-Caveat Lector- < http://www.total411.info/2006/03/pull-it-sheen-challenges-silverstein.html >


Call Silverstein Properties at (212) 843-8068 and ask when he will answer Charlie Sheen's challenge to explain himself on pulling WTC buildings.

From PrisonPlanet.com reports on Friday's new Sheen interview:
"[...]"If there's a problem with Building 7 then there's a problem with the whole damn thing and guess what? There's a serious problem with Building 7," said Sheen.

Sheen demanded that Larry Silverstein, the owner of the WTC complex, explain what he meant when he told a September 2002 PBS documentary 'America Rebuilds' that the decision was made to "pull" the building, which is a demolition term for deliberate implosion.

"When someone makes a statement like that I think it warrants a follow up response," said Sheen.

"In fact you know what I'll come right out and say that I'm personally requesting a direct answer from Mr. Silverstein about what he meant....give him my number tell him to call me I'm just curious. Tell him to call CNN tell him to call somebody because you cannot make a statement like that and not follow it up, and not back it up and not explain it."

"Anyone that cannot view this as a controlled demolition, I would have to say that their chair was not facing the television. Anyone that can look at this and say 'yes, that is a random event caused by fire' really needs psychiatric evaluation," said Sheen.

Sheen challenged the mainstream media to run a poll on Building 7 asking if viewers believe from video evidence that the building was brought down by means of controlled implosion.



Posted by Total to TIA at 3/27/2006 12:59:00 AM

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