-Caveat Lector-

scroll for news articles - describes violence

two forwarded from Lynne Moss-Sharman Set free to prey: Released sex fiends went on to kill, rape by Jessica Heslam and Dave Wedge  11/17/03  "A Cape Cod priest entangled in a Falmouth murder probe was a central figure at a Bridgewater treatment center more than a decade ago during a mass exodus of hardcore criminals set free only to murder and rape again. The Rev. Donald Turlick and a group of psychologists and counselors, some of whom are still treating and testifying today on behalf of sex offenders, paved the road to freedom for three future killers, two accused killers, at least three repeat rapists and other offenders from the center's 12-bed halfway house from 1989 to 1992, a Herald review of court documents and interviews with former employees found."

Fugitive couple say they're wrongly accused of sex abuse - The Associated Press 11/17/03 "The charges were filed in September 1984, shortly after their daughter told a psychiatrist about sex games at her mother's home day care. After the couple fled, authorities seized nude photos of children and a book about taking sexually explicit photos in their home."  "According to charges against the couple, a girl who was in the LaBoises' care had begun playing in the nude at her own home and her mother had asked her why. The child answered that that was how everyone, including the adults, played at the LaBois home in Minnetonka.  Police later found nude photos of children in the LaBois home, which they described as not pornographic but of questionable taste, and a book on taking sexually explicit photographs, records say." http://www.sltribune.com/2003/Nov/11172003/utah/111770.asp
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