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>A Newsletter from Andrew Collins. Vol. 4, No. 2, Summer 2000
>Spring is well and truly upon us and it is time for me to let you know
>what’s happening in my curious world. This year’s Questing Conference,
>scheduled to take place at the Institute of Education, Bedford Way, off
>Russell Square, London WC1 on Saturday, 14 October is set to be the best
>ever. The most recent addition to the list of speakers is Michael Cremo,
>the author of the breath-taking book FORBIDDEN ARCHAEOLOGY. He will argue
>the case for the presence on earth of humanity many millions of years
>before the date accepted by palaeontologists. He will present astounding
>evidence of how the discovery of human remains and fashioned artefacts in
>different geological strata on every continent has been systematically
>ignored and suppressed by Darwinian scientists. All I can say is that I saw
>him present this important lecture recently at the San Marino conference,
>which took place on 25/26 March, and, let me tell you, it is not to be
>missed by anyone. For example, there is the case of the many flint tools
>found by nineteenth-century gold miners tunnelling through solid rock
>inside Tuolumne Table Mountain, California. These priceless artefacts were
>recorded in 1880 in a book entitled THE AURIFEROUS GRAVELS OF THE SIERRA
>NEVADA, penned by California’s state geologist Dr J. D. Whitney. The
>problem here is that the rock strata in question belonged to the Eocene
>epoch, which corresponds to a time-frame between 65 and 38 millions years ago.
>Then there is the case of the fossilised footprints of modern man uncovered
>in 1979 at a site near Laetoli in Tanzania by respected paleontologist Mary
>Leakey, the mother of Richard Leakey. The rock layer in question was 3.7
>million, the date given for the oldest known hominid, or ancestor of modern
>man. Yet this so-called Australopithecus had toes one and half times larger
>than our own and big toes that turned outwards at an angle. In no way could
>this hominid account for the footprints found by Mary Leakey.
>Michael recounts the plight of American geologist Virginia Steen-McIntyre
>who was called in to date stone artefacts and human remains found at two
>site excavations in Mexico - Hueyatlaco and El Horno. After careful
>consideration of the rock strata in question she concluded that the finds
>came from a layer corresponding to 250,000 years ago. Archaeologists only
>believe that ancient man entered the American continent from northeast Asia
>around 30,000 years ago. Not only was she ostracised for her statements,
>but the archaeologist in charge of excavations ignored her findings
>completely and instead claimed that the finds were just 20,000 years old
>based on a Carbon-14 date achieved several kilometres away!
>I could go on. There is so much you don’t know about, and we are not
>talking here about a few odd reports of weird artefacts being found by
>chance and reported in books by the likes of Erich von Daniken. There are
>literally hundreds of well-attested cases where out-of-place artefacts have
>been found in geological strata they simply should not have been in.
>Archaeologists and paleontologists dismiss all such claims, and say that
>any genuine cases where artefacts or human remains have been found at a
>level deeper than they should be is as a result of intrusive burial. This
>is where holes are dug to bury the dead and then, when they are discovered
>in modern times, it is assumed that the remains date to the age of the
>strata in which they are found. Yet Michael Cremo can show that there are
>well-attested cases of human remains being found in strata beneath hundreds
>of metres of solid rock!
>Anyway, hear these and many other fascinating stories when Michael Cremo
>delivers his lecture at the Questing Conference in October. The other
>speakers are as per the red flyer (which shows, by way of a backdrop,
>interments inside the Citadel, which houses the Temple of Quetzalcoatl at
>Teotihuacan in Central Mexico as caught on camera by transoceanic
>specialist David Eccott). The rest of the line up is COLIN WILSON on the
>age of civilisation; MICHAEL BAIGENT on lost civilisations, shamanism and
>the roots of Hermetica; VICTOR CLUBE on the origins of catastrophe myths;
>GRAHAM PHILLIPS on Egypt, the Early Church and the Marian Conspiracy;
>ANDREW COLLINS on the Feathered Serpents; MICHAEL CARMICHAEL on Egypt,
>Sacred Drugs and the Blue Water Lily; plus Special Guest from the United
>States noted archaeologist NEIL STEEDE on Giza, Mexico and the enigma of
>Tiahuanaco. You will recall from a previous EARTHQUEST NEWS that Neil
>Steede has been able to confirm archaeologist Arthur Posnansky’s early
>dating for the Kalasasaya palace court at Tiahuanaco, near Lake Titicaca,
>in Bolivia. Using hi-tech measuring equipment, Steede has been able to
>determine that the solstitial alignments over its eastern gate correspond
>to a date of between 9000 and 7000 BC, slightly later than Posnansky’s
>proposed 15,000 to 10,000 BC. Perhaps Neil is just trying to be necessarily
>conservative in his estimates. His findings do not necessarily mean that
>the structure dates to this early period only that the orientation of the
>court reflects this distant age (conventional dating places the
>construction of the city at around 2000 years ago, with the earliest
>occupation some 3,500 years ago). I look forward immensely to Neil’s lecture.
