resolve Albanian question only, the Serbs in Kosovo and Metohija with full
right might ask for resolution of the Serbian ethnic question in direction
of cantonization and the establishment of the Serbian Protection Corps.

Bishop Artemije and Mr. Trajkovic have clearly manifested that in the
present situation they have not the mandate to represent the Serbian
people in Kosovo and they proposed to Mr. Kouchner to find other
representatives for the Council among those who seek the ethnic approach
to the Kosovo issue or to build Kosovo future with Albanians only. The
Serb representativTOP cannot be any longer a decoration of the inexistent

Despite leaving of the Council, Bishop Artemije and Mr. Trajkovic said
that they remain open for the further cooperation with the international
community in order to better protect the human rights and freedoms of the
Serbian national community in the southern Serbian province.

Information Service of the Church and National Committee
Serbian Orthodox Diocese of Raska and Prizren
Gracanica Monastery, Pristina,
Kosovo and Metohija



Solana declares Kosovo force dead, others disagree

By Douglas Hamilton

TORONTO, Sept 21 (Reuters) - Outgoing NATO Secretary-General Javier Solana
asserted on Tuesday that the Kosovo Liberation Army (KLA) was dead but
Yugoslavia and some of the guerrillas themselves disagreed.

"The UCK (KLA) doesn't exist anymore," Solana told reporters at a NATO
defense ministers' conference in Toronto. "The process of demilitarization
has been completed."

Solana said a NATO-brokered agreement allowing KLA members to form a
5,000-strong Kosovo Protection Force spelled the end of the ethnic
Albanian guerrilla organization.

"So, therefore, we have the beginning of a new page in the reconstruction
of Kosovo," he said.

U.S. Secretary of Defense William Cohen, however, told his alliance
counterparts not to even think about "resting on their laurels" or
reducing their peacekeeping contingents in Kosovo.

NATO has over 40,000 troops in Kosovo and a further 9,000 in Macedonia and
Albania, plus 31,000 in Bosnia, straining its ability to sustain the role
of peace guarantor.

A NATO official said Solana's designated successor, the current British
defense minister George Robertson, advocated an election in Kosovo as
early as next spring, to woo the restless guerrilla leaders over to
politics and power via the ballot box.

Solana, in the chair for the last time before handing over to Robertson,
said "thousands of weapons have been handed over and millions of rounds of

The KLA has delivered 10,000 guns to NATO. But military sources say there
is hardly any doubt that many more weapons remain hidden, including heavy
arms and armor salvaged from Serb units that were pounded by NATO during
11 weeks of bombing.

NATO's Supreme Commander Europe General Wesley Clark said there were
"undoubtedly lots and lots of weapons throughout the Balkans" and it would
be impossible ever to completely disarm the region.

Military sources said KLA leaders were also understandably afraid that,
without arms, they could be easy targets for Serb paramilitary forces
which NATO says are infiltrating Kosovo.

Ministers sidestepped questions about the tricky "final status" of Kosovo
and the fact that it appears headed for independence whether the West
likes it or not.

They acknowledged that NATO's heavy commitment in the Balkans remains
open-ended, although an improving climate in Bosnia would permit a
reduction of the peacekeeping force there to 20,000 by next spring.

The NATO official said the alliance was also concerned that Yugoslav
President Slobodan Milosevic might attempt to foment fresh trouble by
sending his forces back into Kosovo or trying to oust Montenegro's
pro-Western government.

Yugoslavia and Russia have accused NATO of failing to secure genuine
demobilization and disarmament by the KLA, as required by United Nations
Security Council Resolution 1244.

It was farcical to maintain that signing an accord to change the name and
the uniform of the guerrillas would change their nature or basic
aspirations at a stroke, Belgrade said.

"This is a smokescreen to cover (NATO's) own inability to control the
situation," Serbian Deputy Information Minister Miodrag Popovic commented.

The guerrillas themselves say they see the new civilian force -- which is
to have French-supplied green uniforms and a United Nations payroll -- as
the kernel of the future army of an independent Kosovo.

"I think the whole process is going in the right direction ... I see the
Kosovo Protection Corps as a core of a Kosovo military force in future,"
senior KLA logistics officer Hysen Geci told Reuters in Kosovo.

Throughout its bombing campaign to force Belgrade into compliance with
international demands on Kosovo, the NATO allies insisted they were "not
the air force of the KLA."

But Western diplomats say the KLA has dismayed the West by its ability to
capitalize on NATO's action, stubbornly pursuing a separatist agenda while
paying lip-service to the ideal of a multiethnic, autonomous Kosovo.

An independent Kosovo would come under pressure from ultra-nationalist
Albanians to join Tirana in the creation of a Greater Albania, a move
which would severely destabilize the Balkans and could trigger the breakup
of Bosnia.

Tuesday September 21 9:17 PM ET

Protesters Crowd Streets As NATO Ministers Dine

By Sarah Edmonds

TORONTO (Reuters) - An estimated 1,000 protesters filled the street in
front of Toronto's Royal York hotel Tuesday, chanting, whistling and
waving signs condemning the bombing of Kosovo as NATO defense ministers
ate dinner inside.

A line of flack-jacket clad police and metal barricades kept the irate
crowd -- some of whom marched from the U.S. consulate and some from a
Toronto convention center where the defense ministers are holding a
two-day informal meeting -- from crossing the road to the hotel.

The protesters sported black-and-white target buttons and brandished flags
and placards which bore slogans such as "NATO 'victory' - Balkan tragedy".

Several blew shrill whistles and the group took up various chants
including "NATO nazis" and "NATO out of Canada".

Police said they did not anticipate any violence "at the moment."

"But we do have a history with them, so anything can happen," said Sgt.
Lorna Kozmik of the Metropolitan Toronto Police.

Last spring, protesters armed with Molotov cocktails firebombed the U.S.
consulate in Toronto.

"I really don't know (how long we'll stay). Emotions are running very
high," protester Vera Stefanovic told Reuters.

"Personally I would like to see (NATO Secretary-General Javier) Solana and
ask him why he hates Serbs so much."

Earlier in the morning, the protest was confined to a desultory handful of
people who shouted abuse at NATO defense ministers arriving at the
convention center turned militarized zone. But their numbers swelled
through the day.

"The world has already forgotten the victims of NATO aggression," said
Snezana Vitorovic of the Center for Peace in the Balkans. She called on
NATO to rebuild the country.

One megaphone-toting protester at the morning gathering chanted
monotonously: "NATO baby-killers, NATO arms dealers." As the United States
and Britain pressed NATO allies inside the conference to open their
wallets and lay out the cash to modernize their armies, protester Greg
Duffell called for the total dissolution of the organization.

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