-Caveat Lector-


Religious sect plans to clone human baby

Members believe it is first step to eternal life

By Mary Vallis
National Post

A biotechnology company established by a religious sect that
claims it was founded by aliens says it will begin cloning a
human baby next month.

The Raelian Movement, a 50,000-member religion that believes
human cloning is the first step toward eternal life, has found a
set of parents in the United States willing to pay up to
US$2-million to have their baby cloned.

The group says the couple's 10-month-old baby died at a hospital
in the United States. Blood samples taken before the baby died
will provide the necessary DNA for the procedure.

The movement's biotechnology company, Valiant Venture Ltd.,
claims to be the first company to offer human cloning. For
US$50,000, it says it will take a sample of a live child's cells
and store them so they can be cloned if the child dies.

The company intends to charge an additional US$200,000 for the
actual cloning.

No mother on Earth wants to lose a child, said Rael, the
Quebec-based spiritual leader of the movement. "There is a
possibility, due to any kind of accident or disease, to have this
child back. You cannot find a mother in the world who will not
use this technique to have him back."

Dr. Patricia Baird, who chaired Canada's Royal Commission on
Reproductive Technologies in 1993, issued a strongly worded
statement against the scheme.

"What is the motivation for trying to take a cell from a dead
child and resurrect that into a physical copy of that child?" she

"It's disrespectful to the individuality of that human being.
Cloning does not copy all the kinds of attributes of human beings
that we value. It copies certain genetic ones, but not the ones
that are important in terms of personal interaction -- like
whether they are happy -- which are determined by environmental

The process would also do psychological harm to the cloned
individual, whose sole purpose would be to recreate another
person's image -- not to mention the medical concerns, Dr. Baird

"It raises so many social and ethical questions of harm that it
raises the need -- again -- for regulation internationally to
deal with the issues surrounding human cloning," Dr. Baird said.

Canada has a moratorium on human cloning.

The company is establishing a laboratory at an undisclosed
location in the United States, where there is no federal
legislation, and in many cases no state laws, outlawing human

Fifty Raelian women from around the world have offered to be the
clone's surrogate mother.

The company has received hundreds of calls from parents asking
about the service, including inquiries from homosexual couples
who want a child cloned from one partner's DNA, said scientific
director Dr. Brigitte Boisselier.

According to the Raelians, humanity was created in laboratories
by extraterrestrials whose name is mistranslated by the word

They say Jesus's resurrection was in fact a cloning performed by
the aliens.

Their leader said human cloning is the first step to an
accelerated growth process that would allow adults to transfer
their memories and personalities into a new body.

Rael said no pressure is put on families interested in the
cloning services to join the movement.

The company will also offer its services for deceased pets when
its work gets underway in October.

The group expects the first cloned baby to be born by Christmas

             Kadosh, Kadosh, Kadosh, YHVH, TZEVAOT

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