MONDAY, MARCH 4. Lurking behind Enron is another corporation which also functions as a high-level cutout.  DynCorp.  This wing of the intell/military cartel has been racking up quite a record for itself.

 On the surface,DynCorp is an info tech company, which has contracts with more than 30 US govagencies, including Defense, State, the FBI, DEA, Bureau of Prisons, Office of National Drug Policy.

 It participates in drug interdiction in Latin America.

 CorpWatch reports that on May 12, 2000, the Colombian National Police intercepted a DynCorp package destined for a US DynCorp office.  The 250-gram container ofliquid tested positive for heroin.

 DynCorp runs the aerial fumigation project to eradicate Latin American coca crops.  The company will not say what chemicals it is using.

 Articles in Insight and the London Observer identify DynCorp employees as being involved in buying and selling women and young girls as sex slaves in Bosnia.

 Pug Winokur, chairman of the finance committee of Enron, and a board member of the Harvard Endowment Fund, is the former CEO of DynCorp.  Since DynCorp has major contracts to provide info tech services to the government agencies listed above--and also to the US Securities and Exchange Commission, which oversees all stock trading inthe US--Pug could easily have access to details of the government investigation of Enron.  In his position as chairman of the Enron finance committee, Pug would have overseen the formation of all those private partnerships Enron used to hide and steal $$.

 As Catherine Austin Fitts points out, another member of the DynCorp board, Frabk Savage, is also onthe board of Lockheed.  Between them, DynCopr and Lockheed run major accounting functions for US government agencies.  Fitts, Kelly O'Meara of Insight, and others have pointed out that between 2 and 3 trillion dollars are missing from US government budget accounts.  Gone.  Running those account books would provide a wonderful opportunity to hide enormous sums.

 More on DynCorp's Winokur.  This from Harvard Watch, a student/alumni group which analyzes Harvard's money dealings.  During the period in which Enron executives touted the company's stock to employees, Harvard's main private investment fund...short sold [means betting a stock will go down] several million shares of Enron stock for an estimated profit of $50 million.  Mr.Winokur's leadership positions at Enron and Harvard raise questions...

 In other words, while Ken Lay was telling Enron employees to bet on Enron stock going up, Harvard was betting it would go down.  Harvard won.  

 Now, a suit has been filed in the US against DynCorp, by a group of agricultural workers in Latin American countries, demanding damages for grave illness and death caused byDynCorp's aerial spraying program.  In deposition, DynCorp still refuses to state which toxic chemicals it is using.

 If an overall US government investigation of DynCorp is ever launched, not only will hundreds of gov employees have to recuse themselves, but the agencies investigating DynCorp will be feeding all their findings into info systems run by DynCorp.

 So when I say that CARTELS are really running things, and these cartels overlap traditional and outmoded views of government and business, I'm not whistling dixie.

 DynCorp.  Bringing a new tomorrow today.    

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