-Caveat Lector-

80,000 Join Kurd Protest in Germany

BONN, Germany (AP) -- More than 80,000 people gathered Saturday in Bonn for a
demonstration demanding more democracy in Turkey and the release of jailed
Kurdish rebel leader Abdullah Ocalan.

Organizers said participants came from around Europe to the daylong event,
held on a meadow across the Rhine River from Bonn's government quarter.

Through chants and banners, the crowd called for a political solution to
Turkey's Kurdish problem and the release of Ocalan, who was arrested in
February and faces treason charges in Turkey.

Police, who had stepped up security around the city, reported no disturbances
or arrests, although traffic was tied up considerably for a time.

More than 37,000 people have died as a result of fighting since Ocalan's
Kurdistan Workers Party took up arms in 1984 in a bid to gain autonomy.

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