-Caveat Lector-

  On the morning of the attacks, just 3 minutes before the Pentagon was
struck, Mary Schiavo began a telephone interview with MSNBC's correspondent
Gregg Jarrett.  She was introduced as former Inspector General of the FAA,
which Jarrett then corrected to be NTSB, but which was actually DOT.  At any
rate, he introduced her also as an MSNBC aviation analyst, and asked her what
her thoughts were about what was unfolding in New York.

  She expressed "extreme outrage" by what had happened in New York,
explaining that aviation safety experts had relied on FBI "risk and threat
assessments" to construct their approaches to aviation safety, and that the
FBI had consistently declared that "the risk of domestially-staged acts of
aviation terrorism was very low."

  Ms. Schiavo went on to say, "And for that reason we did not put the
resources in to the kinds of security measures were are really capable of
doing in our aviation.  And this proves that over the past several years that
was a very complacent attitude and it was WRONG.  And this is literally going
to change everything about how we do aviation."

  Less than two minutes later, referring to what had occurred in New York,
Schiavo said, "... and this is SO outrageous particularly if the reports of a
warning are true."

  It would be helpful (!) to know what she'd heard about warnings, and her
remark adds to the growing body of information indicating that many were
forewarned that something was going to happen.  She continued, "This has
absolutely shades of the Pan Am 103 tragedy where there were warnings - many
people discounted them - but at least the Embassy personnel got warnings for
that one."

  The conversation was abruptly cut off as Jarrett switched over to Jim
Miklaszewski at the Pentagon who was reporting that an explosion had just
occurred there.

  This former Inspector General of the DOT wrote a book "Flying Blind, Flying
Safe" in 1997.

  An excerpt from the publisher's comments:


"Mary Schiavo, the former inspector General of the US Department of
Transportation, has written a scathing expose of the fraud, corruption,
waste, mismanagement, and dangerous negligence that runs rampant throughout
the aviation industry and its ineffectual "policing" organization, the FAA.

  In a speech before the National Air Disaster Alliance and Foundation (which
was originally given on September 29, 2001 and then revised and updated to
include commentary on aviation laws changed in November, 2001),  she says,



"But then, Osama Bin Laden has previously resorted to this method as well. He
planned to bring down 12 U.S. airliners within 48 hours over the Pacific in
1995. He did a test run on a Philippine jetliner in 1994, and killed a
passenger and injured several others, but the plane managed to land.  He
would have to try something different the next time around.  He did, but he
followed the example of several previous terrorist attacks.  Documents seized
in that investigation revealed they intended to crash a plane into the CIA
building near Washington, D.C."

  Say again?  "Documents seized in that investigation revealed they intended
to crash a plane into the CIA building near Washington, D.C."

  She goes on to say, "In the events of September 11, while astonishing in
the numbers of casualties and the enormity of the devastation, neither the
modus operandi of the terrorists, nor crashing planes into buildings, were
new. In fact, these types of hijackings and the crashing of planes into
buildings, had been planned but thwarted on several previous occasions."

  Her speech - revised, updated and posted on December 7, 2001, is
fact-filled and fascinating, and punches broad holes in the lame excuses
given by the administration and other agencies who job it is to foresee such
disasters and to devise plans to prevent them.


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