-Caveat Lector-

>From http://www.guardian.co.uk/elsewhere/journalist/story/0,7792,775742,00.html

Paris dispatch

La nouvelle vague

In the absence of any better stories, a mini-tsunami is making major waves in the 
press, writes Jon Henley

Jon Henley
Friday August 16, 2002
The Guardian

According to Nice-Matin, the regional rag of the Côte-d'Azur, it's "the event of the 
That may be something of a silly-season overstatement, but the 4ft "maxi-vague" (big
wave) that has begun rolling out of the otherwise millpond-like Med at precisely 4pm 
afternoon has certainly stumped the scientists - and regularly startles the tourists.

"The sea is very calm, and then you begin to see a few ripples," said Olivier, 34, a
fisherman at Cagnes-sur- Mer, at the far end of the mile-long stretch of beach west of 
where the maxi-vague strikes.

"It's kind of like a trembling in the water. Then suddenly the big wave arrives, from
nowhere. The first time, it catches you completely unawares. After that, you're more on
your guard. Now people come especially to see it."

Others are less fortunate. Mobile phones have been lost, towels soaked, paperbacks
drenched. Every afternoon, parents and lifeguards dash into the surf to retrieve dazed 
bedraggled toddlers knocked off their feet and all but swept away by the phenomenon.

The maxi-vague of the Baie des Anges was first observed two years ago, but seems to
have attained a new ferocity this summer. (Or maybe it's just that the French media 
absolutely nothing else to report.)

In any case, the pint-sized tsunami has featured large on the TV news and made 
from the tabloid Parisien ("Terror on the Côte d'Azur") to the staid and respectable Le
Monde ("The mystery of the maxi-vague").

The daily cries of surprised sunbathers who planted their parasols rather too close to 
water's edge have fuelled popular speculation of a raging underwater storm beneath the
placid surface of la grande bleue, or some hitherto unthought-of by-product of global

"Some have only just stopped short of imagining the arrival hotfoot from Scotland of 
Loch Ness monster," said Le Monde rather caustically.

Scientists and experts, if convinced there is an altogether more mundane explanation 
the rogue wave, are nonetheless at a loss to put their finger on it.

"A phenomenon that occurs every day at the same hour cannot be natural," said Maurice
Aubert, professor of oceoanography at the marine university of Cagnes-sur-Mer. "By
definition, a natural phenomenon is irregular and unpredictable."

Coastguards and the government's maritime affairs department have ruled out the most
obvious culprits, the fast ferries that travel between Nice and the Mediterranean 
island of
Corsica - although they may have ulterior motives.

"It is clearly a complex phenomenon," insisted Gabriel Nakhleh, a maritime official in 
"It seems it could have something to do with the weather, but there could be other, as 
undiscovered, causes. We are taking this whole phenomenon very seriously."

Environmentalists say that is so much hogwash, and claim the authorities are simply 
to play down the undoubted ecological impact of the 40mph fast ferries (known as NGVs, 
nàvires a grande vitesse) because of the service's commercial importance.

"You just have to look at the timetable," said Marc Lecadre from the Riviera 
association. "Every day a fast ferry leaves Nice at 3.30pm and passes about five miles 
the coast. Half and hour would be just about the time it takes for the wake to wash

The NGV ferries are not supposed to crank up to full throttle close to the coast, and 
maritime affairs affairs department is now under considerable pressure to ask them to 
off for a few more miles, to see if the maxi- vague disappears.

But in the meantime, fortunately for a nation deprived of anything remotely resembling 
serious French news story, the mystery remains. And if you're planning on dipping your 
in the Med anywhere near Nice over the next few weeks, you've been warned: stay out of
the sea at teatime.

Guardian Unlimited © Guardian Newspapers Limited 2002
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