-Caveat Lector-

April 1, 2003

Mass Layoffs Threatened for Teachers in California


LAMEDA, Calif., March 31 — The entire teaching staff, and some
administrators, have received pink slips for the next academic year from
the Alameda school district, which serves this island city of 75,000 across
the bay from San Francisco.

No one expects the schools to close in the fall, but the layoff notices, in
keeping with a state legal requirement, are an indication of the serious
financial troubles haunting California's schools. Not since the economic
downturn of the early 1990's have schools here experienced such

The pink slips, and those issued to thousands of other teachers across the
state this month, also illustrate the mixed — and some say, very worrying —
signals being sent to prospective new teachers.

California is projected to face years of increasing student enrollment. The
state also continues to experience a shortage of teachers, especially in
math, science and special education. But now, with the state's budget
problems, many districts fear they cannot afford to pay those already in
the classroom.

After years of trying to encourage people to enter teaching through
multimillion-dollar programs, state officials are being accused of
undermining their own successes with the threat of widespread layoffs.
Many critics fear the consequences will be felt long after the current
budget crisis passes, particularly if students entering teaching programs
now decide the future looks too risky.

"We hear all these things in our school placements, that everyone is
getting a pink slip and they are laying off all these first-year teachers," said
Sarah Kenley, a graduate student in education at San Francisco State
University. "It worries me. I think I just came into the profession at the
wrong time."

Education and union officials estimate that 25,000 teachers statewide have
received layoff notices this month, which are required under state law if
school districts are contemplating letting teachers go this summer. It is
unclear how many of those teachers will actually lose their jobs because
most districts have not yet settled on budgets for next year.

Gov. Gray Davis has proposed cutting about $1.6 billion in direct financing
for the state's 1,000 school districts, part of his effort to deal with a gaping
budget deficit attributed to the high-technology bubble burst and a
sluggish economy after the terrorist attacks of Sept. 11, 2001.

If the Legislature approves the education cuts, local officials say they will
need to increase class sizes, eliminate programs and, unavoidably, let go
teachers. They will not know for certain until June, when the state
budget is supposed to be approved. Financing for school districts comes
primarily from the state and is determined by a complex formula, based on
the number of students enrolled and other factors.

"The goal was to keep the cuts as far away from the classroom as
possible," said Ann Bancroft, a spokeswoman for Mr. Davis's education
secretary, Kerry Mazzoni. "Over the past few years, districts were able to
raise salaries, in most cases double-digit increases. That's in fact why some
districts are needing to lay off teachers: their inability to sustain the level
of increases."

Alameda went to the extreme and issued pink slips to all 635 of its
contract teachers so district officials would have as many options as
possible about making cuts, district officials said. Though it is likely that
only a small portion of the teaching staff willlose their jobs, the tactic led
to protests by teachers outside the district headquarters and prompted
the teachers' union to seek a restraining order to block the layoffs. The
matter is still in the courts.

"The district figured, `They aren't going anywhere, they need the jobs,' so
we all got fired," said Gretchen Mackler-Lipow, a high school government
teacher and a former president of the teachers' union. "I have been
teaching for 32 years and I've never seen anything like it. It is absolutely

The district's board has begun public hearings to get suggestions about
how to cut about $1.7 million from its $77 million budget. The battle over
the cuts, and how many teachers might be affected, has made for some
tense moments in a district that narrowly averted a teachers' strike two
years ago.

But less noticed and perhaps more significant in the long term was another
recent announcement by the district. The annual teacher's recruitment
fair, scheduled for April, had been canceled.

It was a difficult decision, even with the prospect of layoffs. Like many
districts across the state, Alameda has spent years trying to attract good
teachers, as the state has imposed new academic requirements and the
demand for teachers, especially those with credentials and training in
math and science, has far outpaced the supply.

The district typically hires 60 to 80 new teachers a year just to keep up
with attrition. Stepping out of the recruitment scene, even for a year,
could make it harder to appeal to teachers down the road.

"We want to attract as many new teachers as we can, and we want to be
known as a place teachers want to come," said Donna Fletcher, a
spokeswoman for the Alameda Unified School District. "But it is an
unsettling time. I feel badly for anybody that is entering the profession at
the time of this budget crisis."

Kris Marubayashi, director of CalTeach, a state-backed teachers' referral
and recruitment program, said the organization had been working
especially hard in recent weeks to separate the issues of recruitment and
layoffs in the minds of teachers, students and the general public.

The thousands of pink slips, she said, had rattled nerves and created
widespread confusion. She has been encouraging Californians to "take the
long-term view" of the state's education needs, she said.

Dr. Marubayashi said the basic factors that led the state to declare a
teachers' shortage in the 1990's continued to exist today: increasing
student enrollment; class-size reduction programs; and a large number of
older teachers nearing retirement.

"Some of the college students are a little concerned, but we are trying to
clarify that it might be rocky the first year out, but the need is going to
be there," Dr. Marubayashi said. "The economy goes up and down, and we
will weather this."

Wayne Johnson, president of the California Teachers Association, the
state's largest teachers' union, described the financial troubles as the
worst he had ever seen. Mr. Johnson, who began teaching in Los Angeles
in 1962, predicted that districts statewide would lay off more teachers this
year than any other year in his career.

At the same time, though, Mr. Johnson said, many districts will find ways
around the harshest measures, by offering early retirement packages and
saving money through other means, like increasing class sizes. Meanwhile,
some big city districts, like Los Angeles, expected no layoffs and were
even hiring this month because of big enrollment increases and state
financing for special programs, he said. It was in those places, he said, that
new teachers should be looking.

Sabrina Wick, 19, of Redlands, Calif., who is studying in San Francisco to
become an elementary school teacher, said it was easy to get
overwhelmed by the bad news. Some of her colleagues were rethinking
their career choices. In her case, though, the turmoil had made her more
determined: somewhere in the state, she said, she would be needed.

"It's not going to make me not follow my dreams," Ms. Wick said. "I have
wanted to be a teacher since the second grade."

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