-Caveat Lector-

this may be heavy for survivors

Rabbi's son asks jury to spare father's life  By John Springer Court TV FREEHOLD, N.J.  "The youngest son of a once prominent rabbi convicted of hiring a hit man to kill his wife in 1994 appealed to a jury Thursday to spare his father's life....Rabbi Fred Neulander's capital murder trial." http://courttv.aol.com/trials/neulander/112102_pm_ctv.html

from L Moss Sharman New inquest on nerve gas death  - Porton Down volunteer died after exposure to sarin - Owen Bowcott 11/19/02 "The high court yesterday ordered a fresh inquest on an airman who died nearly 50 years ago during secret experiments at Porton Down military research centre into the effects of the lethal nerve gas, sarin, on young servicemen. The ruling by the lord chief justice, Lord Woolf, follows decades of campaigns by ex-servicemen who claim they were duped into taking part and given the impression they were helping research into the common cold. More than 300 volunteers believe they suffered disabilities ranging from breathing difficulties to kidney complaints as a result of the exposure tests, which also involved mustard gas, CS gas, and hallucinogens." http://www.guardian.co.uk/military/story/0,11816,842880,00.html

Child abuse deaths are up Agency reports 53 fatalities last fiscal year, with 41 percent of victims under 1. By Shannon Tan [EMAIL PROTECTED] 11/13/02  "The number of Indiana children who died from abuse and neglect has increased in the past four years, according to a report released Tuesday. According to the Family Social Services Administration, 53 children died from abuse and neglect in the past fiscal year, up from 45 in 2001." http://www.indystar.com/article.php?abuse13.html

Bush aide: Inspections or not, we'll attack Iraq
Exclusive By Paul Gilfeather, Whitehall Editor
GEORGE Bush's top security adviser last night admitted the US would attack Iraq even if UN inspectors fail to find weapons. Dr Richard Perle stunned MPs by insisting a "clean bill of health" from UN chief weapons inspector Hans Blix would not halt America's war machine. Evidence from ONE witness on Saddam Hussein's weapons programme will be enough to trigger a fresh military onslaught, he told an all- party meeting on global security. Former defence minister and Labour backbencher Peter Kilfoyle said: "America is duping the world into believing it supports these inspections. President Bush intends to go to war even if inspectors find nothing. "This make a mockery of the whole process and exposes America's real determination to bomb Iraq."

for your info only :
Welcome to the American Gestapo By DOUG THOMPSON Nov 20, 2002, 08:32
They include provisions to allow private citizens to spy on other private citizens without fear of prosecution if the Department determines their actions were conducted "in the national interest."
"I've read some of the abstracts on the new law and they take the handcuffs off people like me," says private detective Andrew Burlingame. "I can tap anyone I damn well please. All I have to do is claim I thought the guy was a terrorist."
Under the new law, an agent of the Department of Homeland Security can walk into your bank, flash a badge and demand to see your checking and saving account records. No court order. All they need is the "presumption of guilt." They can stop you in your car without cause and search it and you. They can hold you in jail for 30 days or more without filing any charges or allowing you to make any phone calls.
They can call up America Online and put a trace on all your Internet activity without a court order. They can require Visa to turn over all your credit card activity records without notice.
"Again, the process only requires an internal administrative review and not the involvement of any independent judicial authority," says retired judge Macklin. "It violates all previous standards for due process and probable cause."


Getting the Most Out of Homeland Security By Mark Weisbrot, AlterNet November 21, 2002
In a final burst of shameless opportunism for the legislative year 2002, the President and his party pushed their "homeland security" bill through Congress. The bill was laden with pork and gifts to special interests. Among the most ostentatious was a reward for corporations who found security far from their homeland: those who had set up foreign headquarters (sometimes little more than a mailbox in a tax haven like Bermuda) in order to evade US taxes would be made eligible for government contracts.  The legislation also grants the President broad powers to deny up to 170,000 federal workers their collective bargaining rights and civil service protections in the newly created Department of Homeland Security. ...As it turned out, three of the most outrageous special interest clauses attached by House Republicans to the Homeland Security bill were too far over the top for even their Republican Senate colleagues. These included the federal contracts provision for tax evaders; special protection from lawsuits for pharmaceutical companies; and the establishment of a new research center for domestic security issues, which was expected to be placed at Texas A&M University (favored by powerful Republicans). Facing a revolt from within, the Senate Republican leadership extracted a promise from their House counterparts that Congress would change these provisions next year. It remains to be seen if this promise will be kept. In the meantime the Bush administration has announced another assault on federal workers, threatening to privatize the operations that employ as much as half the Federal government's civilian labor force, up to 850,000 employees.
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