>Tickets for the Questing Conference are priced at £28 each. They are
>available from the PO Box using the reply coupon on the web site
>accompanying the flyer or via the Credit Card Hotline on 020.7405.2120. By
>the way, this hotline service is in fact Atlantis Bookshop in Museum St.,
>London, so don’t be surprised when you hear them say this name. It is also
>my pleasure to announce that the conference is being sponsored by NEXUS
>magazine, who along with Atlantis Bookshop will have bookstalls on the day.
>Look at any world map showing the migrational routes of early man and
>Antarctica is always avoided. Scholars will tell you that the ice-bound
>continent was never occupied due to its extreme weather conditions and
>inaccessibility. However, after many years of speculation about alleged
>structures and artefacts being found and hushed up on Antarctica (none of
>which are likely to be true, I might add) comes better news that ancient
>man did once inhabit the region. This information was given to me by
>Italian engineer and writer Flavio Barbiero following his lecture on
>Antarctica, Atlantis and a proposed pole shift following an impact event in
>around 9500 BC (although I would context this date, suggesting that the
>event occurred 8500 +/- 500 years) at San Marino. He tells me that the
>earliest possible evidence dates back to 1903.
>In that year the Swedish explorer Carl Larsen landed on Seymour Island,
>which lies in the Weddell Sea beyond the continent’s north-west coast. In
>an area of exposed land he is said to have come across various fossils,
>showing a prior warmer climate, as well as numerous small cylinders and
>balls of clay, which appeared to be of artificial construction. Flavio and
>his colleagues have been trying to follow up this story, with one of them
>even travelling to Sweden to interview Larsen’s descendents. Although the
>artefacts were destroyed when the family home was lost in a fire, copies of
>Larsen’s report, which includes an account of the discovery of the strange
>objects, has been found. I have requested a copy of this report and will
>follow up this story in due course.
>In addition to the strange cylinders and clay balls found on Seymour
>Island, it seems that sediment cores extracted by a Chilean research vessel
>from the sea-bottom beneath the ice off South Shetland Island, north of
>Antarctica, produced more evidence of a human presence in prehistoric
>times. In two separate cores flint tools of unquestionable human
>manufacture were found. How they might have come to be there is open to
>speculation. Yet the fact that they were found in cores taken from
>different locations suggests that there must be further evidence of human
>life so close to Antarctica. Once again, I will bring you further news of
>this story as and when it becomes available.
>When I began writing GATEWAY TO ATLANTIS it was my impression that
>Antarctica was Atlantis. However, after studying Plato’s story of Atlantis,
>preserved in the Timaeus and Critias I became convinced that this fabled
>island empire lay on the western Atlantic seaboard. I further pinned down
>the location to the Caribbean, Cuba in particular, with the sunken lands
>being the now drowned parts of the former Bahaman landmass and Cuba’s Bay
>of Batabanó. This was the theory I went with in the book. However, even at
>this time I realised that the picture was slightly more complex. Although I
>could not prove it, my colleague David Southwell and I had worked out that
>prior to 15,000 BC Antarctica might well have been inhabited. Sometime
>around this date an event occurred to displace its indigenous peoples
>northwards towards South America, where they created new cultures. Others
>went by sea to the Caribbean, where they went on to found the Atlantean
>culture. As mad as these thoughts might seem, this is almost exactly what
>Flavio Barbiero proposed in his lecture at San Marino. He believes that the
>Antarcticans arrived via the prevailing ocean currents from Island
>Southeast Asia around 40,000 to 50,000 years ago. They settled in its
>north-west region, which at the time was still free of ice. Here they
>remained, he says, until 9500 BC when an impact event caused a sudden shift
>of the poles to their current position. Ice and rising waters from the
>melting of the old ice caps covered any evidence of their occupation. The
>Antarcticans, he proposes, migrated to different parts of the world
>including South America, the Caribbean, Africa, India, and even Egypt. We
>beg to differ on dates but I can handle virtually everything of what Flavio
>is proposing in this respect (read more on this subject in my review of the
>conference on Eden – the Andrew Collins web site at
>Flavio Barbiero is seen in Italy as a respectable scholar. He is taken
>We have vowed to work together to sort out this mystery once and for all.
