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Criminal Presidency

White House Issued Threats in Email Coverup

Messages concerned FBI files, Chinagate, Monica Lewinsky.

Five Northrop Grumman employees were so intimidated by White House threats of
jail that one was nearly fired when she refused to tell her own bosses about
the administration's failure to turn over thousands of e-mail messages under

Newly obtained information shows the White House threatened to have the five
employees jailed after they found — and reported — a glitch in the White
House computer system that prevented the discovery of more than 100,000 White
House messages involving campaign finance abuses, Monica Lewinsky,
"Chinagate" and "Filegate."

The threat came from Laura Crabtree, White House customer-support branch
chief, during a June 15, 1998, meeting in her office after the discovery by
Northrop Grumman of the computer glitch, according to lawyers and others
familiar with the growing scandal. She told the employees the matter was
"extremely sensitive," warned them not to tell anyone about it without
explicit authorization and said the consequences would be a "jail cell."

One of the Northrop Grumman employees, all of whom worked on a
technical-support contract for the Executive Office of the President, was
given 30 minutes to change her mind or be fired for insubordination when she
refused — as ordered by the White House — to tell her immediate supervisors
about the e-mail problem.

That employee ultimately told the company's program manager she would "rather
be insubordinate than go to jail."

During the June 1998 White House meeting, Mrs. Crabtree asked each of the
five employees individually if they understood there were consequences if
they spoke out about the e-mail problem, according to the sources.

The e-mail messages had been sought under subpoena by a federal grand jury,
the Senate Judiciary Committee, the Senate Governmental Affairs Committee and
the House Committee on Government Reform as part of several ongoing

The employees confirmed in interviews Tuesday by government reform panel
lawyers a series of accusations made last month by Sheryl L. Hall, chief of
White House computer operations. She told The Washington Times that
administration officials covered up the fact that e-mail from August 1996 to
November 1998 had not been surrendered as required by law.

Mrs. Hall said at least 4,000 of the messages related to Miss Lewinsky, the
former White House intern with whom President Clinton admitted having a
sexual relationship, while hundreds of others included references to the
White House's receipt of secret FBI files; information on the selection of
corporate executives for overseas trade trips; and e-mail concerning campaign
finance activities in the 1996 election.

The glitch was first discovered in May 1998 when Northrop Grumman employees
traced a programming error on one of four White House servers back to August
1996. The error involved e-mail to and from 464 White House computer users.
The problem was not fixed until November 1998.

Mrs. Hall, who now works at the Treasury Department, said the missing e-mail
messages were discovered when Northrop Grumman found that one of the four
White House Lotus Notes e-mail servers handling the mail for 500 computer
users was mislabeled and a White House search of e-mail messages under
subpoena was incomplete.

She said e-mail from that server was not properly managed over a two-year
period — meaning not collected by the mainframe computer during the
subpoena-record search.
The automated-records management system at the White House was designed to
scan e-mail "in-boxes" of every user once every several minutes and transfer
copies of incoming e-mail messages to a mainframe computer, where they were
stored and searched for production in response to subpoenas, Freedom of
Information requests and other purposes.
The Northrop Grumman employees discovered that because one of the e-mail
servers was named "Mail2" instead of "MAIL2" and because some components of
the system were case-sensitive, the incoming messages to the users of "Mail2"
were not collected between September 1996 and November 1998.

The effort to fix the problem initially was dubbed "Project X," but later
changed to the "Mail2 Reconstruction Project."

The Northrop Grumman employees brought the mistake to the attention of Mrs.
Crabtree and Mark Lindsay, head of the Office of Management and
Administration. Mr. Lindsay, who participated in the June 1998 meeting in
Mrs. Crabtree's office by speakerphone, and Mrs. Crabtree, who now works at
the Labor Department, have been unavailable for comment.
White House spokesman James Kennedy has said the administration made "a good
faith effort to respond in a timely fashion to all requests for information
sought under subpoena."

Northrop Grumman officials have referred inquiries in the matter to the White
House. The firm is a leading supplier of defense electronics, system
integration and information technology. The White House contract was handled
by its subsidiary, Logicon Inc., which specializes in information technologies
, systems and services.

On Wednesday, the House Committee on Government Reform asked White House
Counsel Beth Nolan for a meeting to discuss the matter. The committee issued
subpoenas Thursday for a number of related documents and reports.

Rep. Dan Burton, Indiana Republican and panel chairman, told Miss Nolan in a
letter this week it appeared the White House had " made a conscious decision
to do nothing to solve the problem posed by so many documents being
improperly managed."

He also asked Attorney General Janet Reno why no effort had been made to
investigate the e-mail accusations.
The Washington Times, March 10, 2000
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Em Hotep, Peace Be,
All My Relations.
Omnia Bona Bonis,
Adieu, Adios, Aloha.
Roads End

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