-Caveat Lector- < http://www.total411.info/2006/11/on-photo-fakery-and-vintage.html >

[ http://invanddis.proboards29.com/index.cgi?board=general&action=""> ]

As posted by the Forum Adminstrator of
Nothing Is Real Dec. 13, 2004:
"[Re: PAUL MCCARTNEY'S ears-es]

The lobes aren't always covered, and think about this, they shouldn't change. Post 66 Paul should always have an attached earlobe, catch him just once (and it's been more than once) without this feature, and there's some explaining to do..

Photo fakery is a problem...it happens, believe it.

I bought the book "The Beatles Story" written by Billy Shepherd, (couldn't resist with a name like that) from the UK version of Amazon, and posted this pic on the other forum. Mine said inside "first published in 1964", which leaves out when it was actually published.


TotalInformation posted the same pic from a 1964 version:


Does this tell you something? It should say: deliberate planning.

If it's here, then it's elsewhere.. That's why you need vintage photos..(mine on the left, TI's on the right)

[image] [image]

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