>As you might well know, the works of Charles Hapgood, the Flem-aths and
>Graham Hancock have all played with the idea that Antarctica might once
>have been the seat of a major lost civilisation. Yet it is as well to
>remember that the first scholar to propose that the earliest cultures of
>South America came from Antarctica was Arthur Posnansky, the archaeologist
>who worked so hard on Tiahuanaco. He concluded that its high culture came
>originally from the ice-bound continent as early as 15,000 BC and showed
>maps to this effect in his four-volume masterpiece on the ancient city. So
>is there any real evidence of an Antarctican influence in South America?
>One event that could well provide the answer is the DIE WELT DES
>UNERKLÄRLICHEN: UNSOLVED MYSTERIES exhibition, scheduled to take place at
>the Design Center in Linz, Austria, between 22 June and 25 August next
>year. It will bring together for the first time out-of-place artefacts from
>all over the world. Key speakers are also being invited to deliver lectures
>at an opening seminar. Altogether over 150 items have been secured so far
>for the two month exhibition. They include various crystal skulls, gold
>models of aeroplanes from Peru, copies of reliefs of ancient `bulbs’ from
>the Temple of Denderah in Egypt; carved stones from Ica, Peru, as well as
>some quite remarkable pieces from private collections in Colombia, Ecuador
>and Peru.
>I have been invited to present a lecture at the opening seminar and have
>also seen photographs of some of the artefacts to go on display, and
>believe me you have just got see this lot. For instance, from Colombia
>there are black stone surgical instruments fashioned into strange amphibian
>like beasts with wavy blades, as well as strange carved disks with curious
>stars and beasts and unfathomable cups. These last mentioned items are
>fashioned from black stone. Yet incised, flush, into their surface are
>circular specks of a red stone. They seem to spiral towards a centre which
>is the only spot on the cup that it magnetic. Other similar vessels with
>strange designs also have inexplicable magnetic qualities.
>There is an eerie quality about some of these artefacts - something that
>just does not compute with the mindset of the ancient world. For example,
>the cult centre at Nevali Çori in southwest Turkey was constructed around
>8000 BC. Yet its design resembles any place of worship built since that
>time, for it has four walls, is rectilinear in shape, has a flat floor, an
>entrance portal, niches, statues, and probably even an altar (as per
>neighbouring Çayonu). The same format is still being used in the design of
>churches, synagogues, shrines, temples and mosques today. Yet these items
>from South America fit no known design ideology found among pre-Columbian
>cultures, or any ancient world civilisation. There is a true mystery here
>and it is one that might lead us to better identify traces of a lost
>civilisation that may not have derived from the mindset of the ancient
>world. I will bring you more news on this fascinating event as and when I
>receive details. In the meantime visit their web site at
> or go to Eden, my own web site, at
> which has a full report with pictures of some of the
>artefacts to be featured in the exhibition.
>Another key lecture given at the San Marino conference in March was that by
>Vittorio di Cesare, one of Italy’s top archaeologists. He started with an
>account of the Dead Sea Community at Qumrân and the discovery in 1947 of
>the Dead Sea Scrolls, hidden by members of the community in caves in an
>attempt to preserve their history and teachings for future generations.
>Di Cesare then turned his attention to one scroll in particular. Known to
>Hebrew scholars as the Testament of Amram, it was written around 200 BC. He
>said it concerned two strange beings that appeared to Amram, the father of
>Moses. One was unnamed (although in my translation of the fragmentary text
>he is identified as Michael or Melchizedek), while the other was Belial,
>the teacher of the Children of Darkness. Amram is asked to choose between
>the two, who represent, respectively, the truth and the lie. This was a
>concept that came originally from the Iranian religion of Zoroastrianism.
>It entered the Jewish religion at the time of the Babylonian captivity
>following the conquest of Babylon in the mid sixth-century BC by the
>Persians under Cyrus the Great. Yet it was the appearance of Belial that di
>Cesare focused on. The being is said to have been dark with a viper-like
>face and blazing eyes. Serpents, he said, are universally associated with
>the principles of knowledge and wisdom.
>Di Cesare showed next a slide of one of the snake-headed clay figurines
>found with frequency by Sir Leonard Woolley alongside burials excavated
>during the 1920s at sites in Lower Iraq. Many, for instance, were found in
>cemeteries at Ur, the former great city identified by scholars as the
>biblical `Ur of the Chaldees’. Since the level at which these figurines was
>found corresponded to the time period in which Iraq was inhabited by the
>so-called Ubaid peoples, who came originally from the Zagros mountains of
>Kurdistan, it meant that they dated to c. 3500 BC (although di Cesare spoke
>of them as dating to 6500 BC). Di Cesare said that mystery surrounded the
>purpose of the statues, which showed males, females and females holding
>babies. He suggested that they were buried in order to protect the souls of
>the dead and to prevent the deceased from becoming victims of vampires, a
>common belief among the peoples of ancient Iraq.
