-Caveat Lector-


Osama Warns American Allies As New Attacks Are Feared
Nov 13, 2002
Source: Jiihad Unspun

In a continuing effort to misrepresent what have now become regular
statements issued by Al-Qaida and to wrongly portray Muslims in general,
western press earlier this month issued reports that Al-Qaida had claimed
responsibility for the Bali attacks. Needless to say, they jumped the gun
and are now scrambling to come up with another angle to spin a new message
issued by Osama Bin Laden that was aired by the Al-Jazeera Television
network Tuesday.

In this new statement Bin Laden says “Australia, which we had already warned
not to participate in the aggression against Afghanistan let alone its
abhorrent role in splitting East Timor (from Indonesia), ignored our
warnings until it woke up at the sound of the explosions in Bali. All the
time until then, its government had falsely stated that they weren't
targeted.” He goes on to warn allies of America or “the Pharaoh of the era”
that “Just like you kill us, we will kill you".

Several days ago, CNN issued Breaking News that Al-Qaida had claimed
responsibility for the Bali bombing, quoting a statement on an undisclosed
Web site they said was linked to Al Qaida. After further prodding, CNN
disclosed that their information came from an interview dated October 15,
2002 that appeared on the Alneda site, known to dessimate Al-Qaida material.

The interviewer asked “Is AQ behind these attacks? Or is it the mindful
rebellious Islamic Nation? And its most dangerous reaction (to the ongoing
events) since the fall of the Caliphate? The unnamed AQ spokesman stated “I
will neither confirm nor exclude who stands behind the attacks. May America
sink into the darkness of despair and illusions...." How CNN takes this very
clear statement and then issues an entirely contradictory one can only be
explained by the zeal to create news rather than report it in order to
continue to drum up support for the Bush wars.

In this new address, Osama bin Laden is once again very clear about the
reason for the attacks on America and its allies who continue to kill
Muslims and comments on this current war afgainst Islam saying “so when we
defend our brothers in Palestine, the whole world was moved and formed an
alliance against the Muslims under the false banner of fighting against
so-called “terrorism.”

U.S. officials had little to say about the tape Tuesday. "We just heard it a
short time ago so I'm not prepared to comment on it," said Secretary of
State Colin Powell. "This does not change the administration's position
that, short of having Osama bin Laden in our possession, we do not know if
he is dead or alive," said a senior Bush administration official.

But by Wednesday, the tune had changed, with adminstration officials
confirming it was in fact Bin Laden's voice although they continued to say
they did not know whether is had been "sliced and diced".

Both the original audio in Arabic and a complete manuscript translated by
JUS translators of this latest address “To the Allies Of America” by Osama
bin Laden is available on the front page sidebars of our portal, uncensored
and uncut.

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