-Caveat Lector-

Sontag's off-key ode to Oslo

by Daniel Pipes
The Jerusalem Post
August 1, 2001


After the collapse of the Oslo process in January, Israeli
and American officials most closely
involved with this diplomacy went silent - and with good reason.
Promising an end of the
Arab-Israeli conflict, it delivered the most vicious and fatal
Palestinian-Israeli fighting since 1948.

But the brief period of remorse by those diplomats and
politicians has now ended. In recent weeks
they have launched an audacious campaign arguing that no
matter how bad things are today, the
parties eventually must return to exactly their brand of diplomacy.

And now The New York Times has devoted its immense
resources to backing up this
self-interested claim. "Quest for Mideast peace:
How and why it failed," (July 26), amounts to a
6,000-word valentine by the paper's Israel bureau chief,
Deborah Sontag, to the men of Oslo.

Sontag works to undermine what she dismissively terms
the "potent, simplistic narrative" that most
Israelis and many Americans now accept: Palestinian Authority
Chairman Yasser Arafat was offered
exceptionally generous terms last summer by prime minister
Ehud Barak, he turned them down, and
instead resorted to a campaign of violence. This shows
Arafat to be unsuitable as a negotiating
partner, so a diplomatic resolution of Israeli-Palestinian
differences is impossible as long as he
remains the Palestinian leader.

Sontag's alternative "narrative" (dare one call it
impotent and complex?) is summarized by her
subtitle: "Many now agree that all the parties, not
just Arafat, were to blame." If she can show that
Israelis and Americans were as responsible as Arafat
for the present crisis, she thereby revives
Arafat as a negotiating partner and with that, the
whole Oslo process. The Palestinian leader comes
off predictably well in her account - like an innocent
bystander to a two-car smash-up.

Instead, she mostly blames that nuisance called democracy.
The change of Israeli and American
leaders at the start of 2001 imposed an artificial deadline
on the talks; had Barak and president Bill
Clinton remained in office, a United Nations official informs us,
a final peace deal "could have been
hammered out." Also, Barak saw former prime minister Binyamin
Netanyahu as his strongest
electoral opponent. To obstruct Netanyahu's path, he
colluded with Netanyahu's rival Ariel Sharon
to enhance Sharon's nationalist credentials, for example
by permitting him to take a walk on the
Temple Mount. Arafat warned this would have terrible
consequences; Sontag reports that he
"huddled on the balcony" with Barak at a dinner party
and implored him to block Sharon's visit to
the holy site, but to no avail. Sharon did go and he
"set off angry Palestinian demonstrations" which
the Israeli forces then put down with "lethal force,"
launching "the cycle of violence" that yet

If the Oslo track was indeed derailed by these dumb
mistakes, rather than being Arafat's fault,
diplomacy can be resumed where it left off. An Israeli
insider sums up Sontag's conclusion by
announcing that "the basis of the agreement is lying there in arm's reach."

This is patent nonsense. In part, Sontag has the facts wrong.
Sharon's stroll provoked 10 months of
Palestinian violence? Inherently improbable to begin with,
this notion has been completely
discredited by several Palestinian leaders' publicly
acknowledging that violence was planned.

Sharon's walk, actually, was but a pretext.

In part, Sontag has the premises wrong. Oslo has not
only caused many hundreds of deaths
(including 700 or so just in the past 10 months), but
it has vastly increased the danger of an all-out
Arab-Israeli war. Why would anyone want more of it?
The answer lies in Sontag's acknowledgment
that her article was based on conversations only with
"peace advocates, academics and diplomats."
By excluding all critics of Oslo, she has uncritically
accepted the pleadings of Oslo's core enthusiasts
- those individuals who, for their reputations to be
restored, need Oslo to be revived. She serves as
their apologist.

Thus, Sontag never mentions the real reason for Oslo's failure:
the Palestinian Authority's violation of
nearly every commitment from the moment Arafat signed
the accords eight years ago. Her article is
consistent with The New York Times having, over that
entire period, politicized its news pages and
not informing about those violations.

With this "special report," the Times caps its record of
undistinguished reporting on Arab-Israeli
diplomacy by publishing what is, in reality, just shallow
propaganda for a failed idea.

They never stop. The elites who brought to the Middle East the Oslo
disaster take the long view. They are not prepared to alter the
course they chartered because it does not fit in with their plans
for " globalizing " the area.

If it looks like Oslo, if it smells like Oslo, it's just a continuation
of Oslo renamed as " The Mitchel Plan."

Who the hell is Mitchel anyway??? Why does anyone care about what he does?
He is an EX US Senator. A private citizen.

Mitchel is Oslo. Don't be fooled again.


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