-Caveat Lector-

scroll for news articles

Masonry: Beyond the Light "Bill, a former 32ş Mason, establishes the historical occult roots of Masonry in fertility cults and Illuminism." http://www.withoneaccord.org/store/Masonry.html
This book is reviewed in SMART Issue #5 - http://members.aol.com/smartnews/page2/Sample-Issue-05.htm

Approval sought to test brain implant - Neuron-fired device would aid paralyzed people, state firm says By Jeffrey Krasner, Globe Staff, 11/6/03 "A Foxborough company is about to ask federal regulators for permission to start testing a device that would enable paralyzed people to control computers directly with their brains or possibly help them move their limbs. Cyberkinetics Inc. will present data at a neurology conference in New Orleans this weekend showing how it developed its BrainGate device after using it in animal trials." http://www.boston.com/business/technology/biotechnology/articles/2003/11/06/approval_sought_to_test_brain_implant?mode=PF

August 2001 A Special FAIR Report
The Most Biased Name in News
Fox News Channel's extraordinary right-wing tilt
By Seth Ackerman 

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