-Caveat Lector-

In a message dated 99-04-19 15:27:53 EDT, [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:

>>>I can't find anything called (1) St Malachi on the Next Pope, so I don't
>>>know if that's the post in which the material re reviving primitive
>>>Christianity appeared.

Quoting Arthur Prieditis' "The Fate of the Nations:
Nostradamus' Vision of the Age of Aquarius," 1982, Llewellyn.

>From Chapter 8, "Three Views of the Future"

     "To translate the incongruous quatrains of Nostradamus and to solve all
riddles propounded therein is, indeed, a very hard task ... Harder still it is
to arrange the unraveled quatrains into a correct sequence of the approaching
     "The first step toward that purpose is -- to classify into separate
groups all quatrains that [are "unfulfilled" but] seem to have for subject
matter the same identical event.  Next, we have to try to arrange
chronologically the quatrains of each separate group.  In such a way separate
fragments of the future unfold before our eyes.
     "The most important of these fragments are:
     "1) the Mohammedans will invade Europe,
     "2) the Asians will invade Europe,
     "3) the Arabs will succeed in expelling the Jews from Palestine,
     "4) monarchy will be restored in France [under "Chyren" = "Henry V"],
     "5) France will temporarily become the dominant power in France,
     "6) England will lose her status as a first-rate power and will never
regain it,
     "7) the power of the Pope will come to an end,
     "8) a new sect or religion will arise, and
     "9) a cosmic catastrophe, called 'translation of the terrestrial globe'
by Nostradamus, will occur.
     "Besides these main prospects many minor ones are revealed, for instance,
revolution in and partition of Italy, revolution in England, a new crusade
against the Mohammedans, and other events."  (p. 315)

     "Nostradamus especially mentions changes in the religious life and, as we
have seen, foretells the ruin of Catholicism and, at the same time, the birth
of a new faith.  Protestantism will be consolidated and renovated and will
come into close union with the new religion, absorbing it.
     "This religion will find adherents among both Christians and Islamites
and, although risen under Mohammedan occupation (V-53), will have preserved
the essential content of the Christian faith (X-31) and, in reality, WILL BE
     "Hence, it can be described as a new and at the same time as an ancient
form of the Christian faith.  Catholicism will strive against the new
religious school, sensing in it a rival and competitor in the contest for
human souls, but the new faith will soon gain ground (VIII-69) and find many
adherents in Germany [birthplace of Protestantism], where the situation will
be favorable for such a profound, religious revolution.
     "Simultaneously with the regeneration of primitive <sic> Christianity, a
great prophet and law-giver will appear ... in the Near East, whither the
European Christians churches will send their representatives to take part in
theological councils to determine what is to be rejected, what retained.  It
can be assumed that the new faith will be based upon some newly found or,
rather, recovered documents, which today still remain unknown, although they
originate in the times of early Christianity (VII-36).  It will be a new,
final Reformation of the Christian faith.
     "Under the guidance of this new faith, after the long racial and
religious wars, the world will finally, about the year 2800, obtain real
peace, which is called "the great millennium" by Nostradamus, and which is
identical with the millennium ... long awaited by many Christians (III-92 and
I-48)."  (pp. 339-40)

     "B:60}  Plague will arise in 3 parts of the world.  Mortality will be so
great-- <snip>
     "B:62-67)  [Islamic invasion of southern Europe from the eastern
Mediterranean, via Turkey.]  After Arabs will have taken [Italy] and, coming
from the Adriatic Sea, will have invaded Hungary, France [having a
Mediterranean coastline] will join forces with England [who, turning pro-Arab,
later stabs France in the back] for common defense.  The counter-offensive
will take place from Portugal (IX-60) and America will give assistance to
Europe (I-28).  The naval and air forces of the United States, Canada and
South America will arrive in the Mediterranean to save Europe and to liberate
Palestine [since by now Israel is also under Arab occupation].
     "When will this Arab invasion occur?
     "It will happen when, in Rome, the seat of Peter is taken by a pope who
will be taken prisoner by the Arabs ... He will have a big part in all these
events but [finally] he will be abandoned and persecuted.  Palestine will be
recaptured and will become a new seat of Christianity, because the [faith]
will return to Jerusalem.
     "B:113-14)  Then will come .... the expansion of the yellow race.  Asia
will have already begun military aggressions simultaneously with the Arab
invasion of Europe and will continue them for twenty-five years ... It will be
the last great war which humanity will experience before [Nostradamus']
     [Remember Nostradamus' famous quatrain, "In the 7th month of 1999, from
the sky [or the East] will come a great King of Terror ..."  (X:72) ]
     "B:40)  During this period will reign the last pope, "Petrus Romanum,"
Peter II, who will terminate the long line of Roman popes, as prophesied by
St Malachi.

