-Caveat Lector- "Daily life at Abu Ghraib, the documents show, included riots, prisoner escapes, shootings, corrupt Iraqi guards, filthy conditions, sexual misbehavior, ... prisoner beatings and humiliations...."

scroll for articles

fwd from L Moss Sharman N.S. diocese faces lawsuits by men who say priest sexually assaulted them - Canadian Press 7/9/04 Halifax "Three men who say they were sexually assaulted by a Roman Catholic priest when they were children are suing the Nova Scotia diocese that once supervised him.  The plaintiffs filed separate statements of claim stating the Bishop of Antigonish and the diocese failed to protect them from sexual abuse by Rev. Hugh Vincent MacDonald, who died on June 27.  Prior to his death, the priest was charged with 27 offences involving 18 children between the ages of eight to 15.  The allegations involved a host of inappropriate sexual contact including touching and fondling in churches in Cape Breton and Antigonish, N.S., in the 1950s and 1960s.  The claims filed Wednesday are claiming general and punitive damages from the diocese. No specific amount of money is being sought.No statement of defence has been filed, and the allegations have yet to be proven in court." http://www.canada.com/news/national/story.html?id=59fed4ea-022f-4d57-95ac-35ab203e07f7

Gonzo U.S. militia caught running Afghan 'jail' BY AMIR SHAH AP KABUL "Afghan forces arrested three Americans, including a purported former Green Beret, after raiding a jail they were allegedly running in the Afghan capital and finding prisoners hanging from their feet, officials said today.The U.S. military, facing a widening inquiry into prisoner abuse, quickly distanced itself from the three, who had been posing as American agents before being detained Monday. State Department spokesman Richard Boucher said today "the U.S. government does not employ or sponsor these men."
Afghan officials also dismissed claims by the apparent ringleader, Jonathan Idema, that he was a "special adviser" to their security forces, saying the three had posed as military agents on a self-appointed hunt for terrorists.  Private bounty hunters and mercenaries began arriving in Afghanistan after the U.S. government posted a $25 million (U.S.) bounty on Al Qaeda leader Osama bin Laden. The Americans and four Afghans who were detained along with them "formed a group and pretended they were fighting terrorism," Interior Minister Ali Ahmad Jalali said. "They arrested eight people from across Kabul and put them in their jail."

U.S. News Obtains All Classified Annexes
    to the Taguba Report on Abu Ghraib
    U.S. News and World Report

    Friday 09 July 2004
....    The most comprehensive view yet of what went wrong at Iraq's Abu Ghraib prison, based on a review of all 106 classified annexes to the report of Major General Antonio Taguba, shows abuses were facilitated - and likely encouraged - by a chaotic and dangerous environment made worse by constant pressure from Washington to squeeze intelligence from detainees.
    Daily life at Abu Ghraib, the documents show, included riots, prisoner escapes, shootings, corrupt Iraqi guards, filthy conditions, sexual misbehavior, bug-infested food, prisoner beatings and humiliations, and almost-daily mortar shellings from Iraqi insurgents. Troubles inside the prison were made worse still by a military command structure that was hopelessly broken....

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