-Caveat Lector-

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Four female RCMP officers allege sexual assault "Four female RCMP officers are alleging they were sexually assaulted by one of their superiors, The Globe and Mail reports. They are accusing the Mounties of orchestrating a cover-up and interfering with an investigation into their complaints. The women filed a lawsuit in Calgary on Thursday against several top RCMP officials, including commissioner Giuliano Zaccardelli, deputy commissioner Beverly Busson and 17 other officers. The suit alleges the police service engaged in "coverups of the sexual assaults" and "participated in reprisals against the women for coming forward with their complaints, including sexual harassment."  http://www.ctv.ca/servlet/ArticleNews/story/CTVNews/1064581441432_21/?hub=TopStories

Germany Says It Uncovered Huge Child Pornography Ring By Richard Bernstein 9/27/03 Berlin, "Law enforcement officials in Germany said today that an international police investigation had uncovered an immense child pornography ring involving some 26,500 suspects who swapped illegal images on the Internet in 166 countries." http://www.nytimes.com/2003/09/27/international/europe/27GERM.html?ex=1065654780&ei=1&en =8935df1b3a1621f8

MaleSurvivor: The National Organization against Male Sexual Victimization, is pleased to announce our first Weekend of Recovery for any male survivor of clergy (from any denomination and any type of clergy member) abuse, scheduled for Friday-Sunday, October 10-12, 2003.  The weekend will be held at the Angel's Rest Retreat and Conference Center, Leyden, MA, about 1 1/2 hours north of Hartford, CT, and 2 1/2 hours west of Boston.  As of this notice (9/27/03) there are still spaces left. To register and obtain further information, log on to http://www.malesurvivor.org/Retreats/2003/clergyabuse.htm
Costs range from $425-350, with scholarships available and discounts available for MaleSurvivor members.

Poverty Climbs, Incomes Slide
Census Releases Numbers on Household Finances

WASHINGTON (Sept. 26) - Poverty rose for a second straight year in 2002 as 1.7 million more people dropped below the poverty line, according to Census Bureau estimates released Friday that provided fresh evidence of the struggling economy's effect on Americans' pocketbooks.
The poverty rate was 12.1 percent last year, an increase from 11.7 percent in 2001 even thoughthe last recession ended in November 2001. That meant nearly 34.6 million people were living in poverty.
Before the two years of increase, poverty had fallen for nearly a decade to 11.3 percent in 2000, its lowest level in more than 25 years.

Cheney's Ties to Halliburton   By Mike Allen   The Washington Post
  Friday 26 September 2003
Deferred Compensation Package Counts, Report Indicates.
  A Congressional Research Service report released yesterday concluded that federal ethics laws treat Vice President Cheney's annual deferred compensation checks and unexercised stock options as continuing financial interests in the Halliburton Co.
  Democrats have aggressively challenged Cheney's claim that he has no financial ties to Halliburton, despite those arrangements.
  The Houston-based energy conglomerate has been awarded more than $2 billion in contracts for rebuilding Iraq, including one worth $1.22 billion that was awarded on a noncompetitive basis.
  The report, from the law division of the congressional research arm of the Library of Congress, said deferred salary or compensation received from a private corporation -- as well as unexercised stock options -- may represent a continuing financial interest as defined by federal ethics laws.
  The seven-page report, dated Monday, did not name Cheney or Halliburton, but addressed the general legal question. It was prepared at the request of Sen. Frank Lautenberg (D-N.J.), who said Cheney should "stop dodging the issue with legalese, and acknowledge his continued financial ties with Halliburton to the American people."

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