>From Chapter 9, "Predictions Other Than by Nostradamus"

     "The most famous of these prophecies is the one by St Malachi, an
Irishman with the family name of O'Morger.  He was born in Armagh (Ireland)
in 1094, was ordained priest at the age of 25 and became bishop at the age of
30.  In 1139 he betook himself to Rome, but on his way, spent some time in
Clairvaux (France) and formed a lasting friendship with St Bernard.  After
his arrival in Rome, he asked Pope Innocent II for permission to retire in
Bernard's monastery, but the pope preferred to see him continue his mission
to Ireland.  Shortly before his death he once more went to Clairvaux, but
directly became ill, predicted the day of his own death and died on November
2, 1148 at the age of 54.
     "St Bernard de Clairvaux became his first biographer.  In his 'Vita
Sancti Malachie' he does not mention the 'prophecy of popes' among the
writings of St Malachi but he does report a number of his accomplished
predictions.  St Malachi's predictions about the future popes he supposedly
coposed in 1139, when in Rome, and presented them to Pope Innocent II.
Arnold de Wion, a Benedictine monk, found the original manuscript in the
archives and included it in his book 'Lignum Vitae' published in 1595.
     "The prophecy of St Malachi enumerates, under the form of legends or
devices, 112 popes between 1143 and "the end of time."  Each legend
characterizes either the pope himself or the nature of the principle events
in his reign.  Since 1143 already 109 popes have reigned.  After the 110th
(the present John Paul II) only two more legends remain.  "The end of time"
approaching, it is possible that the line of popes will be broken by
antipopes, renegades who, supported by revolutionary forces or by foreign
armies, will expel the pope and usurp religious power, with the intent to use
it to the advantage of some political ideology.  (E. Ruir, according to his
interpretation of Nostradamus' prophecies, believes three such antipopes will
reign during this time.)
     "Let me enumerate the last popes, beginning with the 106th, who was Pius
XII, elected in 1939 and reigning until 1958.  His legend, assigned by St
Malachi, is 'pastor angelicus' (angelic pastor).  The next one, 107th, was
'pastor et nauta' (pastor and [navigator], John XXIII (1958-1963).  Although
John XXIII has known how to pilot Peter's vessel past all dangers and
obstacles, great pilot, navigator and traveller was also his successor, pope
Paul VI (1963-1978), the 108th pope in the line by St Malachi.  His legend
was 'flos florum' (the flower of flowers).  With the end of his reign
came also an end to the era of peace.  The 109th pope, with the legend 'de
medietate lunae' (of the crescent moon) was John Paul I (1978), who had
served as patriarch in Venice, a lagoon city of half-moon shape.  The length
of his
short reign was only that of one lunar cycle, with the day of the full moon
falling exactly in the middle of his pontificate (see X-12).  The present,
110th pope is John Paul II with the device 'de labore solis' (of the sun's

     "About the next pope E. Ruir comments:

     "111: 'De gloria olivae.'  The olive in the Holy Scriptures symbolizes
the Jewish people.  This pontificate will see the conversion and
Christianization of the Jewish nation (Deuteronomy 4:30)."  [Or some OTHER
event focusing on Judaism, Jews or Israel.]

     [Chew on THAT, because, as you'll see in post #2, there exists a JEWISH
(though Catholic, he still openly reveres Judaism) CARDINAL in France who
believes Judaism and Christianity can be reconciled, and SHOULD be, by the
Millennium.  As Cardinal, however controversial, he is still among those who
COULD be elected to the papacy.]

     "112.  'Petrus Romanus.'  To this legend St Malachi himself has added
this commentary: 'During the last persecution of the holy Roman Church will
reign Peter, the Roman, who will tend his sheep amidst numerous tribulations.
These having passed, the city of seven hills will be destroyed, and the stern
Judge [in Latin, JUDEX] will judge his people.'  This pope will reign during
the invasion by Asiatics."  (p. 361-4)

     "Pope Pius X, who died in 1914, fell asleep or into a trance during an
audience in 1909 and, awakening, exclaimed: "I had a horrible vision.  Was it
me or one of my successors?  I saw the pope leaving Rome and, to get out of
Vatican, he had to step over the corpses of his priests."  (p. 368)

     "When Pope Pius VI on May 13, 1967 arrived in Fatima to take part in the
festivities of the 50th anniversary of the miracle of Fatima, everybody
expected the final disclosure of the remainder of the prophecy, which up to
now had been kept secret.  But it did not happen.  A few months later a
German newspaper reported from allegedly informed Vatican sources that the
undisclosed part of the message of Fatima contains predictions about horrible
events during the Third World War including the complete destruction of Rome
and of [the Church]."  (p. 377)

     "Lord Roslyn, the patron of the Freemasons, prophesied in 1601: "The
heathen will rise up anew and burn the gates of the Temple, the pillars of
which are resting in all Christian kingdoms.  Then the Knights will leave
their vaults, will break the ROSE from the stone and fasten it at their
breast ALONGSIDE the Cross.  After desperate battles, they will once again
build up
the eternally ancient Temple of Wisdom."  (p. 385)

     [see Part 2]

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