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8,000 Forced to Flee Fire in California

September 3, 2002

AZUSA, Calif., Sept. 1 (AP) - A fire that forced 8,000
campers to flee with little more than the clothes on their
backs raged out of control today in a national forest near
Los Angeles, threatening more campgrounds.

The fire, in the Angeles National Forest, grew to 11,500
acres, and no one could say when it might be contained,
said Gwen Smith of the Forest Service.

The blaze was moving southeast toward two private
campgrounds with year-round residents, Ms. Smith said. No
evacuations were ordered.

Erratic winds were pushing the flames while helicopters
dropped water to help firefighters struggling through steep
terrain in temperatures well over 100 degrees.

The fire started on Sunday afternoon about 30 miles east of
downtown Los Angeles and spread rapidly, forcing the
evacuation of five campgrounds. Tents, food and even shoes
and clothing were left.

"They told us we had 10 seconds to get out, to run,"
Lisette Cardenas told KABC-TV in Los Angeles. "You could
see the smoke right behind us."

Ms. Smith said humans apparently caused the fire, but
whether it was deliberately set was not clear.

Elsewhere in the region, firefighters working in 105-degree
heat and erratic winds made progress on a 977-acre blaze
near Castaic, about 40 miles northeast of Los Angeles.

The fire was 60 percent to 70 percent contained and was
expected to be surrounded by evening, Capt. Brian Jordan of
the Los Angeles County Fire Department said.

About 550 firefighters battled flames that leaped from
ridge to ridge, Captain Jordan said. Three firefighters
were treated for heat exhaustion, and one was treated for a
minor knee injury.

About two dozen firefighters were protecting a mobile home
park in the fire's path.

In San Bernardino County, a 554-acre fire was burning near
Wrightwood, about 55 miles northeast of Los Angeles. It was
about 61 percent contained, the authorities said.

Investigators found a body in the fire and determined that
a device found nearby was equipment for a mobile laboratory
used to make methamphetamine, a Forest Service spokeswoman,
Karen McKinley, said.

Investigators worked to determine whether the charred body
and the device were connected to the blaze, which started
on Thursday.


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