-Caveat Lector-  Notes on new Loose Change footage
< http://www.total911.info/2006/09/notes-on-new-loose-change-footage.html >

Up at Cooper's Union in Manhattan on Sunday night, Sept. 10, the Loose Change crew screened some footage they've recently acquired which may or may not be in the their third edition being prepared for debut @ Sundance. Some notes on what they showed:

  • Footage of the south side of WTC 7 before its demolition. This was interesting in that it seemed to show several incongruous flashes emanating from the windows of WTC 7 as smoke obscured most of the facade. This viewer could not attribute the flashes to sunlight glint given all the smoke. What exactly do these flashes portend? A question for further research. The Loose Change crew noted that there were questions of rights to the footage and it is unsure whether the footage will be in the Sundance Edition.

  • Pentagon "witness" -- Lengthy interview with an ordained priest who was a DOJ lawyer for several yrs before taking his vows. He seemed very confused about what he actually saw and admitted several times that his perceptions were colored by later reports. Talked about an aircraft flying over his car. Seemed to think the Pentagon was hit by a Boeing.

  • Pentagon cab driver. The Loose Change crew tracked down the cabdriver who was passing by the Pentagon when a lightpost came crashing through his windshield. This man, and elderly black gentleman who's been driving cabs in DC since 1959, said that a white man in a white van pulled over, helped remove the lightpost from his windshield, and took off -- WITHOUT EVER SAYING A WORD!
    The cab driver went on to say that he was very confused because he kept looking for a plane but all he saw at the Pentagon was a small hole and a small fire -- no debris, no engines, no wings, etc etc.

  • Two more confused witnesses: An Asian autoshop guy and a white lady on a residential street. both think they saw a large plane fly by.

  • A freelance videographer who arrived at the scene almost immediately (he was monitoring police/emergency radio bands) and took 12 minutes of footage before the 75-ft section of the Pentagon exploded and collapsed. He, too, reported no plane debris, no engine, etc - no plane.

    They were beginning to show some footage from FoxNews on 9/12 where there's a conversation about how the CIA & FBI had been tracking the "hijackers" for *months*, but there was a technical difficulty so they showed a quick montage of of folks interviewed (researchers & authors familiar to readers of this website) for the film.

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