-Caveat Lector-

     from alt.talk.royalty

Subject: George Lucas and Royalty
From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] (Louis Epstein)
Date: Thu, 08 July 1999 07:39 PM EDT
Message-id: <qEah3.18928$[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

The Star Wars movies have a rather ambivalent attitude toward royalty.
On the one hand,republican rebels against an empire are presented as good;
on the other,the sympathetic characters include royalty.

The latest offering has a character who is supposedly ELECTED "Queen"
of a planet at the age of fourteen,and previously "Princess" of a city
at twelve,despite humble village origins.

The concept is rather fantastical...and I wonder if it's meant more as
a wish-fulfillment role model for juvenile audience members than anything
else.(Though why not have her be president?)

Without heredity playing a role,what society of adults would defer to a
child as head of state?

Subject: Re: George Lucas and Royalty
From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] (Jfohne)
Date: Sat, 10 July 1999 10:08 AM EDT
Message-id: <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

>Subject: Re: George Lucas and Royalty

>This is a movie script and is ment for  entertainment.  Besides that,
>it is in a "galexy far  away"

I must disagree. Louis has an understanding more so in agreement with my own
opinion. Simply, for centuries Liturgical actions has always been used as a
vehicle to teach that particular faith, whereas entertainment has been the
vehicle used by secular types to preach their own type of vision.
Entertainment throughout the centuries has been a means of teaching, even
dare say so brainwashing the people to agree with the writers and producers
of such events.


To me the whole Star Wars saga is providing a fantasy justification for
revolutionaries and anti-monarchists. So much of it seems to say we don't
mind kings and queens, if they are totally obedient to the every whim of the
people. Which of course is democracy with a slightly different face. Also, he
implies heavily if the people don't select you, it is because you have
ruthlessly climbed the ladder and must be a dictator. Which is quite the
opposite of how so much of European royalty have obtained and kept their
thrones for so many centuries.

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spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought. That being said, CTRL
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