>Di Cesare saw the Ubaid statues as representations of the same serpent-like
>figure featured in the Testament of Amram. He went on to propose that these
>beings were an actual race that lived in the Near East in prehistoric times
>and were responsible for providing the knowledge of civilisation. All these
>matters are dealt with in great detail within my own books FROM THE ASHES
>OF ANGELS (1996) and GODS OF EDEN (1998). As you can imagine, I sensed what
>only can be described as a slight case of déjà vu – the same feeling I
>experienced when reading Christopher Knight and Robert Lomas’ book URIEL’S
>I listened carefully as di Cesare turned his attentions to the significance
>played by the abstract eye goddess statues found at a temple site called
>Tel Brak in northern Syria. These, he said, were yet another link to the
>serpent cult. Yet he failed to note that the veneration of the eye in the
>Near East derived from its associations with the vulture, the ultimate
>symbol of the Neolithic cult of the dead, which went hand-in-hand with
>serpentine symbolism. Di Cesare then showed slides of other `guardian’
>statues from Palestine, Syria and even Italy that bore a resemblance to the
>Ubaid figurines, suggesting that these were likewise connected with the
>same tradition. This is a matter I also deal with in FROM THE ASHES OF
>ANGELS, published in Italy in 1997 under the title GLI ULTIMI DEI (‘The
>Last Gods’) by Sperling and Kupfer. In here I point out that the beak-like
>faces of these statues, some of which have cobra hoods (and are thus
>representations of Astarte, the Canaanite form of Eve, the serpent mother
>of the Nephilim), derive from the earlier association between serpents and
>abstract vulture symbolism. Di Cesare went on to show a slide which
>featured a group of Mesopotamian figurines that he said were Anunnaki, the
>Sumerian pantheon of lesser gods. Like me, he too identified these beings
>with the strange figures featured in the Testament of Amram and the Ubaid
>serpent-faced figurines.
>The only topic he subsequently covered which is not in FROM THE ASHES OF
>ANGELS was the possible link between the serpent-like `guardians of
>knowledge’, as he referred to them, and the phallic standing stones found
>at many Canaanite and Phoenician sites in Syria and Lebanon (and generally
>considered to be symbols of the goddess Asherah). He concluded his lecture
>by saying that we have here evidence of a widespread cult which revered an
>ancient race, connected with the symbol of the serpent and the eye and
>thought to be the givers of ancient knowledge and wisdom.
>As soon as Vittorio di Cesare came off stage I asked him if he was aware of
>my own work on the same subject. From his reaction, this seemed not to be
>the case. So I offered to send him Italian translations of both works as
>quickly as possible (he has acknowledged receipt of them). Vittorio tells
>me that he is preparing a book on the subject to be entitled GODS OF FIRE.
>I have offered an introduction and wait intriguingly for new developments
>in this area. I am left with the prospect that one of Italy’s most eminent
>archaeologists has independently confirmed the existence of a previously
>unrecognised race connected with serpentine symbolism and the spread of
>ancient knowledge. As you will know, this shamanic ruling elite are to be
>associated with the Watchers of Enochian/Dead Sea literature (and through
>them the angels of Judeo-Christian tradition), the Ubaid statues of Lower
>Iraq, the eye goddesses of ancient Syria and the Anunnaki of Mesopotamian
>myth and legend. We must not forget, however, that some of these ideas,
>especially the human origin of the Watchers of Eden and the Anunnaki, were
>explored originally by Christian O’Brien in his landmark book GENIUS OF THE
>FEW, first published in 1985. Yet I believe I was the first writer to
>identify the Watchers as a shamanic ruling elite that controlled the spread
>of the Neolithic revolution and paved the way for the foundations of
>ancient world civilisation.
>Check out my web site which now includes an in depth article on the history
>and development of the Watchers of Eden. So until next time, Ciao for now.
>Andrew Collins
>PS. The UK hardback edition of GATEWAY TO ATLANTIS is now out of print with
>no reprint due (although some first editions are still available in shops –
>so snap them up!). The book will be available in the US, Italy, Holland and
>Portugal either later this year or in early 2001. GATEWAY is, however,
>still available in a large soft-cover format that was for UK export only.
>Copies of these are available using the reply coupon found on Eden – the
>Andrew Collins web site.

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