-Caveat Lector-


Neocons and Free Speech
by Paul Gottfried

A  key point that my  polemic on the neocons and free speech failed to make is
that the issues being discussed go back a long way. Already in the  seventies
the Straussian wing of the neocon persuasion was expressing  the judgment
that the First Amendment only serves to protect "good"  speech. Walter
Berns, of Georgetown and AEI, dealt at length with  this subject in The
 First Amendment and the Future of American Democracy,  a work that
condemns the practice of extending tolerance to the  opponents of "liberal
democracy," as understood by Bernes  and his friends.

Furthermore,  neocons made a slanderous racket against Southern
conservative  scholar M.E. Bradford, when this well-mannered gentleman was
being  considered for the directorship of the NEH in 1981. The attacks that the
neocon press unleashed against Bradford strongly suggested  that his
published critical remarks on Lincoln and, more generally,  on the civil rights
movement had no place in the "democratic"  society that the neocons were
then fashioning.

In  my own book on The  Conservative Movement, particularly the second
edition,  I focus on these odious events of the early eighties. Note that  there
is no justification for the impression that the tirades  against politically
incorrect speech, launched from the Left,  in the New York Post represents a
new phase of neocon mischief.  Conspiring against liberty has been the
practice of that group  all along.

What  did separate their old arguments from their most recent ones was  an
attempt until recently to dress up the fear of rightwing expressiveness  in a
diversionary garb. Thus the anti-free speech polemics published  by Berns,
Kristol, Sr., and other Straussian ideologues twenty  or thirty years ago went
after pornography and the use of the  First Amendment by Communist Party

There  was also a preference expressed, at least in the case of Kristol,  for
having local authorities do the restricting of published material  and an
emphasis on the morally harmful effect of sexually degrading  materials. As a
strict constitutionalist and a moral traditionalist,  I personally had no problems
with this position at the time. There  also seemed to be some merit in the
arguments made by Straussians  against free speech absolutists, who wished
to treat all ideas  as having the same intrinsic moral or intellectual worth.

One  might also endorse up to a point the then-popular neocon (and
Buckleyite) reminder that a lunatic should not be allowed to cry  "fire" without
ample justification in a crowded place – and,  by extension, to incite the
violent overthrow of the American  constitutional order.

But  such rhetoric concealed unstated premises:  that the federal government
has the same right to censor as does a town or a state, that controls  that
might be appropriate for a community in dealing with pornography
 should also be extended to federal bureaucrats enforcing "democratic"
ideology, that because an idea is wrong political censors are  necessary, and
that one can go on regulating "subversive"  thought without this practice
becoming addictive.

By  the eighties what had been probable turned into fact:  Neocon publicists
were making the federal government into the protector of public  morals and
identifying such morals with their own political concerns.

One  must still look in vain for a single complaint in a neocon publication
directed against the criminalization of speech and writing that  has gone on in
Europe.  The bizarre coverage of the battle between  David Irving and (my
fellow-German Jew) Deborah Lipstadt by the  rising neocon star Jacob
Heilbrunn in National Review (April  2) is a case in point. Heilbrunn celebrates
Lipstadt’s success  in defeating Irving’s libel case against her as a victory
against  anti-Semitism being fomented by Holocaust-deniers.

Contrary  to the apparently easy-going British establishment historians,
Heilbrunn insists on following Lipstadt’s course, "to deny  the deniers the
publicity they crave." He also strongly indicates  that the refusal to embrace
this course, and to treat Irving as  a serious historian of the Second World
War, reflects lingering  anti-Semitic attitudes. But what Heilbrunn offers is less
a defense  of historical accuracy than a whitewash of Lipstadt and of the
Simon Wiesenthal Center that sponsors her.

Lipstadt  and her sponsors having been working famously, ever since I can
recall, to stamp out politically incorrect speech and publications  as a
dangerous source of anti-Semitism. Every time a European  government
muzzles rightwing critics, it is the Wiesenthal Center’s  "concern" that is cited
as a consideration. The view  of civil liberties that the Center and Lipstadt
embody is impeccably  totalitarian, and it is quite possible that Irving, or
someone  distributing his books, will soon be going to jail somewhere in
Europe because of the policies that Lipstadt advocates in order  to deny the
wrong sorts of people "the publicity they crave."

One  should not hold one’s breathe until the neocons or their kept
conservative movement gets exercised over such issues. That kind  of stuff,
we can expect to be told, is not what conservatism is  about.  It is about
"values," or, more accurately, about  what is defined as such by the Beltway
think tanks and the New  York Post editorial office.

May  1, 2001
Paul  Gottfried  is professor of history at Elizabethtown College and author,
most  recently, of the highly recommended After Liberalism.

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When liberty is taken away by force, it can be restored by force.  When
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- Dorothy Thompson

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