-Caveat Lector-

Fraud Found in Food Program

.c The Associated Press

WASHINGTON (AP) - Federal and state officials are vowing to keep closer tabs
on companies that supply meals to millions of children and adults at day-care
centers after a lengthy investigation found providers funneling money into
their own pockets.

The Agriculture Department's program provides about $1.7 billion annually to
serve meals to about 2.4 million children and adults. But after a 2 1/2-year
investigation called Operation Kiddie Care, the final audit released
Wednesday by Inspector General Roger Viadero found severe problems.

So far, 44 people have been charged with defrauding the Child and Adult Care
Food Program, and 28 have been convicted. The convictions resulted in orders
for $18,000 in fines, $4.2 million in restitution and $1.1 million in
forfeited assets.

Criminal activities included sponsors setting up fictitious day-care centers
with fake names for children, putting no-show relatives on the payroll and
extorting funds from legitimate day-care facilities.

Shirley Watkins, undersecretary of agriculture, said failure to follow proper
reporting procedures was to blame in some cases. But in cases that sparked
criminal investigations in 14 states, she acknowledged that some providers
simply were disreputable and must be removed.

``We recognized we had some problems,'' she said. ``I'm committed to
complying with this as aggressively as I need to.''

In California, which had 19 of the 44 criminal indictments, officials at the
state Department of Education have reorganized their staff and are hiring
five more auditors to keep closer watch over the providers. Officials also
are going to start estimating where financial problems might crop up to catch
them ahead of time.

``I'm totally committed to making improvements in our program so that these
types of things are caught early on and that we deal severely with agencies
that do commit fraud,'' said Glenn Ostapeck, who was hired as director of
audits after federal investigators had completed most of their work.

Under the program, the federal government distributes funding to
intermediaries, who are called sponsors. The sponsors spend part of the money
for administrative costs and are supposed to pass along the rest to day-care
centers for meals.

In one of the worst cases, Kyung Ho Moon and Wan Hee Moon, husband-and-wife
owners of Pacific Asian American Family Care Inc. in Long Beach, Calif.,
pleaded guilty to funneling payments to nonexistent workers and bogus

Wan Hee Moon had spent a decade overseeing the program in Southern California
as a manager at the state Department of Education. She was fired after being

She was sentenced to three years in prison and her husband was given two
years. They were ordered to pay $2.2 million in restitution, and they
forfeited four properties, including a house that sold for $415,000.

In other cases, audits of years 1996 and 1997 revealed shoddy record-keeping
and oversight that allowed problems to fester for years without required
state-level audits.

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